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回復 2630# 的帖子

你好, 睇左咁耐我第一次發post

我係上海工作, 同屋企人住所以不方便call home service, 我想問去小婷的club house安全嗎? 可以有FS嗎?



回復 2638# 的帖子

咁如果我係club house only massage 可以嗎? 我想 relax 一下

係唔係搵home service就可以提供FS呢? 我睇前面D post話小婷可以安排, 定係有其他agent?


Finally i tried the call in service...
I QQ xiao ting and she arrange a part time girl called 小涵
Since I am living in 松江 so it takes around 45 mins for her to come. She was nice but shy.
In the end I asked for FS but she is shy and no much interaction..... And after that it was too late and there is no taxi.... then I drove her back to downtown....

LJW, xiao ting told me for full time JS they normally not provide FS. Is it true? because I want full time JS to have a better massage skill.....


回復 2689# 的帖子

I just ask 心緣, as I live in 九亭 which is too far away.... many JS may not want to come....


I just tried 晶晶, she just back to Shanghai yesterday.

She was nice and talkative, but may be I am not "open" enought so she is not very  "open" too.

Although everytime I want to go FS before the JS come, but this time I still feel very comfortable to have massage + hj (only). I will try her again.

LJW bro, next time I wanna try overnight. Can you suggest which JS from xiao ting may able to provide further service?

P.S. just want to know anyway can visit xocat forum in shanghai? I only can read the archiver and hard to login to post.




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