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[桑拿浴室] 薀莎水療 (Windsor Spa)

原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-8-21 01:18 發表 I must say I've noticed a lot more smokers in the pool area and lounge recently
Hey, there are customers who smoke in the massage room while they get a massage!  Ask the BGs about this.  In such a small room, do you know how difficult that is for the BG to put up with? Most of those customers never ask the BG if it okay for them to smoke; they just light up.

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-8-21 19:22 編輯 ]


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-9-25 13:45 發表 I was there twice last week  ...
So you really are twice a week . . .


原帖由 CY+Kong 於 2012-9-26 11:50 發表
最近做幾個技師都有意無意之間索取多代支, 有些更要求1對2或1對2.5!!!


原帖由 makemyday 於 2012-9-27 07:59 發表
just that when BG expect 1:2 or 1:2.5, that demands on the service they provide ...
Those of you looking for a handjob have to expect to pay for the extra service.

The BGs I know at Windsor tell me the customers there are the most 花心 of any sauna they've ever worked in.  No matter what VAS the BGs agree to do, most customers quickly move on to another BG.  So more BGs are now asking for more money upfront before providing VAS, especially from customers they deem 花心.  In their minds, why should they do more work if (1) they don't get more money for the extra service, and/or (2) the customer won't likely become a regular customer.

Sounds logical and fair to me.


原帖由 安全 於 2012-9-28 09:21 發表 I had one yesterday and the flying skill was quite good! The downside is too expensive for a flight!
If you book the same airline on a regular basis, you may find you get automatically upgraded to first class once you acquire enough mileage.    No need to pay full fare.  

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-9-28 10:57 編輯 ]


原帖由 Oilking 於 2012-9-28 15:16 發表 Same practice here! But some of the good ones left
Yeah, some of my favorites have left too.  

There are too many BGs at this sauna.  So it has become too hard for the girls to make a steady income.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-10-4 08:38 發表 Now that Windsor raised their charges by $20-30 this month, I just wish they would also raise the session fee for the BGs - even just a few $ as a gesture !
But Management has to pay for all that new space!!


Despite the fact that the BGs are the main reason why the place has customers (after all, I don't go there just to sit in the lounge, watch old Canto films and eat sub-par food), Management tends to view them as replaceable cogs.

So the good BGs leave.

And I now spend my time at other saunas with better BGs.


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-10-4 15:34 發表     On a lighter note, I think Windsor's kitchen has improved over the last few months ... I would say their dan dan noodles are as good as any restaurant in HK and their fried hor fun is pretty good too ... but I've been spending too much time on their dan dan noodles and haven't tried their Chinese dishes yet !
I haven't been to Windsor for almost 4 months, so perhaps the 擔擔面 and 炒河粉 have now become major customer attractions??
Nonetheless, it will still take a 保准五星的按摩 to get me back there on a regular basis.

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-10-4 21:25 編輯 ]


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-10-4 15:34 發表      its also because of corruption that is so prevalent in this industry that makes the life of a BG so difficult and hard to accept ...
On the contrary, perhaps a worthwhile discussion indeed!  But perhaps not in this thread.


原帖由 bfung100 於 2012-10-4 23:50 發表 I just consumed all my package at Windsor. Ching, please advise where can I find better BGs?Thanks in advance.
I have to agree with brother TAW that BG fit is a highly personal thing.  It is a bit like choosing a tailor: different customers have different expectations and get different results.  So for this reason (and other reasons of privacy and respect) I don't advertise BGs numbers.  

My current sauna of preference is 浪淘莎.  Again, a personal choice.  I've been a customer there for many years.  One reason is its location is more convenient for me than 蘊莎.  But after an absence of almost two years, when I went back the old staff still remembered me.  Each time I go there the staff prep my favorite drink for me when I arrive and present it to me in the changing room.  Then again in the resting area they will have a second drink waiting for me.  Then finally a third drink waiting for me in the changing room on my way out.  I've never asked for this service; they just do it for me.  Nice touch.

I also believe the BGs at 浪淘莎 are more consistent skill-wise than those at 蘊莎.  Again, this is my experience based on my expectation of what a good massage should be.  After most of my favourites left 蘊莎 in the past couple of years, I decided to go back to 浪淘莎 to explore things, and was happy to make the change.  浪淘莎 is an older place than 蘊莎, and not as "high-end", but it is clean and personable, even "cozy" when compared to 蘊莎.  When trying new BGs, the PR staff seem to know which girls will suit me based on my regulars, so I feel they know their BGs better than 蘊莎 does.  I haven't been disappointed yet.

Again, this is just my experience and opinion.  Other bros' may differ . . .

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-10-5 10:51 編輯 ]
  • 白貓兒 體力 +25 多謝分享 2012-10-5 15:25
  • 白貓兒 威望 +25 多謝分享 2012-10-5 15:25
  • 白貓兒 金錢 +25 多謝分享 2012-10-5 15:25


原帖由 twiceAweek 於 2012-10-5 12:22 發表 I'm glad Ivy's in charge now instead of that big guy (can't remember his name) who used to try and take advantage of the prettier girls there.t ...
Jxxk.  Used to extort money from girls giving HJs.  During his reign he often used the forum thread and PM to ID BGs.  If they didn't pay up, he'd fire them, often very publicly.
So brothers, it is very important to be careful what you say in these threads, and even via PM, especially if you are not personally familiar with who you are communicating with.

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-10-5 20:43 編輯 ]


原帖由 dssdsdwsdw 於 2012-10-5 18:38 發表 無證無舉,胡亂指明道姓,指責別人做非法勾當,完全不負責任及幼稚行為。請版主公平處理及嚴懲。
To address your sensitivity, I've changed his name to "Jxxk".  Which, by the way, is not his 姓.

And, yes, while Jxxk's activities were neither documented in the South China Morning Post nor some other public journal, they were by no way secret or unknown.  You can ask any BG who worked under him (pun not intended).  Indeed, it was a BG who found an opportunity to credibly inform one of his superiors that led to his demise.


原帖由 kk328 於 2012-11-10 14:27 發表 明亮動人, 美容師, 祝妳11.11生日快樂
有好奇:你祝生日快樂的虳亮動人, 美容師虷o常常來這個論壇讀帖子嗎?

相關搜索目錄: 美容


原帖由 dssdsdwsdw 於 2012-12-12 07:02 發表 最近試了幾個BG,每次都要加鐘才有好服務,現在好似每個BG都要追鐘數,要加鐘,否則…
Making money is the objective of every BG.  If their customers aren't reliably regular, then they must find ways to squeeze more hours out of the ones they get.

Again, too many BGs at Windsor, too few customers.  Until the commercial equation rebalances, this will be the result.


原帖由 kotaroisaka 於 2012-12-12 11:46 發表 Too few customers? 近排都仲係好旺斔{。其他場就真係靜驉C
Not during the early shifts, which I believe this customer was referring to.

Also, this sauna hired a lot of new girls in advance of opening the new floor, which hasn't happened yet.  So even during the busier evening shifts there are still more girls on call than needed.

[ 本帖最後由 observer2012 於 2012-12-12 23:25 編輯 ]


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