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­ì©«¥Ñ yale ©ó 2012-1-7 01:59 µoªí ¬Q¤Ñ¸Õ¤F¤p´@ªº®R®R¡A®¼µÎªAªº¡A¤O«×¤]¤£¿ù¡A§Ú°s³Ü¦h¤F¦o¤]«Ü¦³­@¤ßªººCºCªºµ¹§Ú§Ë¡A¨S¤°»ò¤£º¡©Î·t¥Ü®É¶¡¤Óªø¡A§Ú¸ò¦o»¡¥ý¥ð®§¤@¤U¦A§Ë¡A¦o¤]¨S¥¼°±¤â¡A«Ü¦³±M·~ºë¯«¡C¤O«×¤]°÷¡C¥i­nªø¬Ûªº¥i¯à¤£¯à¦³¤Ó°ªªº´Á±æ¡C
She looks like a school teacher if she is wearing her spectacles. With your white dress shirt!

But the massage is very very good.

I think she goes back to nanchang next week. 19 or 20


­ì©«¥Ñ Daiger ©ó 2012-2-20 23:44 µoªí ¹L¨â¤é¥h¥_¨Ê¡A¤SµLCHING¥i¥HPM§ÚAGENT CONTACT¡H¥H«e¥Î¶}«BÁj¡A¦ýQQµo²{­ÓACCOUNTµL¥ª¡C¦hÁ¡I
Beijing JS provide crap service

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ dbartlett ©ó 2012-3-4 09:52 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ orca2 ©ó 2012-2-29 09:38 µoªí hi Ching, can u kindly forward ¤p´@'s contact ifo to me? I will go to Shanghai for biz trip n want to try massage as well. Thank you.
¤p´@: 1#818#82972  QQ: 1#2071#152  MSN:xin.ziing¦Ñ¹«live.cn
¤ß½t: 1#76467##19  QQ: 4#6909##
¦w¦w: 1#524#0579#  QQ: 790#52047
ÛrÛr: 1#585901950  QQ: 18490%27
ÆF¤l: 1#651641#1#  QQ: 122656790#    SH, BJ
´A´A: 18721%88779  QQ: 7707%9%98
¤pº½: 1590045721#  QQ: 96#5598#9      SH, HZ
³n¶º­ô 1872156984# QQ: #16550442


­ì©«¥Ñ restNrelax ©ó 2012-3-4 00:23 µoªí
¦U¦ìching¦n¤[¤£见¤F¡C¬Ý¨ì现¦b这状况¤×为伤·P¡C§Ú¤L¦~从这±o¨ì¦n¦h«H®§¡A帮§U§Ú¨É¨ü¤W®ü¤W门«ö¼¯ªºªA务¡C这¨Ç³£归¥\给 ...
I totally agree, it is very sad and there are less information on new JS because LJH is not commenting much now!

I cannot contribute becoz, i keep asking for same JS. still stuck on nana.


­ì©«¥Ñ kongtat ©ó 2012-3-5 01:08 µoªí Yes, here is so quiet now. I tried kimkim last week. Look is 60/100 c size. Massage is really good, may be better than Nana. Open and good for Ching who looking for upgrade service. file:/// ...
Photo of ª÷ª÷did not show up
I will try and report

[ ¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ dbartlett ©ó 2012-3-6 00:41 ½s¿è ]


­ì©«¥Ñ restNrelax ©ó 2012-3-4 00:23 µoªí ¦U¦ìching¦n¤[¤£见¤F¡C¬Ý¨ì现¦b这状况¤×为伤·P¡C§Ú¤L¦~从这±o¨ì¦n¦h«H®§¡A帮§U§Ú¨É¨ü¤W®ü¤W门«ö¼¯ªºªA务¡C这¨Ç³£归¥\给 ...
This one looks yummy!

But I place more importance on bone skills. I do not have to be permitted to touch JS.

I know a c Hing told me to get blind massage. I would if they ¤Wªù


­ì©«¥Ñ restNrelax ©ó 2012-3-6 22:22 µoªí Hi dbartlett, you should try ª÷ª÷. We definitely can't compare her to those blind massage or Chinese tuina practitioners. But, I really enjoyed her hands and her few simple yet effective techniques.
I have booked her for my next trip! Looking forward to it.

I wonder if I can convince her to wear my white shirt... Vacuum... Easier when it is colder! I have convinced a few of small stop's js to wear my shirt instead of their sexy outfit. Only 2 vacuum so far. Very very sexy. I am getting hard thinking about girl in my shirt.

Any unhealthy middle aged man's shirt will always be too big. Much easier access for your hands! Hee Hee. I hate their tight outfits.


I still prefer nana. Kim kim's Boobs not as big as described. And she is only 162....

Ok experience, I kept her for the night. We were both tired, so fell asleep quickly. Rather disappointing. Unhooked bra before falling asleep, and boobs felt small. Or are my hands too big.


­ì©«¥Ñ creamy888 ©ó 2012-3-11 14:30 µoªí brother dbartlett: what is the charges for keeping her for the night?
She arrived after midnight. 800. Technically, have to massage all night!

Since double clock is not much cheaper... Now, it is only sleeping in your arms. She can still stop u from touching her. No FS and fully clothed...

I think she charges for interactive. I learn interactive means GF feel. Kiss, touch, etc. but HJ..

I did not go for vas


­ì©«¥Ñ Salute ©ó 2012-3-13 14:58 µoªí ¦Ñ¤H®a¥S¡A§Ú¤µ¦¸schedule©w¤F¡A¥|¤ë¤G¦Ü¤Q¤T¦b¤W®ü¡A¦p¦U¤U®É¶¡³\¥i¡A¥X¨Ó·q§A´X¤ä§a
No travel until 20/4...


­ì©«¥Ñ Salute ©ó 2012-3-11 17:19 µoªí ¤d¤­¥u¬Oµ¹§A¨â¤p®ÉªºML full service ¤F¡C¤W®üÉÆÉƹL©]¤@¯ë³f¦â¤]­n¤G¤d¤­¨ì¤T¤d¡C
I thought FS is 1-1.2k, we were told not to spoil them. I have never tried FS.


­ì©«¥Ñ creamy888 ©ó 2012-3-21 17:32 µoªí ®v¥S­Ì¡A¦³ÉN¤p§g¤Îª÷ª÷嘅¦×·Ó¡H
Scroll back one page


­ì©«¥Ñ smartif ©ó 2012-3-19 10:00 µoªí ¤W©P3¥s¤p´@¦w±Æ®R®R¤W°s©±«ö¼¯.  ®R®R­Ó¼Ë³£OK, SLIM ¨­§÷.....¤£¹LÊ\¼L®B¤Wªº¦½¤ò¦³D²`¦â..  ¤£¹L¾ãÅé³£µL°ÝÃD¬J.  PART 1 ¤U¤U°÷¤O, ¦n±M·~...PART 2 ³£¦n¥¿...¦nÃÑ»s³yHIGHªº®ðª^Åý§Ú·P¨ì¿³¾Ä.  ºNÊ\´NµL®æ¤â, ¥ò ...
Her legs are very smooth, her skin overall is very very smooth.

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: °s©±


­ì©«¥Ñ Chinapus ©ó 2012-4-1 08:53 µoªí §Ú¦b¤W®ü两¬P´Á«e¤]试¤F®R®R¡A¥Ö肤¯uªº«Ü·Æ¡A«ö¼¯«Ü¨ì¦ì¡A¥i¬O¤£¬O§Ú试过³Ì¦nªº¤W门«ö¼¯¡C«e25%§a¡C¨­°ª160-163¡A样»ª¥i¥H¡A¤£过¤£¬O§ÚªM¯ù¡C还¦³¥i±¤ªº¬O ...
Do not take of her bra, and it will look a lot bigger!

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ¯ù


­ì©«¥Ñ w70022 ©ó 2012-4-3 16:36 µoªí «BÄɪºªA务现¦b¬O¥þ国©Êªº¡A¤W®ü  ¥_¨Ê  ¤Ñ¬z  ªC¦{  ¦¨³£  ­«庆  «n¨Ê ªZ汉  济«n  «C岛  苏¦{  ¤Ó­ì  厦门  µ¥¦a³£¥i¥H
Her beijIng JS is no good


­ì©«¥Ñ david888 ©ó 2012-4-29 22:04 µoªí C Hing you never mentioned ÉÆÉƼ˻ª, ¨­§÷, ¦³¤L¤j¤¬°Ê±¡«× ??
Wah! Question about something posted 5 years ago! Can anyone recall?

Recommend just continue reading, you will find it very informative, may be make you horny enough to plan a trip to shanghai or even find a job there!


Chings, any service like that in Guangzhou?

So lonely here.


­ì©«¥Ñ yale ©ó 2012-5-9 14:04 µoªí Bro. Salute, sorry for late reply as I was with my ¶º²° last 2 days. I stayed at BB's hotel and actually we are on the same floor,opposite room. But since you were not in SH to organize a big party, ...
But not too much old hairs... Do not want to ruin it for other CHings


­ì©«¥Ñ hzhk2000 ©ó 2012-6-24 19:06 µoªí C hing, please advise which number I should call. Many thanks!
Anyone, read the last 20 pages to see what you might like!


­ì©«¥Ñ davoyu ©ó 2012-7-9 16:36 µoªí ¤p´@ÁÙ¦³³¯Äf¶Ü? ¤U­Ó¤ë­n¨ì¤W®ü,¯u¤£ª¾¹D«ç»ò¿ï¾Ü,¨S¦³¦Ñ¦¿´òªº´£¿ô¤F
Chen Xi is back home, she is staying with her sister. She said she has retired from the business. She is also a tea merchant


­ì©«¥Ñ white ©ó 2012-7-5 22:50 µoªí §Ú¤W¬P´Á§ë¤F¤p´@ªº¤p·Ë¤@²¼¡Aoriginal plan try to ask her stay over-night, but ¦]为­nÚ»ªi¡A¥u¦n©ñ弃
I would also give her the same vote.

She claims Nana to be better than her


­ì©«¥Ñ ¨¸°©ºë ©ó 2012-8-4 20:27 µoªí
Hmmmm, let's not spread whispers.


CHings, I heard that one ching got caught here, wife visiting the site...


­ì©«¥Ñ Kpkpkpkp ©ó 2012-8-27 00:20 µoªí ¤@ª½¬OCD-ROM, ¦hÁ¦U¦ìchingªº¤¶²Ð, Àò¯q¨}¦h¡C¦Ñ¦¿´ò¨««á¡A¦¹©«ÀR¤F¤£¤Ö¡A¦U¦ì­n¥[ªoµo¨¥¡A­ø¦n¤ñ©O­Ó©«¨I¥ª¡I«e´X¤é²×©ó¸Õ¥ª¤p§g¡A¹ê¦b¦^¨ýµL½a¡Aª½ÀY¨I²î¡A¤£¯à¦Û©Þ¡C·í¤é§Ú¦³¤@­ÓÄÁ®É¶¡¡AžM¥ª¤p´@À°¤â¡A¤¶ ...
Congrats on the sink...


³Ìªñ§ä¨ì­Ó¤¤¤k¡A§Úcot¡CÂN¡IµL¥X¤õ¡C300 ¡þ120¤ÀÄÁ¡C




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