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I am SCWT, I want to appeal. I never tried to lie and no need to make up stupid stories in here. Nancy was the very first BG i tried. The shop was at MK Shanghai St. Maybe I got mix up with the shop's name only, what's the point to exaggerate my experience? I am just like other Ching in here, just wanna share our own experiences as we all enjoy rpp industry. Whitekitty, no point to suspend my account as I didn't hurt anybody with wordings at all. Feel free to suspend this new account as well.

相關搜索目錄: Make up


i understand and agree not to comment too causally which need to invisible impact to the victim. In my case, I didn't just answered without my own consideration. I am sure it wasn't 2 yrs ago, btw, are we talking about the same shop? that shop was owned by a lady who like to wear cap often. sorry forgot her name.




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