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厚街 MY

厚街 MY

I just seen brother's  post on 日久失修之XOcat,  and i want to say sincere thanks to brothers like Ainy, Jack, KMY, Glucerna.......................... a lot , cant remember all brothers and so sorry not writing more posts, as myself chinese sucks and not good in writing. As a typical CDR, we know this forum are only post and supported by 10-12 brothers but this give a lot valuable information and update to other brother and particuarly myself.

I just went with my friends to HJ last saturday, this is my 1st visit to HJ. I heard a lot comments on HJ , saying price being inflated by japanese , taiwanese; not worth, so so quality, etc. that's why i hestitate long time not go until i went with my friends worked as shoe manufacturing buyer. he got couple taiwanese shoe manufacturer and i joined their party this week finally. We been to Korean BBQ place, his taiwanese friend brought in a LB, so good , tall and sharp figure, and pretty good face. Make me so much expectation. then his friends drive us for dinner. We drank some soju and race wine and have BBQ, nice dinner ! LB so hot, keep pouring rice wine and drink with me. Later my freind told me she used to be DJ in MY and now being privatilized by his taiwanese owner. anyway, we finished a big meal , oh it's already 9 pm, so better leave to go MY K directly otherwise not even a girl can pick. anothe taiwanese friend drive us to MY hotel and then he went to pick up his LB back for CQ. so went in MY K, very pakced wor, we  heard most room are singing loudly already so i already managed down my expectation. then sit in room, they bought a new Black labe wine card, so then DJ come in , 167cm, thin but big boob, OMG. now wonder the taiwanese privatize his LB here! ok, ask MM bring in gals, only 4-5 left, next round, then another 3 , still pretty so so, forget it la, lets play with DJ and fds' LB already went out to help me find gals. ok , then play play sin la, rice wine then Black Label, start feeling the alcohol, ok, then Fds' LB come in with 1 gal , ok la, siu la, i wanna play with LB so just ask the gal to sit down, my friend already call in his reserved gal, really a PK friend , no even reserve 1 for me. anyway, play la, then sing sing and then dice with fds LB and gals and DJ. as usual, too focus on LB and DJ boob and keep losing, my fd and other also rush in to party, and drank a lot. LB told me he knew taiwanese got a real girl fd and she is only no. 2. i said ok la as long as he treat you well, etc. lots of bullshit. drinking too much , need to go washroom a lot. when i come out with washroom. the gal saty in the door. i asked her why keep following me ar ? she said u Q ma, haha, i told her that means not handsome la !~ , she laugh so happily and keep staying in front, i said if u dont move I will kiss you ga, she just pull me to her and kiss me, i then awake as all friends are still here ga, luckily the washroom are at the back of TV screen with a wall to cover so they dont see us , she then give me her number and ask me to call her next time i come. anyway , quickly back to my seat and pretending nothing and keep playing, taiwanese fds and LB left first and me and my friends and our gals play until 12 then brought back hotel, as usual.

to conclude, HJ is a place u go for weekdays, weekend just too crowded and u wont pick very good stuff, and need to go early. But a very nice experience and DJ are very pretty, i saw 3-4 outside my room also very nice .

相關搜索目錄: BBQ Wine


true, ON is  1.3k .............. but at least gal attitude is better than CP , may be more commercial training and my fd got a close MM contact, they go to the place 3-4mes ti per week


i wanna try too .................下次一齊做有錢佬。。。。。。


鲍汁 , I am loving it




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