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My first time to this sauna, better than I expect. Tried #38, quite nice, similar as described by brothers here. A bit hesitate to try her first as I prefer big real boobs and hers do not look big in photos. But in real person, good-sized and looks natural to me (as some say hers may be unnatural but I find hers quite real, I really cannot tell). Thx for brothers' recommendation.


回復 #118 白貓兒 的帖子

Bro Whitekitty, any good recommendations? My next targets are #28, #16 (suggestions in this thread). Will try East Lake #119 too (Is she in the middle shift? Would like to know East Lake phone no. in order to book her. Sorry to ask so many questions here about East Lake regarding this thread is on 逢來賭). Thx!!


回復 #120 天使藍 的帖子

Bro 天使藍, 飯堂=East Lake, right? I will pay a visit soon and hopefully can meet #119 there.


Tried #16. Quite nice. Ok look with real big boobs (most importantly ). A little fat. If she gets slim a bit, would be better.


回復 #127 shark-654 的帖子

Bro shark-654 , thx for replying to bro 天使藍 for me. Yes it is 逢來賭 #16.

Bro icheng609, #71 looks a bit too big (overall body size) in photos. I am also looking forward to some comments on her.




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