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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)

What happened to Windsor?
I am new to the forum but I massage in Windsor for years even in old Windsor
But in the past 6-12 months, seems like the management has changed their style
In the past I enjoy massage there since most of the BGs there are experienced, the place is nicely decorated
Not until recently, they hired a lot of young BGs, of course as a guy, I like pretty young girls too
But then the problems started.....

Even the traditional BGs (I won't mention the number as I can see some borthers said not to pick individual BG #) who used to be very professional in vegie massage now asked me if I want VAS/HJ. Why????
Not to mention those new joints, they provide that definitely or even give me some hint on that.
I can tell you, maybe most of you know already
About half of the BGs (both day and night shfts, especially night shift) now offer HJ to customers
Are they going to change the style there?

Even my female friends who also go to Windsor got that information from some BGs
I wonder if the management wants to do it this way now
Don't tell me the management doesn't know and it seems to me the management is converting Windsor to a VAS/HJ massage place
If they want Windsor to pretend like a high class spa but actually a "Plance service massage"
that's fine but then I will look at it differently

Brother WhiteKitty, looks like you are a semi-spoke person of the sauna
Any view or comments on it?

相關搜索目錄: SPA


Thanks Ching
How much tips?


i see
more or less the same as OPS, I would rather go there
better food and service from manager/PR wor


回復 4693# 的帖子

Agree, but take it easy. It will be sensitive to someone.

Some people may find reading and checking this forum as the life time goal and part of their job or career too. Look at the 157 pages on this single forum, if you take out the top 3 writers, and think about it how many times they spent to talk about the same sauna in the past 6-12 months, it's their part of life, job, and interest, and maybe also their purpose of life. But that's ok, everyone can choose their own life.
  • TaiWah 體力 +1 讚! 2011-12-9 10:38
  • TaiWah 威望 +1 讚! 2011-12-9 10:38
  • TaiWah 金錢 +1 讚! 2011-12-9 10:38


CHing "car-man-lam" post being deleted
It steps someone's tail again
he is than blocked by "Whitekitty" for further post?

I will ask him to shut the door up and don't touch anyone's tail any more.....

In fact, his post is only thank for Ching to update him about Windsor sauna on a 24-hour basis.....


回復 4707# 的帖子

Not to mention
The toilet at the lounge area smell
I think the problem is.....Windosr has good business
Even they do not care about the service and hygiene, there are still alot of customers for them.
CHing "TwiceAweek", why you mental explicitly "veggie" sauna, don't you find out this "veggie" sauna also get changed to "non-veggie" behaviour. Many BGs there, even the first visit BG hinted for VAS or more. Thay's why I am getting more concern on the towel. Maybe it's not oil, it's something else.....


when there last night and tried 96
very good pure massage skills
the food there is nice and I ate two bowls of rice
very good experience.....


Didn't know that if 9 out of 12 digits matched ==> means the same person? Amazing.....

Anyway, like Windsor very much.


hard to draw a line here
you want to create noise from here on Windsor to let people aware of the place
but then the authority will check the place
or you try to create an image it's a pure nicely decorated veggie massage and spa place
but at the same time having lots of brothers PM asking for VAS/HJ

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 5417# 的帖子

Based on your comments, I did ask the BG and see if they want me to introduce their number via PM, they said yes.

If you want, I can tell you their number via BG

There's no absolute answer and there is no absolute right or wrong....


I consider it as exchange of information
No other motive
Actually I wonder what's the motive behind for other CHings writing things here about Windsor like advertisements
I am rather simple, exchange information for other CHings about BGs via PM now
I just quote an example that not all BGs refuse to release info via PM, doesn't meet I will do it or not


回復 5423# 的帖子

the picture looks familiar........


I mean CHing (dssdsdwdws)
You picture looks familiar to me, a ex-BG
do you get the permission of using


they said hopefully next month.....
I bet at least August


it's a really nice profile picture of a ex-Windsor BG
wonder if the BG agree on showing her naked body to everyone
the worst thing is, you did not take the picture yourself.....
any violation of the rules and regulations here brother WK....


Brother WK

If that's your final call and decision, the only thing I can say is - I respect your decision.


simple: Yes, some of them do.


Thanks for reporting after a visit few months ago
Well, you are new customers.... and did you pick the right numbers?

Anyway, this is a veggie sauna  


do I have to give you? with such attitude?


zzz ZZZ




Of course they cannot keep them happy
How can staff be happy if they cut the salary of the staff
Their base salary is low something like min. wages
Plus the tips include reaching the number of customers target changed
For example, it used to be 120 target, that means if daily customer reach 120 or above, say 150
They will get 150-120 x ($10) = $300, different level has different tips scale ($10, $20, $50)
The average for Windsor daily customer count I think is about 160 to170
In the past they get say 170-120 = 50 x $10 =  500
But now it become 170 - 150 = 20 x $10 = $200
It's a big cut in tips
That's why last night when I went there, most of the staff seem unhappy


Heard that once the second floor open
all service charges will be increased by about 10%


Stop gossiping.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-6-15 08:53 編輯 ]


Windsor has been so quiet lately even with the football games
wonder why.......


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