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J-10 is still miles away from "existing US version" of F-16
In today's engagement, shoot first with first missle lock is the key.
Current US F-16's "look down" radar can lock 8 targets 160 nm away.

We will hardly see any top-gun type of dog fight in moden war.
It is all BVR engagement (beyond visual range)

相關搜索目錄: Dog


May be km.
What I was told is the new "look-down" radar is twice the range of the AMRAAM, which is 80 (nm/km???)

BTW, I am sure the AWACS radar range is a lot more than 120nm/300km.  I remember one of the NATO report said 3 AWACS can cover the entire europe battlefield.  It sounds like 1200km to me.

The older (but still personally I believe still one of the best) Pheonix system on the F14D super-Tomcat did have 300km+ (450km for larger target like Tu-22M Backfire) range with the multi-element radar dish on the nose, with capability to lock on 32 targets and engage 16 of them at any single instant.  It is retired only due to old airplane airframe maintainence cost but cannot find any current new airframe large enough to deploy it.

War is all about money .....

[ 本帖最後由 BenChek 於 2007-12-20 09:05 編輯 ]




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