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原帖由 Doer 於 2007-11-19 07:56 發表


very well said, but unfortunately I am quite sure most of them won't realise this point.


回復 619# 的帖子

I visited this website and they have contacts in quite a no. of cities...even Guangzhou ( but then we can go Dongguan la...why need room service?? )..I also spotted some good ones but when I wanted to book the girl while in Shanghai, I have to give them home tel phone no.(since I stayed in normal apartment, not hotel), which I don't have, and only can provide mobile no., they declined for safety reason...


原帖由 老江湖 於 2009-5-8 05:36 發表

只接受男人, 哈哈哈!  不分國內外, 只是個別技師較喜歡香港人, 一般較有禮, 小費多一點. 不過就我所知, 有些國內ching出手更大方, 素質亦高.
Yes, I have heard from one of the BG from Anan said theres a regular customer, local Shanghainese in Pudong area..he requires BG to be in fish-net stockings...and he doesn't even to BG to do HJ, only smell the leg for 2 sessions...and RMB500 tips...


原帖由 Doer再見各位 於 2010-5-23 15:04 發表

I have once also behaved like you said, but it took her sso fxxking long ( I think over 2 hrs vesus 20 mins as mentioned by agent), i felt asleep and she rang my doorbell (I stayed in aprtment) so long the doorman came!!!!


原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-5-24 06:25 發表

i usually factor in 1.5 hrs although the longest record was 2 hours.  It also depends on where you stay (and of course, when she has finished the previous customer ).  While waiting, i usually wor ...

That is practical but that particular occassion, I specifically asked for available ones with no nomination at all ( by the way, that time agent was Anan) and supposedly she should be taking a taxi and that was why I was given the info mm would arrive in 20 mins. And it turned out to be over 2 hours...by the way, I did ot let her in and not even answer the door. Eventually the mm not as patience (or persistent) as I was...but still I was very very angry that me ( by the way, within the waiting period I kept calling Anan and she kept saying 10 or 20 mins girl will arrive!!!)


回復 3426# 的帖子

Ningbo - Nightclub (KTV)- girls mostly so so...and most are goldfish

Sauna - most 4-5 Star Hotel has sauna and relatively. The most high class one is 南苑環球酒店, most BGs high quality definitely 600 to 8oo even in CP sn, there it charge 1000, 1100, 1200, and 1280 not really sure how to differentiate, if double fly "only" add 800

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


原帖由 老江湖 於 2012-12-31 17:21 發表
新年伊始, 老江湖祝各位ching 2013嫖運亨通, 安全盡興!
welcome back with the warmest greetings!!!




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