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大 家 好 ﹐  上 網 不 停 甘 睇 資 料之 後  發 現 在 呢 到  。
我 依 家 都 驚 緊 ....事 源 ...........聖 誕 前 同 女 友 分 左 手 ﹐  一 時 衝 動 自 己 去 左 老 蘭 飲 酒 ﹐  之 後 仲 ons左 ........有 帶 套 做 ........
之 後 過 左 一 個 星 期 .....同 前 女 友 見 面 我 地 都 發 生 左 關 係 ....仲 要 無 用 .......... 到 左 呢 個 week 頭 覺 得 好 內 疚 ﹐ 我 前 女 友 好 似 想 復 合 ....但 系 我 依 家 好 怕 有 病 。 。 。 呢 個 week 我 去 做 左 一 系 列 既 std test 全 部 negative....暫 時 心 情 叫 做 好 d﹐ 。 。 但 系 真 系 好 難 頂 ﹐  好 怕 有 野  仲 要 傳 埋 比 前 女 友 .......

我 系 自 己 去 化 驗 所 做 test ﹐  化 驗 所 個 個 人 話  你 有 套 做 機 本 上 唔 晒 點 擔 心 A同 梅 。  仲 話 帶 套 中 A 暫 時 系 無 實 例 .....如 果 你 中 就 系 全 球 第 1個 。 之 後 話 依 家 VDRL驗 梅 毒 血 清 都 好 準  機 本 上 1-2week都 check到  antibody。  叫 我 week 3-4 抽 時 間 驗 多 次 就 ok。
只 於 HSV 都 系 negative 同 依 家 過 左 15日  都 無 出 過  機 本 上 都 排 除 得 。  依 家 等 4 week 同  6 week 做 多 次 A 甘 應 該 無 咩 大 問 題 。  

最 怕 都 系 HPV 同 花 ......我 準 備 緊 聽 日 book Dr. Ho 問 下 有 無 得 做  hpv dna。  睇 post 話 有 Ching驗 過 ﹐  但 系 可 能 有 false postive 既 可 能 性 ﹐  同 埋 太 多 部 位 唔 知 點 check 好 。  不 過 我 唔 理 喇 ﹐  準 快 book Dr. Ho 睇 下 有 無 得 check 好 過 ﹐如 果 可 以 我 都 想 take 多 d sample做 多 幾 個 部 位 等 自 己 安 心 d。

另 外 A個 方 面 ﹐  我 plan緊 week 4 去 某 化 驗 所 做  hiv Antibody & p24 antigen test。  
根據 外 國 既 醫 學 報 告 指 出  如 感 染 hiv, 第 10日 會 產 生 antigen﹐  16日 系 最 多 ﹐  以 打 後 既 時 間 會 續 步 因 antibody出 現 而 減 少。  所 以 around week 3 做  antigen 會 系 一 個 good indicator。  系 英 國 個 邊 就 話  at week 4, 28 days, 做  duo機 本 想 以 經 系 9x%準 確  因 為 如 果 感 染 左  antigen or antibody test 會 事 但 一 樣 check到  positive。


岩岩睇完 Dr. Ho, 真系一个好好医生。 有问必答 仲解释得好详细。
拒话我中招机会都好微, 唔甘话100% 但系都好难中。
做左hpv dna 测试, 拒话我个程况下 呢个报告可信程度有70-80%。 都系个句 无100% 但系可信性都好高。

不过拒叫我留意下week 3- week4 有无包出...拒话因为thru fluid transmittion, 唔甘讲话100% 我无事, 虽然过左2week 但系拒话有试过week 3-week 4 先 show symptom。


我 有 d問 題 想 問 下Ching你 地 .....
通 常 包 會 幾 時 出 ?
花 你 地 第 一 次 出 系 幾 時 ?
你 地 系 帶 左 套 定 無 帶 套 ???


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-10 21:58 發表

花, 三個月內會出, 最遲八個月.
ching, 你 系 生 系 咩 位 置 ???


我 都 好 驚 ,我 今 日 比 Dr.HO系 根部 個 到 抽 左 d 細 胞 驗  hpv dna。
拒 話 我 用 左 套 ﹐  系 個 頭 到 同 條 J好 難 有 ﹐  所 以 抽 左 根 部 同 d毛 個 個 位 既 sample.

依 家 等 緊 result.....要 等 5日 。
唔 知 點 解 ﹐ 其 他 既 我 都 覺 得 未 必 會 中 ﹐  系 花 呢 樣 最 驚 會 中 到 。
包  我 都 過 左 16日  應 該 好 大 機 會 無 事 掛 .

[ 本帖最後由 ken1121 於 2011-1-11 23:38 編輯 ]


原帖由 熊貓 於 2011-1-10 23:17 發表

皰一般1,2星期就出, 我係毛髮位出, 有無戴都死....
我 岩 岩 過 左 2星 期 , 我 估 我 應 該 無 包 ﹐  但 系 dr, Ho嚇 我 話 3-4星 期 都 會 有 可 能 。 搞 到 我 依 家 都 仲 驚 緊 。 。  但 系上 網 睇 人 地 外 國 D DOCTOR講 ﹐  通 常 都 系 2-12DAYS 會 出 包 。


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-10 23:19 發表


花就潛伏期長D, 我DR話好難知邊個惹比我自己, 除非你淨係得一個性伴侶. 因為潛伏期偏長, 如果期間同過幾條女搞過, 真係唔知邊個惹比我.
唉 ﹐  花 真 系 唔 知 點 好 ....
真 系 希 望 我 個 TEST返 黎 咩 都 CHECK唔 到 就 安 心 好 多 。


系 酒 吧 ...我 覺 得 1D都 唔 難 ........

Dr.Ho 話 都 系 主 要 靠 臨 床 。  HPV DNA 唔 系 驗 血 ﹐ 系 驗 細 胞 ﹐  用 棉 花 棒 掃 下 某 d部 位 去 test咋 。
我 就 掃 左 根 部 ﹐  which most likely 個 套 遮 唔 到 既 地 方 <--Dr.Ho講 既 .....。  拒 話 唔 會 抽 個 頭 同 上 d包 皮 位 因 為 個 套 遮 晒 無 可 能 中 窩 。  之 後 拒 就 補 充 話 ﹐ 我 個 case most likely唔 會 有 hpv, but 就 算 個 test 返 黎 最 多 都 只 可 以 話 70-80%準 ﹐  因 為 拒 怕 其 他 部 位 感 染 。
Anyway, 我 依 家 最 擔 心 都 系 花 ﹐  希 望 個 報 局 真 系 乜 都 無 啦 。  星 期 5or 星 期 1take report 時 叫 Dr.Ho 做 多 次 個 hpv Dna test, test 多 少 少 部 位 等 自 己 安 心 d都 好 。


she is Chinese, well I was having some hard time exactly on chirtmas, so i got little drunk and started to chat with a girl who was also drinking just by herself. Don't mention anymore,  I am so regret of what I've done.I took all STDS blood and urine tests and bacterias tests 7 days post exposure. All negative. Well not meaningful for hiv and syphillis and HSV, but still good indicator that I am all clean before this. I also done a oral swab test at 14 days for hiv, as many references said hiv will start to produce antibody by 14 days, again not conclusive but also a good sign for negative.

I guess I will go do a hiv antibody and p24 antigen test, which is the latest 4th gen hiv duo test. Although Dr.Ho did not suggest doing it as he thinks this is not yet official, according to researches and other foreign STDS doctors and experts, the 4th generation hiv duo test is highly reliable. And almost 99% accurate for result receive in 28days, one doctor even mentioned he had never had a patient tested negative on week4 then came back postive on week 5.

[ 本帖最後由 ken1121 於 2011-1-11 23:39 編輯 ]


Lets skip the ons part... everyone has his/her own reasons

Well, I spent 3k first week to do a complete std tests at a lab, which checked everything.
And1.2k at Dr.Ho on Monday, I had skin problems on my back so i paid for some medicine.
HPV DNA testing fee, dunt kn how much yet.

The new duo tests, I am not sure how much yet, but I wouldn't mind even if it cost 1-2k. I just want to assure that I dunt haf it. Since it is coming to be official in Europe and U.S., so the tests is highly reliable and recommended from the STDs experts and Doctors.


Here are some reference I found on medhelp.com.
The questions are answered by STD's experts/ doctors.

For normal HIV antibody blood tests:
7)The CDC says the HIV window period is 6 months , but many sources say 3 months.Which is true and for whom does it take 6 months long ?
7.  Neither is correct.  The recommendations for testing at 3 and even 6 months are the result of two factors- data from older tests no longer used (you really do not need to worry about which generation of tests you were tested with, at this time virtually all tests are far more sensitive that they were even 2-3 years ago when the 3 month recommendation was made) and secondly, the fact that some, mostly governmental agencies which have to provide recommendations for virtually everyone without the sort of interactions such as those you get with your doctor or on personalized sites such as this one, feel the cannot "afford" to be wrong and therefore make recommendations and guidelines which leave most people unnecessarily nervous for 4-6 weeks longer than the 6-8 weeks it takes virtually everyone to develop HIV antibodies.  

For Duo tests:

Answered by Dr Sean Cummings, , MBBS; T(GP); DRCOG; MRCGP; DFSRH; LLM - STD/STI HIV prevention, testing and treatment FreedomHealth London, United Kingdom.

3)Do you think the test was fine and if so how accurate was the added p24
The combination of the two tests - HIV antibody and also p24 antigen is highly accurate at 5 weeks giving you greater than 99.89% at that point.  
4)Do you think i should test again ?
The UK Guidelines say that people with significant exposures should be offered a fourth generation HIV test - you had one of these effectively - at 4 weeks post exposure and be offered a further test later. I have not experienced, out of the many many thousands of 4th generation tests we do, a negative test at 5 weeks then becoming positive later. My personal feeling is that you do not need to test again."

1) Is this HIV combo is relaible / Accurates in 45 days (If yes how much %)
1) Very reliable Reliable - approximating 99.99% at that point

2)IF antibody is not detectoble it will detect antigen right ? is there any case that antibody and antigen will not be able to dectectable after 30 to 40 days of exposure?
2) Well over 99% of people who are infected with HIV will develop antibodies at 6 weeks. Your further question in point 2 is that an HIV DUO  = antibody and antigen will be greater than 99.99% accurate at that point. I have not experienced a false negative out of literally tens of thousands of tests at our facility in London.

3) Is this p24 antigen test will detect HIV 2 Antigen
3) the p24 is related to HIV 1. HIV2 is extremely rare. Even in West Africa where it is at its most common, HIV 1 is by far the most common form of HIV. As I say, well over 99% of people will form antibodies to either form by 6 weeks = 42 days so you are HIV negative.

4) why few people are putting 3 months time ?
4) Ignorance; hyperconservatism; lack of training etc etc.

It is true that most people with new HIV infection would be positive on the duo antibody/P24 antigen test at 9 days, so that result is reassuring.  But not definitive.  
The chance you have HIV is astronomically small, assuming you don't have other exposures you haven't described.  But if you want to pursue it further, have an antibody test 6-8 weeks after the event. It will be negative.

-  At six weeks the ELISA test would detect over 95% of infections contracted six weeks earlier.  The added information from the DNA and antigen tests add further to the evidence that you don't have HIV.


I did ask Dr.Ho, he said he doesn't recommend it, and asked me to wait for 3 months.
He did not give me reasons, and Dr.Ho doesn't do the p24 tests so I didn't bother asking further.

There is one lab, I found, in Hong Kong that does the 4th generation HIV duo tests. I will give it a call later this week and arrange to do one. I don't know how much it costs, but how much can it costs? it definitely worth it for a few k doing this test, at least no more concern or anxiety for 3 months!

According to Hong Kong policies and guidelines, they only recommended the antibody tests at 3months. So, I guess most doctors in Hong Kong will never suggest a duo test and only antibody tests at 3 months.  As explained in previous posts, 3months-6months is the recommendation made a few years back. The technologies improved, new recommendations given, it is now adopted in the UK, soon I think HK will change when they realize how stupid they were. I am not sure about the U.S. policy, but I think U.S. and Canada, either adopted or will soon adopted this new testing recommendations at 4-8weeks.

But its still reasonable for countries to stand by their rules for 3 months; first, no further spending on researches, and its officially approved in all countries. Anxiety arousal cause people to realize what they did, which help them to think deeply about their health and partners' health.


But of courser I will take another test at 3 months, but probably just buy the aware oral swab test in Watsons and do it myself.


原帖由 kksick 於 2011-1-11 13:49 發表

Ken1121 你多數是自己嚇自己,那6個月後你會再做傳统的驗血嗎???
actually, I wouldn't care about the 6 months.... even Hong Kong recommended 90 days/3months.
依家科技进步左, 而且新既research都话 4th generation 系4-6 weeks 有95% accurate, 6-8weeks is 99% accurate。
其实3个月我都唔系太想做, 我 4th week or 5th week 做左 4th generation hiv test 之后6th week 做个 oral swab test 系negative 既话我都唔会再理架喇。


引用下medhelp Dr.HHH既一段分析:
As you apparently are aware, it takes time for any test for HIV to become positive.  The tests that directly detect the virus (tests for p24 antigen or PCR to detect HIV DNA/RNA) start to become positive a few days after exposure and are positive in most infected people by 2-3 weeks.  The antibody tests start to become positive at 10-14 days and are almost always positive by 6 weeks, rarely longer. Before those intervals, all these tests can be falsely negative.  But after ~2 weeks for p24 and PCR and 4-6 weeks for antibody, false negative results are rare.

- HIV antigen(抗原) 同hiv virus会系感染后几日就会产生
- p24 antigen test 同 PCR test 会系感染2-3week后 test 到 positive
- hiv antibody (抗体) 会系10-14日到开始test 到 positive, 6week 系好大程度确定positive, 好少会潜伏更长时间。
**重点 - 2week后既 p24 同pcr, 4-6week既antibody 系好少机会出现 false negative。

"Isn't Rapid Testing More Accurate?"  No.  Rapid testing has a higher chance of false positive results than laboratory-based antibody testing.
- 快速测试 - 多机会出 false"POSITIVE" (唔系false negative)

"Have you ever seen someone go from Negative at 6 weeks to positive at 13 weeks?"  No, and with the modern HIV tests in use for the past decade, I have never heard of such a case from my colleagues.
- 过去10年 Dr.HHH未试过有一case 系6week negative 到13week变positive,亦都未系拒d医生同事到听过有出现过呢d case,

以前d人话3月-6月, 其实系当时技术上认为甘样先只叫做确定, 但系医学既野永远唔会有100%出现,即系话6个月test negative其实都系99% conclusive。 所以呢d真系观点同角度问题。

依家 d research话 6-8week conclusive for 4th generation test, d政府唔系唔想认同, 而系要认同d政府自己就要再做一次research, 要用好多钱同人力先做到。拒地又唔可以adopt人地既research就甘话系conclusive or whatever, 最多只可以系自己份research再引用人地既资料。so, 拒地都唔搞甘多,反正对拒地黎讲机本上系无需要 因为antibody test 拒地一早就认定3月-6月就系conclusive, 咪有你班友仔胆心下惊下, 顺便吓下d人做足安全措施jer。


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-11 14:35 發表
雖然三個月係好漫長, 但一定會過去既. 其實呢度個個都捱到三個月架, 學CANDY話, 中既機會好微. 我未驗之前都好驚自己會中招, 個快速測驗果條線慢慢浮現出來果時真係嚇到標晒冷汗. 其實你帶晒套, 中既機會好細. 我中花 ...
师兄我估你唔系搞野中...Dr. Ho话用套无可能上面中。 so, ur assumption should be correct, its more likely u caught that when u haf massage. Oral传染都好似无乜机会, 我睇过好多forum 同research都话好难oral 传hpv。

虽然Dr.Ho唔recommend, 但系我觉得test埋无妨, 起码自己真系会超级安心。 到时3个月再test咪当抽血玩玩lor。



原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-11 14:40 發表

呢D測試太新, 係香港似乎仲未開始成到氣候.
拒知啊, 我有提过p24, 但系拒话唔recommend叫我3月先test antibody。

PCR 我唔知香港边到有得做, but....听闻私家医院系有得做...边间我就唔知喇, 不过一定好贵。
P24 我上网找到有间 香港既lab系有做。


原帖由 candycandy 於 2011-1-11 13:31 發表

講真,有得返轉頭,,唔駛錢俾你你都唔敢食啦~ 真係見過鬼都唔怕黑咩

我覺得 中aids既機會應該都好低,其實你地睇report多數都係d咩男男中,吸毒個d多,, 我估如果咁樣ons完中a都 ...
我都系惊hpv同花, 呢d真系无形杀手....hiv个d真系反而无甘惊。 Dr.Ho都话机会好微。
But as usual, 无一个doctor够胆讲100% 因为仲有例外。。。。


原帖由 candycandy 於 2011-1-11 13:32 發表




aai I am scare
and Dr. Ho said I should not be too confident with herpes.. As herpes might come at week 3-week 4....
I am only 17 days...... now I have to worry again for another two week for herpes. I thought I am all good for herpes since I didn't have an outbreak within 14 days.
I am always suspecting my hair area now, feel kind of itchy. But nothing unusual, probably dry skin.



hehe, so seems like, Hong Kong is already accepting the fact that test result in 8 weeks are very convincing, and just the test in 3 month is just an insurance.



无计, 卫生处仲用紧第3代既测试, so 拒地一定系recommend 90日, 拒地明知都唔会讲因为90日无得死错人。

一阵打电话去化验所问下个 hiv 4th gen duo test 既程况先:
when to take
time for report....etc.

问完再post上黎, 大家参考下。


上网睇到呢遍野, 我觉得值得分享下。 让等待3个月时间的师兄及将来既师弟relax一下。










ok, I just called this one lab.

They recommended to do this p24 antigen test after two weeks of exposure.
The cost is usual HIV antibody test's fee, which should be same or around the same price to other labs. The p24 antigen test's fee is included in the HIV antibody test's fee.

However, it sucks that, you need a doctor to write you a referral letter in order for them to do this test. So, I am gonna give another call to another lab with this test.


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-11 18:47 發表

You can ask Dr. Ho to have the reference letter.
mm.... I will either see him this Friday or coming Monday.. I don't know if I should ask about it tho, since he is not recommending a p24 test.


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