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原帖由 tomdotcom 於 2011-9-29 19:16 發表 每個月都去上海一次探望在果度工作的老虎,每次都是去大班、康駿、康••••••之類的按摩真沒意思。真的羨慕各位師兄!


原帖由 tomdotcom 於 2011-10-1 01:10 發表 上海有咩會所好玩?


原帖由 HNKBILL 於 2011-10-5 15:18 發表 我是新丁,首先我要向老江湖兄和各位Ching說一聲謝謝。在這裡真的獲益良多,很可惜我出差上海多次都不知道有這樣的服務, 錯過了大好時光。我是在一次偶然機會下發現了這個網站的。兩個星期前從SHA回來以后,I spent ...
Stay with the last few pages. I found myself to be so outdated with the JS, they no longer work there by the time I reach SH!


原帖由 大細ken 於 2011-10-10 23:12 發表 師兄靈子的曼曼只提供260服务.
Select the JS recommended by LJH. talk to the js


Finally get to try kitty!
She is very very short, small feet, cute.

My first bj... Very very good! KOed too soon. She said that I should have told her so that she can make it last.

Her massage is good as well.

And then tried jiajia, hands are so so, there is no strength but on the right spot, you can feel the strength.

Have vas, but I stay with basic. I think she has fs...

Her technique has a lot of room for improvement.


原帖由 andy1965 於 2011-10-12 03:44 發表 LJW Ching, 小弟明天出游上海幾日,可否pm D agent 電話? 我之前有試過的,但已唔見左D agent電話了。小弟想試雨婷及文文。謝謝了!
Another lazy bum, go back a few pages! You need to put in a little effort!


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-10-15 01:13 發表 又一位靚女紅牌跳槽小婷家, 好幾個裙下之臣聞香追隨, 剛來就點鐘不斷了~ 彤彤, 山東, 23/164, B+靚波, 身材比例一流, 皮膚白滑無瑕, 清純乖巧, 溫柔體貼, 按摩專業認真, 態度極佳, 擅長腎療和前列腺保 ...
Why? Every time after I leave SH, there is new hot JS?


原帖由 LaiSuHuan 於 2011-10-16 18:55 發表 講真句,要全套大可以落深圳去東莞,個邊又便又靚服務又好,邊使話到上海搵埋的全套骨技又差服務又少價錢多到深圳東莞多多聲的。到上海無非喺公幹,工作之餘先至話搵埋的上門噠骨啫,鬱親就要小費,260加 ...
Did you just ate a stupid pill or something???

Geez, this is a shanghai topic. Not a comparison topic! There are those of us who can never do anything in dongguan!

If you do not like the services in Shanghai, then piss off!

Why don't you go up to Changchun and check out he Chicago there! 300  and you get fabulous massage, pretty girl and overnight!


原帖由 LaiSuHuan 於 2011-10-22 02:36 發表 he呢位師兄此言差矣。我喺上海亦都有嗌小婷安排滴JS做800既,但喺試落真喺好失望好唔抵。況且我只喺講真話,你們又何必咁嘮氣啊?唔通講真話都有罪?我唔喺靈子既槍手,唔會好似有的 ...
I really think you should piss off completely. All of us who are customers here.

We all have our unlucky experience and some fantastic ones.

Life is not a bed of roses. If you are used to a bed of roses, then stay there.

I think you have overstayed your welcome here.


原帖由 LaiSuHuan 於 2011-10-22 02:57 發表 仲有我唔明點解靈子的服務咁好,好過小婷安安多多聲,靈子的JS手法服務各方面都可以話好過小婷安安既,我亦都相信應該好多人好似我咁見到呢個論壇搵過靈子,亦都相信靈子啲服務冇話令到邊位師兄唔高興,點解 ...
This forum is about massage, you are looking for FS please go back to dongguan.

I believe most of us here is looking for a good massage.

You are looking at it from a fs prospective, of course small stop has horrible service for you.

I think you should cut your losses. Make like a tree and leave


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-10-24 23:03 發表 小婷已經做左野, fire左陳雪~心雨表現悔意, 短期留校察看~
I am going to miss chan snow...

It is a good thing or else I will sink


原帖由 LaiSuHuan 於 2011-10-26 01:36 發表 I don't know what I did wrong, just tell the truth only, were you this attack, interesting?
Of course you did not do anything wrong.

But there are those of us who think that you are trying to change the subject.

Please read the subject again.

It is quite apparent that you are looking for services beyond 260. While most of us are simply cheap and want to be pampered.

If you do not understand that, and if you feel that you are being attacked, and you do not feel welcomed here, perhaps you should not come back here.

No one can attack you or insult you without your permission. I guess you just gave us permission.


原帖由 空空如也165 於 2011-10-28 00:12 發表 Sorry,我還真沒有試過上海的上門按摩,只是跟靈子交談感覺靈子幾專業的,所以就好自然覺得她的JS很不錯。

And I thought you are speaking from first hand experience



原帖由 LaiSuHuan 於 2011-10-28 03:54 發表 江湖兄,呢位小甜甜本人試過啦,樣麻麻啵,飛機場來噶,骨技一般,冇靈子啲咁掂啊。
I would like readers of the forum to beware of this user. He is free to write what ever he wants. But my conclusion is this:
Credibility is rather low.

Even if one thinks the agent exaggerated, A cup still a serious lump compared to a flat runway.

Flat means no boob at all. Like Leslie Cheung. Even jacky Cheung has bigger chest than flat runway.


原帖由 LaiSuHuan 於 2011-10-29 23:47 發表 我所講一切都系真話都系親身體會,根本冇添油加醋,亦冇誇張到。我唔系槍手唔洗理會你地點谂,我個人認為靈子信得過,就系呢處推薦。我個人信譽如何,所講是否真實,試過靈子服務既都知道,我好相信靈子唔系 ...
B cup is reported as runway flat? And there is no exaggeration.

I rest my case


原帖由 yauka 於 2011-10-31 15:59 發表 江湖兄你好,見到你個post 長開長有,小弟我新手下個月會去上海想見識下玩下咁,有冇咩好介紹? 同埋小弟新手一個,有冇d咩要注意?唔該晒你先
Bring enough money. Be nice to JS.

And if yOu are like some people, bring your own rabbit.


原帖由 yauka 於 2011-11-1 09:36 發表 Thanks for your reply, but any suggestions for some good contacts
Read the post in the last month. All agents recommended by lao Jiang Hu are good.

I would ignore most other comments if you are new. I think you should be able to see who is credible. There are "recommendations" that come from people who has not used the JS. So, beware.

[ 本帖最後由 dbartlett 於 2011-11-2 08:44 編輯 ]


原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-11-2 23:37 發表 老江湖感謝各位支持, 本就對無聊份子搞事不予理會, 有大家的good-will和正氣, 牛鬼蛇神自會現形遁走~ 一本分享, 推介, 預告的精神, 繼續拋磚引玉, 望大家多多report~ 陳曦改名晨晨, 這囡已介紹多次, 但小 ...
This week going to SH with tiger... Week after, I go again, ;-p looking forward to morning glory!






原帖由 老江湖 於 2011-11-4 17:52 發表 靈子北京業務開始了, 與北京partner走的是高檔路線, 推油絲足是400/90, 另外的是600/90及1200/90, 應該是一分錢一分貨, 而且實價服務, 不會有敲小費之事, 老江湖尚未有機一試~
I hope you get to try before me.

I hope to return to china in 2 weeks. Will know next week.


原帖由 Ms-06s 於 2011-11-13 18:56 發表 Very disappointed experience.....Finally got reply from Miss Blue from QQ the other day. I told her that I need MM that is stylish, tall and she said that SHA is under KO attack. She told me t ...
not sure which is blue... try small stop. and HJ is 260 NOT 400


Just tried Nana from small stop, 10 minnutes into the massage, I told her to add hour! She is the best masseuse I have had in shanghai! Extremely professional quality. Hitting all the necessary points that needs addressing.

All the old c-Hing here knows, when we get older, we do not get as hard and do not last as long. I cannot stay hard for too long. But, she got me hard and big... And kept it hard for sooooo long, I could not believe it. And I believe she milked me dry. Never cum so much either.

I did not try other services as I am as happy as I can get already, no need for VAS.

Now, I have to clarify that on appearance, she is not pretty or hot, just look like ordinary girl. Boobs, not big either, I think cup is less than b. then again, I could be wrong, I am not that interest in boobs. She has very very nice legs.

BUT with the massage technique alone, I would only ask for her the time being, even if she does not play with birdie!

[ 本帖最後由 dbartlett 於 2011-12-13 00:07 編輯 ]


原帖由 fairview 於 2011-12-14 00:52 發表 ching, I was looking for nana last nite.  I had very good experience with her last time.  she does not has the devil body of xiao jun, but her service is pretty good. I think her boobs is B+
I do not know cup size. Did not know how big gf boobs are until she show me her friends! DD vs A! (gf has a cup)  Nana used to work at shuidu in Shenzhen! As in water capital


原帖由 yale 於 2011-12-13 19:04 發表 Thanks, love to read fair and true comments from those who tried.Even if the js doesn't look great, at least I was well advised and thus prepared.
I actually prefer a good massage, even from a 60 year old. LJH may ask small stop to arrang a 60 year old for me next time


原帖由 sh1007 於 2011-12-15 16:24 發表 提到老江湖,有谁知道他去神马地方了?楼主是弃楼了吗?
I have not heard from him in a month!




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