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這幾間九龍的酒店那一間buffet 好

原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-8-7 11:18 發表

Do they still offer membership?
Yes, I just joined in July.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-8-7 12:45 發表

Is it @$3,000?
A bit less than $2700, I think ( I forgot exact figure ).


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-8-7 12:54 發表

It is BAD!
I like Sheraton's Chinese rstn and their Oyster Bar.  The Cafe is very ordinary.

[ 本帖最後由 可愛老頑童 於 2007-8-7 13:22 編輯 ]


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-8 08:34 發表

$2,688.  But make sure you ask which credit card you should use.  I think HK bank cr card should be ok.  Some credit cards, they convert the $2,688 into Pound Stg and then convert it back int ...
I used AE.

I didn't check the statement yet. I'll do that tonite.


相關搜索目錄: Credit card


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-8 15:55 發表

I guarantee you that you have been charged $2,7XX.
Nope !   I've just checked.

I was Billed in HKD, no FX involved.

Thanks for the tip.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-8 23:57 發表

If I have to pay full price at Celestial court, I would go to Dynasty instead.  The price is better, the food is much much better.
At any given time at Celestial & many other hotel restaurants, I think at least half the customers are members of some sort, by paying an up front fee they don't have to pay full price.

From a customer's point of view, this is a rather screwed-up pricing method.  After the membership discount, if you would add back the "pro-rata" membership fees to the amout, the net discount becomes much less. We are however, trapped to frequent their restaurants.

A marketing ploy playing on human psychology.  I am trapped x 4!!   


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-8 23:57 發表

If I have to pay full price at Celestial court, I would go to Dynasty instead.  The price is better, the food is much much better.
I haven't been to Kowloon's Dynasty, only been to the one in Wanchai North once or twice talking business, so really I don't remember what I ate, only have a neutral to negative impression.

So, kindly tell what is good there.  

Or may be, we'd have one of our future wine dinners there ?

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-11 18:05 發表

In case you don't know, it's difficult to see daylight at the Patio that I go to.
You two seems to be talking about difference places.


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2007-8-12 17:07 發表

The problem with these membership is that you can't get a table there.  The Steakhouse is full tonight, the second time this week.  Same with the Oyster & Wine Bar.  You might be right with ...
Similar experience here. We just have to book 2-3 days in advance.

相關搜索目錄: Wine


原帖由 alphagirl@ 於 2007-8-14 23:27 發表

I tired 1 or 2 times, not bad though.
But still you cannot eat all the food...and sometimes you see HK ppl 'fight' for the food. I hate most!
This is the No. 1 reason I HATE going to buffets.




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