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西 班 牙 巴 耶 雅 Paella

今年4月去過法國, 入左一間法國餐廳食晚飯, 叫左一客西班牙炒飯, 個waiter話最少要兩人份量, 咁我地每人一個主菜, 再加一個西班牙炒飯一齊食.

個waiter先放個鐵架係台上, 當時都知道佢地會係鐵鍋上, 等左大蓋十五分鐘, 離遠見到個waiter雙手拿著個很大的鐵鍋, 上面鋪滿虾, 墨魚, 番茄等等材料....個飯比我們相象中真的大很多. 我地話4-5人份量就差唔多, 唔係個waiter講既2人.

個飯好濃既醬汁味, D海鮮好新鮮同埋D汁混入個飯度, 好香...

係香港冇乜點試過呢個菜式, 唔知邊度有得食呢??
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'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-16 13:51 發表
I had dinner with them some long time ago.
Suggest  to ring up , and find out whether they can provide what you want.              

EL CID西班牙餐廳
EL CID Spanish Restaurant   西班牙菜
銅 ...
What other restaurants you know?
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 moxfactor 於 2007-7-17 06:42 發表
尋日喺"郎豪坊"13樓 Tapas 食過佢地既 Chorizo Paella, 做得唔錯.  其他小食都幾好.  但係最唔待就係個dip.  失敗中既失敗...  blue cheese稀到呢.... guacamole原全冇牛油果味, hummous又係一d  ...
你講起我都記得食過呢間野. 印象中個Paella好細個鍋, 1-2個人岩岩好, 多D人都唔夠食~

個飯幾好味, 坐係個環境食飯, 克蚊蚊, 一邊食一邊飲野都幾RELAX...
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 GKT 於 2007-7-16 18:31 發表
I tried the similar dish at a Spanish restaurant in Germany.  Very delicious!!!

'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 GKT 於 2007-7-18 09:09 發表

It's a place called Bad Homburg closed to Frankfurt.  The restaurant that can taste deer steak named Hirschgarten.  It looks like a restaurant in a country park and you need to rent a car to  ...
I not dare eat deer or rabbit. Especially when you see them alive outside, but you eat them inside. Oh...no!
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 GKT 於 2007-7-18 09:09 發表

It's a place called Bad Homburg closed to Frankfurt.  The restaurant that can taste deer steak named Hirschgarten.  It looks like a restaurant in a country park and you need to rent a car to  ...
By the way, how it taste like?
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-19 03:25 發表

If you prefer an address in Kowloon side.

EL CID Spanish Restaurant
尖沙咀天文台道諾士佛臺12-14 號地下.

They have one in Stanley ,but close already.

I am afraid I don't hnow any  ...
I know this restaurant. I like their special drink, but cant remember the name. In pink w/ fresh fruits in a jar!
I also like their garlic shrimp, small dish w/ slices of fried garlic...yummy!
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-19 03:25 發表

If you prefer an address in Kowloon side.

EL CID Spanish Restaurant
尖沙咀天文台道諾士佛臺12-14 號地下.

They have one in Stanley ,but close already.

I am afraid I don't hnow any  ...
Stanley one is closed? What restaurant is it now?
I haven't been there for a long time...
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 GKT 於 2007-7-18 17:33 發表

Beef steak, e.g. sirloin and tenderloin, tastes better.  The texture is not as soft as expected.

They served it medium or well-done?
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 lafite2004 於 2007-7-21 08:17 發表

I am not sure you mean this one.
The name is   SANGRIA   a spanish drink consisting of :::

Red wine.
7 Up .........................Cold  7 up.
Fruit :  Strawberry,  lemon  ,orange  green  ...
Yes, that is the drink i refer to!
I remembered i drank something similar in China, GREAT WALL RED WINE + CREAM SODA. But without fruit. Not easily get drunk...but what a waste to the red wine.

相關搜索目錄: Wine
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  


原帖由 GKT 於 2007-7-26 20:35 發表

The amount of alcohol in the Sangria quite depends.  It is very suitable for ladies, but sometime ladies can easily get drunk because it tastes not so alcoholic.

Right, I can drink a lot even the wine is mixed into it.
Good for party as it suits everyone.

相關搜索目錄: Wine
'Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try Again. Fail again. Fail better.'  




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