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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)

原帖由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-5 22:34 發表
one should not reveal the content of private communication unless one has the permission of the other party ...
Should this not apply to public communication as well?

I am not referring just to communication between forum participants, but to the most common subject of communications, the bgs themselves.  Often information about where they've worked before, birthdays, even where they live, have been posted publicly in these forums without consent of the bg.

Many bgs move from one sauna to another for a reason.  Usually it is not for the hope of making more money (compensation rates are pretty much standardized in the industry), but more often to change an "environment" they are tired of and to start fresh.  They can then privately advise their good old customers where they have moved to, and hope their other old customers never find out.  And in some cases they may not want new customers to know where they may have worked before.  That control of information should be theirs, not ours.

The same goes for birthdays, home towns, indications of age, future plans, etc.

Whatever information is exchanged between customers and bgs in the room should remain private.  If a bg has taken the step to share something personal about herself with you, then accept the gesture as a sign of friendship and trust, and honour that as you would (should) with any friend.  Many bgs are quite disappointed to learn that customers they started to trust have readily passed on their personal information to others, especially in on online public forum.

So kindly be considerate before posting here.  If you really feel the need to post something personal about a bg, please be a gentleman and ask her permission first.  If she says no, then please respect that.  And if she says no, please be a gentleman and don't even PM that information to others.

  • 楊過之子 體力 +10 100% agree with your point of view 2011-10-9 12:42
  • 楊過之子 威望 +10 100% agree with your point of view 2011-10-9 12:42
  • 楊過之子 金錢 +10 100% agree with your point of view 2011-10-9 12:42


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2011-10-9 12:35 發表
Once I only alluded to a future plan of a girl slightly here, when I had heard that many real customers of her
had already learnt of that. A few days later she told me she would not like even that allusion and kindly asked me to delete it, which I did at once.  ...
If I may, I think this example illustrates something we all need to be very careful of, and needs to be emphasized.  Hearsay, or the fact that a bg may have chosen to share some personal information with more than one customer, does not constitute her personal information as "now being in the public".  Any information that can be uniquely attributable to a specific bg is personal.  So, from now on, let us please seek a bg's consent to post her information BEFORE posting it publicly.  A post that is on the forum for just a few hours can have an impact.  Deleting a post afterwards is often enough like putting a band-aid on a cut; it's an attempt to clean things up to avoid infection, but the damage has been done and a scar may still remain.  

Again, let's think carefully before posting publicly.  Let's treat our friends with respect and care.

[ 本帖最後由 麻辣豆腐 於 2011-10-9 13:53 編輯 ]




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