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原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-2-24 01:32 發表 小婷又玩我了, 才剛走, 她就進了個D波尤物來引我, 要兩週後才再去, 要讓給在上海的ching例如sinye兄飲頭啖湯了~小琴, 湖北, 25/166, 真正靚D波, 人妻少婦, 成熟風騷, 按摩手法專業, 專長是腎療和前列腺保養, 加分 ...
I do not have any excuse to go to shanghai anymore!!! Diu


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-3-3 00:25 發表 下週去上海的ching, 恐怕要讓你們頭疼了~ 小婷又剛進了一位尤物, 好波靚女, 身材均勻, 皮膚白嫩無瑕, 風騷嬌媚, 最重要的是會主動開放, 哈哈, 男人之福呀!! 聽說很投入, 會發出很好聽的銷魂呻吟...   ...
Sniff! I have no excuse to go to shanghai


原帖由 markLee 於 2011-3-5 18:53 發表 老江湖兄小婷以前既晶晶已重出江湖,改了名叫小美,兼自己同partner開類似服務,話遲d有埋網站喎。如果想搵佢,呢個電話可以聯絡到佢,15))17^89%%佢話仲有個後生過佢可以有增值服務喎。
I miss her hands so much! Best rpp I have had and best kidney massage


原帖由 sinye 於 2011-3-22 20:23 發表 講起晶晶,都好有印象。佢手骨其實並唔系最好的,比唔上小美、小張、阿雅、軒軒等人,不過2nd part 好耐心,好識點做,再講下一些趣聞軼事,會好舒服、好開心。如果佢的JS同佢一樣甘好,都好值得試下。話時話,晶晶 ...
I still have not tried xuan xuan yet! Missed her a few times


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-3-23 02:53 發表 紫軒 returned to her hometown for college. 2 new ones are also pretty and of similar type. i did tried 娜娜, nice looking, great body & good technique.  娜娜, 江蘇, 22歲/164, 時尚氣質 ...
The hands are more important to me. Especially 調戲


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-3-25 17:26 發表 去左, 就一晚, 飲到暈, 冇試新囡.技師流動大, 等你去之前先幫你問有D乜好野啦~
I gave up on beijing service! Unless there are any changes up there


原帖由 smartif 於 2011-3-23 15:38 發表 我諗佢意思係瞓喺度等住俾囡囡調戲, 你就主動去調戲d囡囡 .....that's why he said their hands are very important to him lor....呵呵!  
You are sooo correct. I prefer to lie there for them to 服伺me... 成個大爺.


原帖由 markLee 於 2011-4-11 18:34 發表 岩岩試完小美(前晶晶)既技師小雨(只做260)!樣:鄰家女孩feel !順眼,笑容好,態度好好part 1: 按摩真係唔錯,夠力,舒服 (以前美容院做過)!part 2: 開放度唔錯。攻上沒問題 ...
Finally have a chance to visit Shanghai, contacted Jingjing. I told her I wanted her, but she asked if looks is not important.

I said as long as the massage is good. And she recomended a teacher! Teacher for the girls.

Name: small cold (Xiao Leng)[in Cantonese Shiu lang]

The massage was very very professional. I doubled the session. It was very good and only missed one spot. I told her the spot and..... I have not been so relaxed for a long time.

The teasing, rpp, balls playing... And then the release was fantastic!

Althogh average looking girl, the massage technique made up for it. I wanted a good massage!

If u r looking for a good massage, I would recomend  冷老师

相關搜索目錄: 美容


原帖由 restNrelax 於 2011-4-30 19:16 發表 刚才上线碰见小美。她也简单了介绍小冷 - 湖南人 26岁 可爱 娇小的身材有对B罩杯的嫩波。会调情手法好,开放度高可以胸推哦! ...
"开放度高可以胸推哦" i did not check... because i was not sure if i should get her on the defensive the first time. I am also not into胸推 unless it is naked, with lots of oil... full body glide. but i have a feeling she is open.

the way 小美 introduced her to me is that she is average!

but i have to say, if you want a good massage, and a nice happy ending by hands, i recommend 小冷. i though she is from Jiang Xi, not too far from Changsha.

I had her stay to keep me awake


原帖由 markLee 於 2011-5-1 22:59 發表 wow...Teacher...tutor.. .must try next time on the first day to refresh myself, but cannot go to there until June...sigh Thanks for the report !!!
Find an excuse to transit in shanghai, pay Jingjing 600 and get a massage all night. No need to stay in hotel!

相關搜索目錄: Tutor


i think xiao ting's part time JS are more aggressive. i had one which i forgotten... came into the room, and say she will change into her work clothes... came out of the bath room with only 茶包 and say 喜歡嗎,我是希望您下次再點我。massage was so so, rpp not good enuf... full service was not my cup of tea....



原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-5-9 12:12 發表 太好了, 客服baby回來囉! 終於又可以透過她來安排技師Kitty了, 老江湖上次被這D波mm伺候得很爽, 一直在回味呢~ 問baby要照片, 還是差不多的, 過幾天去再看看kitty真人好了. 記得kitty的按摩非常棒, 服 ...
Very very nice... Find excuse to visit


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-5-10 17:19 發表 靚女呀!安安新人: 雯雯, 湖南, 26/162, 45kg, 白滑靚波, 有氣質, 成熟有女人味, 可以商量upgrade~
Aiya, 引誘我去上海!!!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-5-12 01:14 發表 點止呀? 安安呢期好鬼死搏殺, 仲有件正野!點點, 湖北, 23/163, 45kg, 34C沙田柚, 樣靚, 活潑乖巧, 小可愛型, 骨技嫻熟, 乜都做~
Ok, this is room much, I do not have time to try them all! Very hard to make up mind!

相關搜索目錄: Make up


原帖由 woailuo0791 於 2011-6-11 18:44 發表 Flying Spirit child where you can arrange the two technicians that can service the same time!
Just call agent and say, 我要两个技师


原帖由 shbigeye 於 2011-7-11 01:25 發表 Is that safe to call the gals home ? Cos I live in SH
If you are single with no gf, it is safe.


原帖由 siuliee 於 2011-7-16 20:13 發表 各位師兄, 吳姐又有新囡介紹. 呢個o靚妹叫蘇曉, 係如假包換既大學生, 係湖北讀大二, 暑假期間黎上海搵外快. 小弟啱啱先試過, 呢個o靚妹真係無得彈, 過程如下:蘇曉外型就係o靚妹仔一個, 個子不過, 長 ...
How much for overnight?


原帖由 hokeung 於 2011-7-20 13:30 發表 LJH Ching, going to BJ next week, is Yu xing and mr yau still in business ? How much will be fs and is it save in BJ 4-5 star hotel ?  Tks a lot
I used 雨馨in beijing. She sent Chen ming. My reaction is WAH!

In less than 40 minutes, her phone rang, and 雨馨 gave her new order already. So no mood.


原帖由 hokeung 於 2011-7-25 09:07 發表 师兄,你说的wah是什麼意思呀?謝謝


原帖由 曳曳男 於 2011-8-2 21:17 發表 [url=http://[url=tel:[url=tel:][/url]]58.[url=tel:64.143.73]64.143.73[/url][/url]/f/redirect.php?goto=findpost&pid=14930270&ptid=128686][img]http://[url=tel:[url=tel:][/url]]58.[url=tel:64.143.73]64.143.73[/url][/url]/f/images/common/back.gif[/img][/url]試完快d出報告
I just had a massage from her. And I wanted to keep her overnight! My cup of tea.First time I want to keep a girl overnight. And what happens?I do not have enough money!!!

Part 1 was very good and I like the teasing.

[ 本帖最後由 dbartlett 於 2011-8-4 15:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-8-4 20:27 發表 so great!   陳雪actually provides BM but she would ask for much tips (小婷doesn't encourage this and in fact prefer customers experience the essential of on-call massage --- 腎療). the m ...
I did not have enuf $$ for over night, and she did not want me to go to the ATM across the street! Complete gf experience only had enuf for 2 hours. No VAS.

I had her wear my shirt because she was cold, she said everyone what her to take it off. And then she rewarded me with nothing under my shirt!

I am getting an erection writing about Her


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-8-4 20:44 發表 standard price for overnight is massage+hj (once only) at 800, and sleep together, within 8 hrs after midnight. you can hug but no other action is allowed (money talks sometimes ).
It was 600 before, right?


原帖由 tomdotcom 於 2011-8-7 02:51 發表 八個鐘頭抱住條女訓覺!? 除非我係太監!


原帖由 apple997 於 2011-8-9 19:03 發表 各位好, 小弟都定期去SH做野, 而家先知道原來有咁好既討論區o係度, 之前真係浪費哂D子彈o係d四仔碟度...8月底我會去幾日, 可能會住o係樓山關路附近.我係第一次出黎玩, 所以問下前輩們, 唔想第一次就有壞印象, 請 ...
Same feeling, but I have not gone to bj yet... Just BM the most.


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-8-10 01:09 發表 what if bro dbartlett's COT 陳雪 offer you bj & fs at a reasonable price? 陳雪, 江西, 22/164, 皮膚白, 胸大, 按摩手法專業, 幽默健談, 擅長腎療前列腺, 配合度高~see her new tempting pic & drool~~ ...
You should have a picture of her wearing my dress shirt.She already refused fs... I did not asked about bjThis one can sink boat

You know I a cheap, so you put "at reasonable price"

[ 本帖最後由 dbartlett 於 2011-8-11 07:55 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 幽默




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