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原帖由 waynea 於 2010-12-11 14:56 發表 8 am drooling. I booked her for next week. I wonder if I should try small love at 3pm and another at midnight.
I wished I found this forum many years ago!

Will try small love next trip!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-12-13 23:33 發表 with domdom of course! 1K for model type. yes, feel expensive too....  also tried 媚媚's 19 yr old high school girl. report later.
Wah teenager! I guess I like to be a jockey than a trainer. I have a thing for more mature ones. Tried small slow the other day, more mature, Pendulum D.

I told her I am sensitive, and she made it last..... So happy, so much. I was so weak, I had to rest. Nice gf feel.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-12-14 00:55 發表 "small slow"? you mean 小婷's 小曼? her massage is good and provides very open service. there's a 軒軒 who is also mature. you may like her.
You are correct in the name.

Thank you old river lake. Xuan xuan technique is better than small slow?


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-12-15 01:02 發表 [url=http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13090010&ptid=128686][img]http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]right. xuan xuan is younger, taller, bigger breasts(firm type), good massage(按摩 推油 SPA), and open too. just try and report.
Let's see if I can try small love AND xuan xuan this time!

Separately of course. I do not think I can handle double fly. Has anyone tried?

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 dbartlett 於 2010-12-15 12:16 發表 [url=http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13092634&ptid=128686][img]http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]Let's see if I can try small love AND xuan xuan this time!Separately of course. I do not think I can handle double fly. Has anyone tried?
I only tried small love, fabulous, she played and teased for a long time. Totally enjoyed it. Very happy.

If you ask me, I still like Jing Jing. A bro told me that Su Su (according to this forum, ancient history!) is the best at hj, she can even stop you from cumming! And prolong your experience. LJH, any idea if she is still working independent?


原帖由 realbbb 於 2010-12-16 14:20 發表 LJH 兄,你的recommendation好強,我下週初去北京,請冋有冇北京agent電話?可pm我
Another lazy bumb, please scroll back one or 2 pages!


原帖由 realbbb 於 2010-12-16 14:20 發表 LJH 兄,你的recommendation好強,我下週初去北京,請冋有冇北京agent電話?可pm我
Another lazy bumb, please scroll back one or 2 pages!

原帖由 waynea 於 2010-10-30 10:17 發表


原帖由 yale 於 2010-12-16 01:37 發表 It's damn cold here in shanghai right now, first snow today. Went to xiao ting's clubhouse tonight. At first, xiao ting introduced a js but later found out that i had tried her before. I then asked fo ...
Last night was cold! I had the wrong shoes and clothing. I thought it was going to be 9 deg!

Stayed indoors the entire time. But only had 1 js small love


原帖由 kosuki 於 2010-12-22 20:28 發表 小弟1/4要去上海請問現在c/p值最高的是哪一位最好是能ML的請各位推薦一下
Invest a little time and read the last 5 pages! You lazy boy.

Ching, do not  encourage this type of questions


原帖由 cng138 於 2010-12-19 00:43 發表 還有就是近來上海上門按摩情況如何?我一般公幹都會往4星酒店既,應該問題不太大吧?入夜上門困難嗎?唔好意思,新人未試過酒店上門,請指教c Hing.
Should be fine, security is lax now, and you find 4 stars at approximately rmb 450-550/night in shanghai now, the park hyatt it 1.4k!!!!!

相關搜索目錄: 酒店


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-12-23 12:47 發表 小婷又有新貨:星星, 浙江, 24/165, 白滑B波, 成熟風騷夠女人味, 骨技專業, 腎療手法好, 配合度高~芳芳, 山東, 23/160, D cup白晢豐滿, 專業推油手法, 擅長腎療, 極開放, 有加值服務空間~
I can only drool! Until mid Jan


原帖由 老江湖 於 2010-12-24 16:02 發表 安安重出江湖, 也換了手機: 1%121118%12  QQ沒變: 7903%2047推薦兩個兼職:珺珺, 廣西, 23/165, 豐滿型, 開朗健談, 熱情, 開放度高, 有沒得升值自己談~糖糖, 天津, 22/163, 45kg, 可愛撫媚, 身型一流, 基本只 ...
I like sugar's long legs..... How is the massage?

相關搜索目錄: 兼職 手機


原帖由 BPL 於 2010-12-27 14:46 發表 The massage girls in Beijing ...either from the viewpoint of "service" or "beauty" are just  ......It's better to stay alone in the hotel in Beijing
CHing, would you take a shuttle to shanghai and spend the weekend there? I have that tendency. Cheaper hotels and massage in shanghai


I just missed xuan xuan from Xiao ting. XT said she resigned. Any other recommendations on more experienced js? I have saw small slow a few times


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-1-15 01:51 發表 [url=http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13332778&ptid=128686][img]http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]菲菲啦, 身材均勻, 有波有蘿, 配合度高, 又識得叫, 係好會令男人爽個種, 你試左先喇~ 不過佢20號開始休息, 係就趁早!
LJH's recommendation is correct. She does not so much oil. Which I prefer oily massage. Dry skin.

When she moans and when she 'teh', feels like girl friend.

She tickled the breath out of me, I wiggled out of bed at one point.

Her cold feet on my balls wes a nice ice feel.

And we just cuddle for a while. Felt like a girl friend with you... Until it is time to pay.

Fantastic experience. I am going to try purple next.


原帖由 eddy543 於 2011-1-17 04:17 發表 [url=http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=13346750&ptid=128686][img]http://[url=tel:][/url]/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]請問 C HING,   除定價之外需要給小費?
You only pay for the taxi fare.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-1-18 15:58 發表 上門是選擇性較多, 想按想摸想砌不同價格悉隨尊便, 老江湖也樂此不疲~ 除了菲菲, 小婷也來了件很開放的廣東mm, ching溝通不成問題了.珊珊, 廣東, 23/164, 甜美隨和, 態度親切, 身材正點, C杯軟滑大波, 開 ...
I think I tried this already. Part time girl. Part 1 very good.

Part 2..... I was licking her C cups, got her really excited... But I have no protection!!!

Lick her ears and c cups, you could get her to shiver! I used my finger to satisfy her.

Showered together.

I think this can go all the way!


原帖由 yale 於 2011-1-20 19:39 發表 Tried 丹丹 on Tuesday night. Look is good and tall, probably 164 mm. Massage skill is not worth mentioning which is quite rare fr xiao ting's us. Open altitude but did hint or tips when touched breast ...
This ching is a more season customer... I was offered dandan. And after i confirmed taking dandan, Xiao ting said she is now taken by another old customer.... So, it was you.

I got the horny Guangdong girl instead. The Guang dong girl does not speak Cantonese, she grew up in Hainan


HJ 260, BM 400-500, FS 1000-1200

What service is 800


I really wish there service like this along with similar quality in Beijing, Dalian, Harbin and Shenyang


原帖由 smartif 於 2011-2-7 18:46 發表 老江湖兄....媚媚有新女叫王云...你試左未?   個樣同身材都好得!!
She looks very nice! Looks like girl next door


原帖由 dbartlett 於 2011-2-7 21:11 發表 She looks very nice! Looks like girl next door
I may get to try nextweek!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-2-10 13:02 發表 冇錯, 佢QQ1#2071#152係用葉子做網名既~
Hong Kong Customer address her as Xiao ting

That is how she identifies us


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-2-9 12:46 發表 王云唔係新女, 之前因為急住需要錢, 亂要tips俾好幾位ching投訴過, 媚媚鬧完之後聽講改左, 希望ching試時佢表現同我當時試個陣一樣好啦~
If her eyes were a bit smaller, she will look like a celebrity. I cannot remember who

I was thinking of asking her to wear shades!


Any similar service in Changchun? (Jilin province)


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