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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)


Privacy Issues

First, I want to say thanks for the recent comments by twiceAweek and Whitekitty with regards to respecting the privacy of the bgs you enjoy visiting.  They’ve made some very important points that we all must keep in mind and honour.

I have been enjoying going to HK saunas for about 20 years now.  There are a few saunas that I prefer for ambience/facilities, but I mostly follow my favourite girls to wherever they choose to work.  Some of them are currently working at Windsor, so when I have the time I go visit them.  Once in a while I will try new girls, but I invariably come back to my favourites (sort of like coming home, I guess! ).  Visiting them is very much like taking a holiday from the troubles of daily life.  For a few hours they take good care of me and I can forget the world.

Over the years I have even become good friends with some of the girls, and have met their friends (inside and outside the sauna), and in some cases their families.  I feel fortunate to have developed these friendships.

I say all this because I want the forum readers to know where I’m coming from, perspective-wise, and to try to establish some credibility for what I’m about to say.  So I apologise for the length of this post, but I believe it is necessary.

Whenever there are posts in English that the girls can’t easily understand, a number of them ask me to come here and translate for them.  And there have been a lot of posts in English lately.  I’m happy to do that and try to include the context of the posts as best I can.  But with the recent topics being around privacy issues, I feel I need to add some commentary based on my experience and trust with the girls I know.

First, whatever you do or say with a girl, or whatever she does or says to you, should remain just between you two.  If you truly like and respect her, this should not be a problem (right?).  There is no reason to act like a schoolboy and tell others .  What she may be willing to do for you, or say to you, you cannot, nor should not, assume she will do for others, even if they are your “friends”.  She has trusted you and hopes you will not betray her trust.  All this should be obvious and go without saying, but, unfortunately, too many customers do betray the girls’ trust (via posts, PMs, word of mouth, etc.), and she then has to deal with unwanted gossip and/or pressure from others.  That little waiting room the girls sit in is indeed very small and the gossip can be vicious.  And many customers, upon hearing gossip and other customers’ breach of trust, enter the massage room with high expectations and requests that sometimes border on demands.  It doesn’t make a pleasant job experience for the girls.

Which brings me to another behaviour that some of you customers need to refrain from.   Some of you, when your expectations aren’t met, proceed to recite a list of girls in the sauna that will meet your expectations, as if this would convince the girl you’re with to change her mind and accommodate you.  All this does is prove to the girl that you are a customer that can’t be trusted, and that she has made a wise decision with regards to your true nature.  And you have also given the girl some considerable ammunition for back-room gossip.

Moreover, some customers, who think they have become good friends with the girls they visit, will start talking about what other girls in the sauna will do for them, as if this was a secret being shared among friends.  This is not wise either.  First, the girl you’re telling things to may feel that “if you can talk about other girls’ secrets, they what can/will you say about me to other girls?”  Second, you have just provided fodder for gossip.  Even if you think you know the girl well, you may not know who she doesn’t like among her colleagues.  She can use your words to hurt others.  

So for myself, I never talk about any other girls when I visit a bg.  Nor do I ever tell my friends what my personal experiences with the girls I visit have been.  And I believe, for these reasons, my sauna experiences in Hong Kong have been, and will continue to be, some of the most wonderful times in my life.

If you care to think about it, you really don’t need to come to a forum to find girls you will like.  You just need to invest some time (and, yes, a little money) to explore and build some genuine trust.  And, in the end, that’s the fun and adventure of it all.

Finally, f you don’t have the patience to find whatever it is that you are looking for, and want a 100% hit rate every time you go, then you really need to consider where to go.  Windsor may not be your real cup of tea.

Again, sorry for my long-winded post.  But I hope the spirit of what I have said is taken sincerely to heart by all who read it.
  • derrick328 體力 +10 I used to be an idiot but i respect the 2011-12-13 21:19
  • derrick328 威望 +10 I used to be an idiot but i respect the 2011-12-13 21:19
  • derrick328 金錢 +10 I used to be an idiot but i respect the 2011-12-13 21:19
  • twiceAweek 金錢 +3 Very well said ... thanks for sharing fr 2011-12-13 14:54
  • twiceAweek 威望 +3 Very well said ... thanks for sharing fr 2011-12-13 14:54
  • twiceAweek 體力 +3 Very well said ... thanks for sharing fr 2011-12-13 14:54
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +50 讚! 2011-12-13 14:39
  • 白貓兒 威望 +50 讚! 2011-12-13 14:39
  • 白貓兒 體力 +50 讚! 2011-12-13 14:39


Another example of the "please join the list" strategy . . .

There is a customer (an active poster in this forum) who has the habit of getting the girl to focus her massage on his ass as quickly as possible.  With shorts already down , he then flips himself over to show the girl his junk , and requests her to finish him off.  Most girls sanely refuse.  When refused, he then lists the girls in the sauna that will do it for him (which, based on his forum posts, included girls he actually hadn't visited yet).

Several girls were so mad at his behaviour that they reported him to management afterwards, and requested that that customer never be sent to them again (yes, bros, the girls will do this if you prove yourself a total amoeba).  One thing good about Windsor management is that they do support girls' requests to blacklist customers who the girls find intolerable.

So if you are one of those customers who can't rise above your amoeba state, you may find it rather difficult to re-book that one (or two, or three) girl(s) your were hoping to get a second chance at. And the sauna PR management will know your amoeba nature. And amoeba customers are often identified and discussed by the girls in the back room (particularly those that are also bad tippers!).  After all, fore-warned is fore-armed; most girls don't want to be stuck in a room with an oozing amoeba if they can avoid it!

So my sauna friends, please don't be amoebae. Be gentlemen. Be high-class customers. You will be so much happier in the end. And the girls will like you so much more (really!)!  

Merry Christmas!

[ 本帖最後由 old.dawg 於 2011-12-13 19:07 編輯 ]
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +20 Interesting 2011-12-13 19:27
  • 白貓兒 威望 +20 Interesting 2011-12-13 19:27
  • 白貓兒 體力 +20 Interesting 2011-12-13 19:27


Based on content and date/times of the customer's posts, the girls have pinpointed him.


回復 4723# 的帖子

I guess all my words were lost on you . . .

Oh well, perhaps some amoebae may never be able to evolve into higher forms of life.

So long, bros, I'm out of here.  Better things to do with my time!


回復 4734# 的帖子

I will tell you, there is more than one customer at Windsor who drops his pants upon entering the room. I don't think it is productive to try to publicly name suspected culprits here.  They already know who they are.  It is sufficient that they have been reminded that such behaviour doesn't endear them to the girls. Nor does it gain them respect or honour from their fellow sauna punters (I tend to believe that most Windsor customers, like the sauna's facilities, are of a higher class, and I trust most of you see yourselves this way).

Bros, the girls can handle any 下流流氓 who unwelcomely flies his flag in the open air.  They've all seen the behaviour many times, and, to their credit, can gracefully take the wind out of any sail.

What is intolerable is naming a list of girls that perform extra services.  It is harmful enough when customers try to do that in a public forum; it is recklessly hurtful to say such things directly to a technician.  No benefit can come from it.

No matter who you are, or how you've behaved in the past, may I heartfully request that, from now on, we all please refrain from pointing fingers at technicians.  If they've done something wonderful for you, why ruin it and destroy such blessed trust?  If they haven't done something for you, then you may need to accept that you could be in the wrong restaurant ordering from the wrong menu.

I really like the girls at Windsor.  They take good care of us.  So I think we need to, and can, take better care of them.  Why can't that be our duty and honour as customers?  Everyone in the end will be happier (I promise!)

I wish everyone a very happy holiday season!  May all your good wishes and dreams come true!


I give up. And now regret ever coming here to post.

WK, maybe this forum has run its course and needs to close down.
  • TaiWah 體力 +1 我很認同 2011-12-17 14:29
  • TaiWah 威望 +1 我很認同 2011-12-17 14:29
  • TaiWah 金錢 +1 我很認同 2011-12-17 14:29


回復 4754# 的帖子

Tell me, which am I? The chicken? Or the duck?

Thanks for your supportive words (I know what you are trying to say!)

For every bad egg, there are usually a few good ones still in the carton.  Let's hope the Windsor gentlemen out-number the Windsor schoolboys.

Gentlemen punters, please support your girls (so they can shun the schoolboys!)!


原帖由 SPA愛上她 於 2011-12-18 08:50 發表
在下  睡醒來,感謝版主無限大愛

相關搜索目錄: SPA


原帖由 SPA愛上她 於 2011-12-18 11:03 發表


相關搜索目錄: SPA
  • TaiWah 金錢 +1 人貴自知. 2011-12-18 20:59
  • TaiWah 威望 +1 人貴自知. 2011-12-18 20:59
  • TaiWah 體力 +1 人貴自知. 2011-12-18 20:59




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