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yep, that's why we also need to try to post As much As we  can, otherwise all people give up !


i lost interest to explore new places like before, remember first time I went SZ, CP MYD, CP Half Island, CP XX, CA DFML, River, Half hill in 3 areas, all are so exciting , nowadays , we only went 1/2 insland , CA , and Zhuhai/Macau, not much new places to explore. Last week to THICK STREET reinitiate my desire.
perhaps IT's time for me to explore Rich GUY and some new places, any suggestions, brothers ?


YES, now focus on game more instead of girls !
258 no much choice, now all are 3711, 3812, even have 41318,51520, what a world !


in old days, there is only premium in tall girls, like 167 or above, so at least is more scarce
nowadays, short one is "BABY" group, also charge premium, 3812,
so i feel sorry for those mid size one !!!! and sit mostly medium size, although i am XXL size, haha


Forum brothers are 一呼百應 towards said activity too weak recently.
Seems our brothers are very cooperative and actually we have a big group. Just most of senior members are losing interst to write more coz we are not that supportive
hope this can improve !!
i have "面書" ar !


wow, sorry to hear that


that's why china block "面書" because they afraid all the tiger know the officials or else have so many 2nd wife ........... haha




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