±À¤¶:| ­^»y½Òµ{ | Causeway Bay order food | ¾·~­^»y | ¤Æ§©½Òµ{ | Wedding Photography | ¤Ñµ¡¨÷¥¬§ó´«ºû­× |

 134 123456


­ì©«¥Ñ fairview ©ó 2012-11-2 16:39 µoªí nana is a good JS
She is Very very good. I wonder if ¤p·Ëis back as well.


­ì©«¥Ñ microguy ©ó 2013-7-4 23:43 µoªí ¤U¬P´Á­n¥h¤W®ü¥X®t, ¦³¨S¦³¦nªºagent and ¤k¤k¤¶²Ð? ²Ä¤@¦¸¥h¤W®ü, ·Q­ø¨ì¦³¤Wªù«ö¼¯, ·Q¸Õ¸Õ. ³Ì¦n¤k¤k·|«ö.·PÁ®Í...PM§Ú³£±o
Another lazy reader.

Read the last 10 pages, or the last 20 pages...


­ì©«¥Ñ shanghaiexpat ©ó 2013-7-11 09:52 µoªí I tried 'little dream' ¤pû| yesterday, I would say her massage skill was so good and thoughful, I almost fell asleep. Part 2 was ok la and we had a long talk and she reads a lot about puncture point a ...
Very true. I think she could go all the way!


­ì©«¥Ñ yale ©ó 2013-7-20 13:10 µoªí Try your luck, I tried but in vain«ö¤p¹Ú说¡A¤p¬ü‰N¤£¤é¦^Âk¡A¤j³ß訉¡A­n¬Ý­·¨¼¬O§_¨Ì旧
You need to be old and ugly and poor!
Not hotel but apartment.


­ì©«¥Ñ shanghaiexpat ©ó 2013-11-14 10:06 µoªí Long time no written report la. ¦w¦w really provide top quality girls and I tried 2 during summer and both are great. Very beautiful and of course part time. Yesterday, after a long time no visit to ¤p ...
Should visit the forum before going to SH. Missed opportunity!


I have not visited this forum in a letter no long time!


­ì©«¥Ñ jingya ©ó 2015-1-28 09:07 µoªí So, who and where should one know and go?
Stay in the hotel and call small stop!


Marsway is a pessimist, Merlot is the optimist. Even in he most boring place, Merlot can entertain himself


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨k¤H·R°ª¹F ©ó 2015-6-25 16:04 µoªí Brother Merlot, Thanks for your infomration. this is really helpful for all of us. as it is too expensive for going to KTV in shanghai. If possible, could you please also PM the information for the Ma ...
I believe it was mentioned 1.7-3.5k


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