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深圳鳳凰 short report

原帖由 colorbhk 於 2006-8-30 08:03 AM 發表

locker room - OK,
locker room service OK, but too 熱情 for me
rest room - OK, manager is OK and helpful
Foot Message and 采耳 services are taken, and are up to standard
Room, OK la
沖涼房無乜改變, 只係重舖過地板, 及重修所有lockers, 不過算係咁, 以前好多locker霉霉爛爛, 有d唔用得添, 邢家起碼是全新的, 可以上鎖的, 但你個休息龐就真係改動幾多, 全新白沙發, 電視機也換了, 成個rest parlour個orientation都90%轉向了, 地方幾乾淨, 只是d服務員唔夠班, 與及有個幾靚的服務員及前台一個靚女肥妹(是某同主sauna場一個咸濕主任個老婆, 聽講一來到就俾佢溝左, 假如我見到先, 唔輪到佢了) 唔見左, 按腳的也全換人了, 講真, 我覺得唔需要大換血丫, 好的留低都得丫!

Girl, a bit old, but still OK looking, CUP 手波
part 1 可以的 (以飛機骨 standard)
part 2 patpat oil 可以的
part 3 JJ oil 可以的
but wear too much, not refuse to go to the discovery land if you insist
呢個場一向provide大飛, 而家留下來的紅牌, 都是昔日做大飛的, 所以你約佢出黎一定開以456(開大), 也是因為是"大飛人員", 普遍具備一般在深圳做大飛的囡囡一個特性, 就係老!

TOTAL PAID out, 0.3 billion from my body, and $260 from my wallet
係咪0.3billion就你至知, 但係收260, 唔通你做韓式, 或者而家起左價, 因為我上去果日仲做緊港式88蚊雙鐘promotion過喎?!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 colorbhk 於 2006-9-4 03:32 PM 發表
原帖由 求其 於 2006-9-4 05:46 PM 發表


係咪0.3billion就你至知, 但係收260, 唔通你做韓式, 或者而家起左價, 因為我上去果日仲做緊港式88蚊雙鐘promotion過喎?!

i was asking $10 ...
I am not sure when did you visit this sauna? Yes, they ask for 100 for tips, but the basic charge for HK style is 88 only, and I tell you what, I am now in this sauna, the promotion is still vaild but will be ended until 15/9/2006
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2006-9-4 05:00 PM 發表

I am not sure when did you visit this sauna? Yes, they ask for 100 for tips, but the basic charge for HK style is 88 only, and I tell you what, I am now in this sauna, the promotion is stil ...
I've just finished enjoying a 3-hour massage from a girls whose nipples are extremely sensitive (May be I should say a girl with a pair of sensitive nipples has enjoyed my massage in the past 3 hours)
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 colorbhk 於 2006-9-4 10:09 PM 發表
my last visit is about 2 weeks ago, and i must be 搵笨 seven-ed
I am still in this sauna, and have asked them the charging strategy. The answer is: you are unlucky, they originally charged 158 for HK style 118 for Korean style, both styles didn't include tips(which is a must). They did it so because the boss want to test the market. One week after the re-opening of this sauna, the boss decided to held a promotion, ie adjust the price to the psesent situation in order to attract more customers to come. The price is now 68/88 (for Korean and HK style respectively). The promotion will be valid until mid Sep 2006
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 markLee 於 2006-9-5 04:41 AM 發表
Promotion til mid of Sept!! ....Good......hehe............seems I can try try wor!!! hehe

Thanks for the information, 求版主!!
The exact date on which promotion is ended should be 11 Sep 2006 (info from management people of this sauna)
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 pimperro 於 2006-9-5 04:50 AM 發表
Brother 求其

what is Hong kong style en Korean style?
Hong kong style = aeroplane
Korean style = baldder massage (ie massage on your spring bag without helping you ejaculate...)
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 colorbhk 於 2006-9-9 01:43 AM 發表
今天再訪, 真凡的減價了, 188 港style
仲有幾天, 佢地就會mark番高個價了, 但就稍低於開業初期那個價, 方法係送vip卡及/或coupon
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 digitalartgroup 於 2006-9-10 05:31 AM 發表
pass the address place, i want to try
"pass the address place"??? 你想問乜...???
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 eliuty88 於 2006-9-11 10:52 AM 發表

相關搜索目錄: 酒店
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 HJ2127_ATR1 於 2006-9-11 11:23 AM 發表

最唔滿意係天濛光因人太多, 結果拍門叫人出去大廳...

我也版拍門及請了出來, 不過我夠惡, 兇完佢之後, 我返番去房間訓, 可惜當時你間房已evacuate已見不到你, 出大廳也看不到你, 後來才知你也版趕左出去, 否則幫你拿間房睡了!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!




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