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IF you have......


俏佳人 or 富都會 do open by 2pm for the early tea dances.  Some chicks start early & finish early, by 9pm, just pretend working as an ordinary office clerk.  But, there are less customers & less chicks between 2pm to 5pm.  More chicks will turn up after 6pm especially those having the formal day time job.


Make sure what do you want before visiting any place.  Out for the drink, comfort & tender or escort service.  My rule of the thumb is "three strikes you are out".  If I'm not happy after three trial clocks, then I will leave no matter how the mamasan persuade me.  I'll simply pay in cash as the bill should not be expensive.  Don't use credit card as they will try holding you up.  Always be strong & in the upper hand.

If you are new commer at a particular place, always asks for the details before sitting down.  Take a note on the time (starting, duration & ending) as some of them are very tricky.  If the trial clock deems too long & the mamasan fails to call, then press the button & ask for the mamasan.

After all, use common sense just like visiting other new restaurants or shops.

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


more tips

No problem if you only have beer. It is very usual to have beer at places like 俏佳人 or 富都會.

The girls should ask for your permission in order to smoke.  If she forgets then you can tell her to stop, in a polite way.  If she insists, then make a complain to the mamansan.  She will & should handle this kind of situation.  The girls shouldn't make any phone conversation as well.  Their job is to escort the customer.

"call the Golden  girls to meet outside after first meeting in the NC?"  Try you luck, just like normal dating.  Obviously, you have to ger her phone number as a starter.


"This is a trick question! It's kind of embarass to ask as soon as you meet"

I always play fair & approach it straight away.  If I'm happy with the girl, then I will ask during the trial "is there anything that you don't do?" to see her answers.  If satisfy then I'll keep her, otherwise won't waste both's time.  In the mean time, I will not force her to do anything that she doesn't promise.  I pay & I don't want to see a long, unhappy face.

You will feel happier if she provides more services in the room than said.


white sheep

原帖由 auriga00 於 2008-8-1 09:18 發表

For places like 俏佳人 or 富都會, you don't have to worry about 呃鐘 at all. As they'd prefer you to make up your choice asap. Trying another girl only charge for about $40, they'd rather have eve ...
You know the place well doesn't mean that cheating by the mamasan would not happend.  

On one occasion, I visited the TST NC by myself.  Arrived by 3 pm, settled immediately with the first chick.  At 5 pm, the mamasan told me to cut the service as the "early tea" ends.  Then I got two new chicks by 5:30 pm (I asked for two), again settled immediately with both.  I checked by 7:30 pm & the bill was $3317

"3 girls at once for me to pick"
Sounds like getting the mushrooms in mainland, not quite the norm in Hong Kong.

相關搜索目錄: Make up




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