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我是新丁,首先我要向老江湖兄和各位Ching說一聲謝謝。在這裡真的獲益良多,很可惜我出差上海多次都不知道有這樣的服務, 錯過了大好時光。我是在一次偶然機會下發現了這個網站的。兩個星期前從SHA回來以后,I spent almost a week going through all 142 pages of this forum. The more I read Chings' posts the more I was impressed with Chings' enthusiasm and willingness to report their experiences, so that lonely 出差友like us could be properly briefed and prepared when we are ready. You guys are very generous and unselfish. The most important of all was the report of service fees 公價 so that it is not easy for us to get rip off by the JS. You guys were also adamant in encouraging positive behaviors and reminding everyone to be respectful to all JS at all time. For that I find Chings are all gentlemen indeed.

I have already bookmarked this site as well as cut and pasted all important notes and contributions from various Chings on to a MSWord document, just in case I could not access this site on line the next time I am at SHA or PVG. Thanks once again and especially to 老江湖兄for starting this forum. 在此再次向老江湖兄和各位Ching致敬。小弟下次出差SHA時會一定嘗試上門服務,到時會再向各位Ching報告。


謝謝Dbartlett Ching 的提示。因我剛從上海回來不久,下次到上海應該是十二月吧。我會勤力地到這裡閱讀Ching們的報告,希望Ching們繼續在上海努力。我真是無言感激!


原帖由 dbartlett 於 2011-10-21 07:19 發表

Did you just ate a stupid pill or something???

Geez, this is a shanghai topic. Not a comparison topic! There are those of us who can never do anything in dongguan!

If you do not like the servi ...
Dbarlett Ching said it right. We are not comparing Shanghai and Dongguan. We are talking about 上海上门按摩好爽记。 If you don`t like it, buzz off!




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