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<=== window period reference in China


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-11 19:19 發表

then why don't you just wait for a while and use the traditional method?
無 既 ﹐  盡 早 確 認 ﹐  盡 早 安 心 。


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-11 21:27 發表

都明白既, 等三個月真係好難捱.
Yes and no , I am quite confident I did not have aids and syphilis. Its personal to take the test at 4th week. And a conclusive result at 12 weeks.
There are such good references and tests, I don't see a reason why one not taking it first if one can afford it, at least I worry and I concern, so I just want to eliminate my anxiety and worry. The references and researches are very convincing and reliable, its not like a rumor. If its just a rumor, then I wouldn't find so many references and quotes from other STDs experts. At least is not just one expert that saying it, but many experts from around the world.

But you know my concern.......

[ 本帖最後由 ken1121 於 2011-1-11 21:41 編輯 ]


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-11 22:25 發表

關懷愛滋話三個月後驗, 而結果係陰性, 準確度係100%, 無需要半年再驗啦.
Agree, all countries stand by the rules for 3 months. But in medical terms, there are no 100%, its just a 99.99%. No doctor will say you are 100% ok, only as high as 99%.


原帖由 紫崇 於 2011-1-11 23:01 發表
請問, 我已5個月了, 暫時都剩係得大腸桿菌jj炎, 請問仲有冇d咩要驚?  花仲會唔會有?   同埋我而家仲係扯起打飛機果陣會甩皮~
According to medhelp.com, most warts show up in the months following exposure. The longer it has been since your last exposure, the less likely it is that you will develop warts from that incident. Sometimes warts will show up years or decades after exposure, so there is no set limit. This is really rare though.


by H. Hunter Handsfield, M.D., May 05, 2009 10:39AM
The quick answer to the question as you posed it in the title is that warts generally appear 3-12 weeks after exposure.  Maybe as soon as 2 weeks, but certainly never earlier than that.

Most warts are not smooth (although that can happen) and usually more than one wart is apparent.

It is true that over 90% of genital warts and other HPV infections clear up on their own within a few months.

I hope this will help you.


原帖由 熊貓 於 2011-1-11 23:24 發表

師兄, 你依家只不過係驚有事, 唔似我地直頭出左事, 先唔好咁緊張, 真係有事先緊張啦, 不過真係有事緊張都無用, 唯一辦法馬上去醫, 我地個個都係咁樣面對
我 都 明,未 有 事 擔 心 有 事 甘 樣 心 理 唔 多 平 衡 。  唔 想 成 日 想 住 ﹐  但 系 真 系 好 難 ﹐  好 困 擾 。  
中 左 既 ﹐  既 來 之 則 安 之 , 睇 醫 生 。  未 中 招 又 check唔 到 真 系 搞 到 個 人 好 心 煩 。

Ching﹐  你 都 要 加 油 啊  睇 完 med help d forum, 好 多 都 系 話 過 到 半 年 就 好 少 再 出 。  過 到 1年 通 常 免 疫 系 統 都 會 壓 倒 hpv 同 d warts既 毒 。



医非林真要即刻医唔拖得。 好似系食阿奇霉素, right??


非淋照计验尿同种菌会好d, 起码知道系边一种菌感染。


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-12 13:49 發表

細菌我醫生話算係易攪, 食藥都搞得掂。當然食晒D藥, 無晒SYMPTOMS再驗下清晒未啦.
如果清到yes, 睇以前d post, 有d Ching治疗用左1年-2年, 好似话治疗不当因为就系唔知中边只细菌感染。 最后由急性变左慢性, 仲感染左前列腺。


原帖由 TTTT1 於 2011-1-12 22:45 發表

medhelp.com 呢個site 我都有睇過,dr hhh  佢地講到hpv 好輕鬆,又話over 80 % 的人,一生中都感染過,又話warts 唔出半年就無事,唔洗話俾future partner知,但以呢度師兄的經驗,
warts 真係幾煩.............另外ken ...
Say it this way, in North America, HPV is a common issue. Hong Kong and/or other Chinese communities, they take STDs as something that is fxxking huge issues, they were not as open. Chinese are more refrain to speak from sex or related issues, our traditions and the concept of Confucious were deeply planted inside us from the day we born as a Chinese.

Take a look at this calculation:
Even you use condom, according to previous studies, it reduce the infection rate of HPV by 70%. Recent study suggest that it is about 90% reduction.
So in a single protected sex intercourse, you have as high as 30% chance catching HPV and as low as 10%. This calculation is just a basic fact, I haven't include the transmission rate from women to men or from men to women.
You can pretty much say, you will probably catch 1 type of HPV per 3 protected sex intercourses.
This is too common in North America, its just people in Hong Kong were not that educated by these facts.

Moreover, there are 100 types of HPV, and warts are mainly caused from 2 types. Some other hpv also causes warts but not as likely or as common as HPV 6/11.
Even the high risk hpv, people will get cure either by their own immune system, or by treatment if the high risk hpv caused further issue on women. And as said, men do not have much concerns on other HPV beside warts.
So, warts are only cosmetic issues to them. All you have to do is just remove it and go on with your life. It comes, remove it. What's next?

Its just our tradition is different. In my opinion, I do care and worry about warts when facing this issue to my previous girlfriend. But if I am to have a new girl friend, I wouldn't worry this much. Not that I don't like her, but I will teach her these facts and let her know I had this before.


原帖由 TTTT1 於 2011-1-12 22:45 發表

medhelp.com 呢個site 我都有睇過,dr hhh  佢地講到hpv 好輕鬆,又話over 80 % 的人,一生中都感染過,又話warts 唔出半年就無事,唔洗話俾future partner知,但以呢度師兄的經驗,
warts 真係幾煩.............另外ken ...
I agree with you, if condom catches HIV, I can imagine there will be lots of posts about catching HIV thru condoms.
In fact, I never heard one saying that catches HIV with condom. So, I am confident I don't have HIV, but always an assurance after tests.
But it sucks, I am still worrying about warts and herpes.


原帖由 紫崇 於 2011-1-13 01:57 發表
請問我5個月都冇花, 仲要驚幾耐?
3個月aids 冇事, 6個月洗唔洗再驗?
3个月都无出其实以经好大机会无。 如果你5个月都无出, 我觉得你接近99%唔会有。 你打去问下Dr.会好d, 不过正常应该都系1-5个月内会出。 Ching拒地话通常头3个月就会出, 我上网睇左好多case, 3个月后出既真系好少, 唔到5%。 而且呢5%入面, 部份好可能系后期感染。


Spent quite some money on testing, now I gotta get some money from the market
Hope the stocks do good, otherwise I will be more depress


过左3week, 我剩下既担心只有hpv同埋花
今日Dr.Ho有报告返, 但愿无中hpv。 但系我估我会做多一次个hpv test系其他部位。
如果两个test都无事, 我估我感染机会率低度1-5%。


原帖由 kksick 於 2011-1-17 11:40 發表

C-Hing - HPV 男生有得Check嘅咩??? 怎check, 幾錢????, 準確嗎???
有, 不过唔一定好准, 因为太多部位 可能check唔准。
Dr.Ho 话我个case 验两个部位大约有70-80%准确,

价钱唔知啊, 做左先算。 呢d系求安心, 当破财挡灾都要啦。


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-17 12:28 發表
我醫生無叫我驗HPV, 話靠肉眼睇, 唔入血.
Yes, 所以系验皮肤上既病毒。


原帖由 kksick 於 2011-1-17 12:15 發表

Yes, 我依家验根既底部。 因为我有用套, Dr.Ho话唔会验头同根既上半部。 Dr.Ho话用套上面机本上系无可能会有。
So, 我前后既底部都有check。 如果无野, 我就验埋个袋位, 虽然Dr.Ho都话 又系无咩机会系袋位。
1. 个个位接触唔多。 2.个个部位磨擦力度应该唔大。 3. 皮厚。


原帖由 kksick 於 2011-1-17 15:53 發表

基 本 上 各 種 形 式 的 性 交 活 動 都 有 機 會 令 女 性 感 染 到 HPV 。 HPV 感 染 主 要 是 在 陰 道 及 肛 門 性 交 期 間 , 通 過 皮 膚 及 生 殖 器 官 的 直 接 接 觸 傳 染 的 。 進 行 口 交 或 手 接 ...
男性通常感染左都唔知架, 不过花就系属于其中两种常见既hpv。 Dr.Ho讲过要一定磨擦力度先会感染, 或者本身皮肤上有伤口先较易感染。
因为有用套, hpv 本身就穿越唔到latex, 所以我个case 比较会感染既位系根部, 袋。 不过安全起见我准备验袋, 同J身同头。

可怜我,今日无报告, 又要等听日


原帖由 TEEOI123 於 2011-1-18 17:13 發表
我好返2年 無發過 ~  如果唔用套重會唔會傳染到人呢?
不过你最好去问下医生好d。 医生会话无出1年以经好返, 仲会唔会传染就唔知喇。


hehe, Dr.Ho 覆左我喇.


听日去见一次, 顺便做多少少个test先。
个test 大约700蚊。 lead time about 7 days to 10 days. 如果做呢个test 记得叫Dr.Ho 追紧d个lab或叫个lab priority左个test。
Dr.Ho话因为唔多人做呢个test 所以 lab会group埋一推先做搞到成日delay。


原帖由 kksick 於 2011-1-19 10:31 發表

C-Hing 恭喜晒,希望你股票也一樣順利呢
thx thx, 我都希望大家无事既无事, 有事既都好快无事


原帖由 bebebaba1234 於 2011-1-20 23:49 發表
花會唔會生係口腔? 因為我醫生話吹都會中招喎. 但又有師兄話唔會.
I think this is very low risk. Most common stds from mouth to genitial are Chlaymidia, Herpes, NGU....

But warts and HPV are very unlikely to transmit, is pretty much less than a 1% chance.


第2次hpv测试都收左result, negative  
Dr.Ho话应该无咩问题, 叫我唔晒甘担心。  

口交其实好难传染, 因为要个个人口入面有HPV先可以传染到, 但系HPV系皮肤病, 要传到落口到真系好难。


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