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If you are alone in Beijing, you can try out "Banana" Disco on 长安街.  This disco is crowded after 11:00 pm and those "pros" girls will approach you.  Quality is of below KTV quality but perhaps of SN quality.

相關搜索目錄: Disco


Let me provide the first follow up report on Beijing.  Thanks to Brother Doer's information, I contacted the Beijing right after I landed (around 5:00 pm) and registered my interest for having a girl for the night.  From the other side of the phone, I felt that it might be too early to do the booking.  The agent said no problem and he would call me back.

Without hearing back from the agent, I decided to send a SMS to the agent and asked if he had any good girls at around 6:30 pm.  He called me right back and asked briefly what is my requirement and how many girls I wanted....  I told him young and 走肥 and he promised to bring over the girl around 9:00 pm.  I then wait for the girls eagerly.

At around 8:00 pm the agent called again and asked again how many girls I need.  I told him I need only one but he better bring 2 to 3 for me to choose.  Otherwise, he may waste his own time if I turned him down.  At around 8:40 pm agent showed up and asked me to go downstair to meet him.   I went into the front seat of his car and behind sat three young girls.  Although those girls look young at around 18-21, they can be rated around 6 to 6.5.   But I have to say that, in Beijing, price around RMB700, this quality is of good value.  However, as I am not going for value but rather quality, I told him no.  

The agent is OK with that but he said it may be too time consuming to bring another round.  He asked me to go with him by car to his place and he would show me some more girls.  I hesitated for a while but happily agreed.  This is primarily because (a) The agent is recommended by Brother Doer and I think he should be generally OK; and (b) I know Beijing very well as I go there very often.  After 20 minutes, we arrived at 三里屯, the bar street.  Our car parked near to a restaurant and another car parked near to us.  We all left the car and 4 girls left the other car.  I have to say 3 of the 4 are even worse than those in my car.  I eventually chose one close to 7 and take taxi back to hotel with her.

The girl is 18, from Heilongjiang and she arrived in Beijing for only 2 weeks.  She said he would go back around May 1 holidays.  Her figure is good and she obviously lack experience.  Some brothers may like it as she keep asking me to be more gentle as she feels painful.  But I don't enjoy this very much.  Total damage is 870 as I paid extra 100 to the agent for his extra time and 70 for the girl to take taxi back (voluntarily) as I live slight far away from 三里屯。

Overall, it is an interesting experience and the girl is of good value.  However, I may choose to spend a little more and get the real KTV quality of girls.  I still remember a few years ago, the girls of Beijing are the best quality (5, 6 年前的天上人间) but when the price continues to go up, I no longer be able to afford the best quality girl there.  Too sad : (


As I go to Beijing a lot, let me contribute something here. If brothers don't mind paying a bit more for quality, I have a couple of recommendations.

Sunshine Night Club at 王府井大酒店, you can walk in to sit in the hall.  They have shows including catwalk of girls at around 10:30 pm.  In theory, you can mark down the number of the girls in the show and ask her to sit with you.  But normally guests come at around 8:00 to 9:00 pm and good girls have been picked.  So I would recommend you go around 8:30 pm.  The price in the night club has increased.  I used to know a waiter there and I paid him 200 for bringing the girl and taking out for 1,500.  Total damage is therefore 1,800 including drinks (he waived the about 100 entrance fee).  But now he left I have to pay 400 to mami and 2,000 for bringing girl out.  It is still much cheaper to have a KTV room, where mami and girl fee are needed on top of room fee.    Quality could be very good depending on your luck.  As now is only 2 months after Chinese New Year, normally you will find the best quality out of the whole year as girls will come after CNY but leave over time with the lowest quality towards the year end.  The main difference between Beijing and Shanghai night clubs/KTVs are that a lot of Beijing KTVs have big halls for entertainment shows and you can sit there to ask girls to sit with you without opening a KTV room.

Another place to try out is the Banana Disco in Chang An Street.  You pay 20 for entrance and you shoud go after 11:00 pm, there are a lot of people just go to enjoy disco. You only need to stay somewhere obvious, e.g. near the entrance, the pros will approach you.  The quality is probably around 7 but may appear to be 8 under the dim disco light, so be careful.  Although I have been approached each time I have never taken out any of these girls, so I don't know exactly the price.  But based on my Beijing experience, it should be around 800 to 1,000 and it is alll negotiable.

相關搜索目錄: 酒店 Disco


原帖由 chin 於 2007-4-24 02:48 發表
Thanks, bro Doer, for your encouragement.  I will share more then.  There are a new club opening a while ago.  The deco is very modern and artistic.  They have different sections for bar, restauran ...
Thank you Brother Chin. This club in LG Tower seems really new and I will try it out next time.


原帖由 Eric_Lau 於 2007-4-24 08:06 發表
Thanks for brother Doer on the agent contact.
I called the agent last week and at first he brought 4 gals for me to choose.  Only one of them is eatable (average only) and I asked for another grou ...
Thank you Brother Eric for the tour guide information.  But the price is really expensive....


原帖由 蒲鬼 於 2007-4-24 03:12 發表
I think if you are alone, Beijing would be good for KTV but Shanghai will win out in SN.  A lot of KTVs in Beijing have halls and you don't have to pay for a KTV rooms to sit a girl.  But SNs in Beijing really suck.  No KTVs in Shanghai has big halls for shows and the only way to get quality KTV girls is to open an expensive private KTV room. Shanghai has tons of SNs and they are reasonable taking into the quality and service.  However, as I like get some small talks in KTV before going into actions, I prefer Beijing.




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