thanks ..........................I knew .................
no interesting la ..........................
many yrs ago ...............I own that Trichord phono amp ................but ......sell it to friend's friend .....
now ...............use Dino 2 .........................ok la ..........
anyways .................almost one month Turntable never move ......................ha ha ..............
no time and no time .........................
Á¿¯u when I was a µo¿N¤Í like V V 44 d ¤H
¥H«e¦P®I¯Z¤H¦¨¤ée«×¥h, Ó«×¥h, Å¥¨ÓÅ¥¥h, Á¿¨ÓÁ¿¥h, °«¨Ó°«¥h, §å¨Ó§å¥h...
buy buy sell sell .............................¥i¯à³o¬O¤@Ó¥²¸gªº¹Lµ{°Õ!
¨Ì®aı±oÓ¤H»ùÈÆ[¡B³ß¦n©M·Ç«h¤]§ïÅÜ ........................
Hifi machines .....................ø«Y¸Üø¦n , ¤£¹L more hot & passion like b4 la ..................
Last night in TST with my brothers ............................
we went to some fashion stores and trendy shops tour ......................
we only use small money to dress us up .......................¸Ë§ê 1 ¤U , ¦Û¤v enjoy ¤S happy ....
We...can feel some young girls / boys , they looking us like .....©O¨â°Â¤Í³£ ok «¬....Ø{....
don't forget I'm ªÎD¤¤¦~ already ...................ha ha ...................
well ..........................
ª± Hifi ³Ì°ª¹Ò¬É«}´N«Y©ñ±ó ..........................
¨Ì®aı±o¾Ö¦³ Genelec 8030 , Sony PCM-M10 , SONY MDR-CD900ST , PS3 , NAD , sommer .............
¤w¸gı±o¦n happy ........................
now ..................I want this & this .and this ..
.................more than Hifi
.Fucking machines ...
h:" />
¥»©«³Ì«á¥Ñ MakiGoto. ©ó 2011-11-21 23:33 ½s¿è ]