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原帖由 jingya 於 2015-6-4 10:41 發表
Call Tao Tao on my last trip, she sent me the site and with blind-folded pic of js.  Have one come but not as expected.  A bit too old and fair look.  Guess it all depends on luck

Hopfully will ...
As I didn't try Anan girls I cannot comment. But the girl from Tao Tao was good last time, young and horny OL.

I have more trust with Mami, cause the picture she sent will not cover the face and is daily photos. If you don't mind, which I did most of my time. I will invite Mami for a lunch and she will bring few girls together, so you can see the real thing (face and boost) . This is an extra expenses, however, it is still cheaper than you go to the KTV for a night and get a girl, money and time consuming.
I love HK


回復 5618# 的帖子

I must tell you, last time I picked her assistant , not the girl. Who is we normally call "Siu Mami" she is a bit baby fat, but good skills and service in bed
I love HK


原帖由 jingya 於 2015-6-5 10:35 發表
Will try.  Thanks for the tips.
After you tried, share a report with us. Last time, when Mami took girls out for lunch with me, I can't see my cup of tea, BUT, I chose her Assistant Mami . Late 20s a bit baby fat, but good looking face and nice big boost. I did not regret, cause she had good bed skills and all environmental service..  Her normal work is assisting Mami to scheduling girls to different customers, and she will not sleep with customers. It is not usual she will take customer but as I am good friend of her Mami I got a good treat. May be one day, I will fxxk the Mami as well, eventhough she is a mature big boost lady around 40s.
I love HK


原帖由 Superwind 於 2015-6-8 02:00 發表
How many girls Mami can bring for lunch ?  How about dinner or night snack ?  If not taken anyone after meal, what is the damage (transportation, agent fee) ?

Please also PM me for the contact meth ...
Hi Superwind Brother,
I have sent message to you. Good thing to know this Mami, is that this Mami will not insist you have to go to the Club and you waste a lot in Karaoke room hire and drinks and tips for DJ, etc. You just need to go direct to Mami, and she arrange girls for you to pick and go. You just pay the girl next morning after finished her jobs. For appreciation to the Mami, I normally give her five hundreds RMB "privately", but of course, I don't mean you need to give this. But I have been a long time customer just like a friend now, I did this.

About the price for each girl, depends on how long you want her to stay with you. Range from RMB1,700 to RMB3,500. I have tried all levels, which even I take the highest one, still very good value. Cause for 3,500, you take the girl out from 6 pm to dinner, escort around and back to hotel for unlimited Q until next morning. Just like your own girl friend.

The only inconvenience is when you are new, you don't trust Mami's suggestion of girls to you. Then you waste time in selecting girls, since there are hundreds of girls, you can never make up your mind. I got a friend, who went there to pick, by the time he watched about twenty and more girls, he want to get the first one, but too late, took by others.

Enjoy your trip Brother.

[ 本帖最後由 merlot 於 2015-6-9 08:37 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: Make up
I love HK


原帖由 sweetlove 於 2015-6-10 00:17 發表

Thanks a lot to bro Merlot for the information! How old are the girls?
Any suggestions on where I can find young girls from 17-20?
Hi Brother,

The girls from her K Club should be younger, you must go there to pick but not necessary to book a room for a night waste time and money at the K. Just ask Mami what time to go is better, cause like I said the other friend last week, he went there late around 8 pm, not many to pick. Also, if you have preferences, tell Mami in advance so she can screen out first, then you don't waste your time when arrive.

I usually arrive around 6:30 pm at the Club to pick girls and then take her out directly for dinner and so on..... But my preference is girls from mid 20 and above. I had experience with very young girl around 18, too shy on bed, when I taste her nipples always laugh
and don't mention about any skills and service at all. But it doesn't mean young girls are all like this. I rather to have girls at late 20, with mature boost and skills and high sex interests. Always so horny that ask you for two to three times a night and a morning Q, good value for what you pay.
I love HK


回復 5628# 的帖子

I only have trips to Shanghai not other cities at the moment.

For those Brothers who got my Shanghai contacts, please post your experiences and comments. Thanks
I love HK


原帖由 samson.ng 於 2015-6-15 18:49 發表
Do you have any contacts in Beijing?

Thanks a lot!

No. Please my answer in 5629# above.
I love HK


回復 5629# 的帖子

There are many brothers called Tao Tao's girls as I knew. But they came back with different prices asked by the girls in addition to the "Extra F" service. My experience was RMB1,000 which I found was very good value, however, some girls asked for more. Therefore, some brothers may be quite upset. I must say, the "additional service" is the girl's private business which means each girl will have her own price tag, so need to bet your luck. Because some girls may even not offering the "F" service, you may need to mention you need a "Very Open JS" during your booking, but DON'T say you want a Fxxk service    , then no one will response to you

[ 本帖最後由 merlot 於 2015-6-17 10:12 編輯 ]
I love HK


原帖由 fe522000 於 2015-6-18 15:45 發表
What's the price for normal service?
RMB$300? Please advise Thanks.
吾知師兄指Normal service是否齋揼,机餐應有几種价钱,你微信桃桃,她自有餐牌发給你,我也是微信问她的。至于增值服務,因是囡囡私下做,所以各有不同,要看你采数了。

[ 本帖最後由 merlot 於 2015-6-18 19:33 編輯 ]
I love HK


原帖由 fe522000 於 2015-6-19 11:24 發表
Normal service=机餐
Well, I can't remember, you can ask Tao Tao by WeChat.
I love HK


原帖由 sweetlove 於 2015-6-23 23:48 發表
Called AnAn. She sent a girl. The girl did not look as young as I expected, but body shape was my favourite type. The girl offered FS in the middle, and I accepted the deal at 1300 total. She gave a v ...
Good How long was the service in total?
I love HK


原帖由 男人愛高達 於 2015-6-26 14:27 發表
actually, I am asking the damage just for the lunch with the gal and mami.... I knew the total damage is around 1.7 - 3.5k.
Basically, I didn't paid anything. Just the lunch, maybe if you just pay a few hundred as like taxi fare to the girls, not sure. But, you can ask Mami whether you have to pay over the phone when you invite her and the girls for lunch. Mami is very good and straight forward, just ask.
I love HK


原帖由 MUNCHEN 於 2015-6-25 23:03 發表
Thanks brother Merllot, tried the girls of mami twice.   一次包夜, 一次快餐。both provided me very good service. The first one I went to her KTV to select the girl and then take it out. There are so  ...
Brother, What is the name of the 36D girl? I like big.........
I love HK


原帖由 andrew2005 於 2015-7-3 19:19 發表

My ticket and hotel were confirmed.  Plan to have 1 call out massage (from Anan or Taotao) and 1 night from Mami girl.

Is it a good plan?  Bring Mami girl overnight safe?  I never try over ...
Hi bro,
It all depends on the type of hotel you stayed. In normal case, if the receptionist ask you, then just let them register the girl's ID card, the girls should get used to it. In some other cases, especially if you stay in those international hotel chains, just take the girl up, no one will try to ask.
If you are not sure, you walk in front and ask the girl to follow you from the back, like you don't know her.

Just try anything you can think of, be creative !!!
I love HK


原帖由 qiaoyin 於 2015-7-3 12:25 發表
很久没找上魽A上星期才用心缘手机1376$67##19加了微信,要求预约蘋N按摩的,现在费用贵咧,398只推油鮸鞳A但是挺值!小艾年๙ ...
This is the current price already, not expensive. If you ask for FULL service, there could be +1000 to +2500, which I feel is too expensive.
I love HK


原帖由 Enchantrix 於 2015-7-8 23:54 發表
First need to thank Merlot sharing the contacts. I tired one girl from k club mami today, took her overnight. It's a  young girl only 19, don't know much about service, but she has a happy character w ...
Ha Ha Ha , That is the problem to my friend last time, he can't make up his mind and finally because the time running late, most girls were taken by others

Congratulations to you had a good trip. I will have my trip in August, will have a few visits to Mami and AnAn.

相關搜索目錄: Make up
I love HK


回復 5668# 的帖子

Hi ALL brothers, I am going to Shanghai to see my girls   Talk to you all after 3 weeks.
I love HK


Dear All brothers, just return from my Loooooong Hong Kong and China trip last week. Bad news is Tao Tao is out of business, if you can still use the Wechat to contact her, it could be her successor to run the business.
I love HK


回復 5705# 的帖子

Most of the time SH is safe, especially if you are staying in those 5 stars international hotels
I love HK


Why is so quiet recently? I gave a lot of brothers the contacts, seems nobody tried? Or tried but no report?
I love HK


原帖由 korean 於 2015-11-4 23:50 發表
Hi Merlot Bro,
How's the club quality to take away recently ? i might call your mama and have a trial in 2 weeks time. Any price updated ?

Last month contacted Mami, she was busy in interviewing new girls, price no change.
I love HK


原帖由 benmovie1 於 2015-11-18 15:42 發表
都接近成年無上上海,上個星期上左3日公司training,都係照舊叫上門算喇,KTV深圳都貴過香港私竇,可況係上海,哩啲節目都係留返見客開公數先去喇^^  今日係公司得閒無聊,寫下報告睇下其他師兄啲好野先發現原來我個 ...
Thank you for your GREAT report, very good. Can you PM the Wechat of AnAn to me? Thanks
I love HK


原帖由 shanghaiexpat 於 2015-12-10 10:08 發表
FYI, Mami on holiday in her home town at the moment.
I love HK


Mami told me that she will be back to SH late this week, business as normal. Brothers enjoy
I love HK


原帖由 popup 於 2016-1-18 14:57 發表
Just arrive SH, 加左價, ask ching contact, now 紅包500, KTV挑要加100離場, 包夜3000...... a bit expensive...considering ..anyway thanks ching contact info
Hi Brother, yes the price has gone up a bit. For "包夜3000", is for the whole night unlimited Q. If you just want a Q and let the girl leave, it is around 1800. But because I knew Mami for many years now, normally, I will call her out for lunch and she will bring me 2 to 3 girls to kook and select first (she knew my taste on girls). I will take the girl out from 6 pm for dinner until next morning.
I love HK




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