原帖由 Vinman 於 2/28/2007 08:28 PM 發表
Recently, I have met with my very first girlfriend again and we have not met for over 15 years.
Both of us have not married and we would like to see whether we can still work out now. I am dati ...
好難講架啵... 佢係受嘅, 你做乜佢都lum, 佢係唔受嘅, 你包場食蠋光晚餐放埋煙花都可以無feel... 不過.....
咁啦, 記吓佢鐘意D乜, 唔鐘意D乜... 盡量諗吓點解分手, 錯過嘅一定唔可以再錯!!!
然後比D誠意, 喺間好少少嘅餐廳訂定檯, 做吓 research 睇定餐牌有無佢比較喜歡食嘅野... , 如果佢好鐘意花嘅就送啦, 否則我覺得可以唔洗, 太行喇, 又唔係新相識.. 但係一定要買份小禮物. 千其唔好太扮野, 做返個你又 comfortable, 佢又接受到嘅自己. 總之細心D, 留意同尊重對方, 咁佢先知你有誠意嘛. 佢唔鐘意一件事, 起碼要佢知道你係認真地想重新開始!!!!!!!
努力呀!! 搵真愛好難, 但你起碼要攞個心出黎!!! 佢會 feel 到架!!! Good Luck!!!
本帖最後由 usnameless 於 2007-3-1 00:11 編輯 ]