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­ì©«¥Ñ chulaw2002 ©ó 2016-1-27 00:27 µoªí
Anne baby ¦w±ÆÉÆÉƦn­øÕi¡A«ö¦¬4¡A§j¥[1¤d°µ¥[2¤d¦A¥[ªº¤h费¡AËÝûH货³£开¤Ñ«b»ù©w«Y§Ú¤Ó­@µLª±¡I
Hi Bro, ML 2¤d¦A¥[ªº¤h费.  That is the reason why I always go to see Mami. If you call An An or other massage girls, very expensive nowadays, no choice and no guarantee. If you go to Mami, at least you can see the girls, look for the type of girl you want, but of course you can't say the service until over night. But the price is fixed when you tell Mami how long you want the girl for.
I love HK


­ì©«¥Ñ jasonkwokkh ©ó 2016-2-2 01:13 µoªí
do not understand
I love HK


­ì©«¥Ñ bus624 ©ó 2016-2-7 07:27 µoªí
Goby, you are right. There are some 5 star hotels in Shanghai (or even Beijing) offer message services in the guest room. Those girls will offer the extra services at "off market price", normally HJ a ...
That is true, those girls just focus in those "dum Gwei Lo", who don't know the market prices. Also, the girls may need to share the fee with Hotel managers" as well.
I love HK


Hi All Dear Brothers, many brothers asked me to PM and share the Mami contacts and promised to post here. BUT, until now no one shared any comments and experience. I am a bit upset.
I love HK


­ì©«¥Ñ xijiping ©ó 2016-3-29 23:19 µoªí
On call hand job service?  Is there any possibility to get a full service?
Call out massage JS are mainly HJ. The mami I used in these years is serving KTV girls outcall on FULL service overnight. It all depends your time and body needs.
I love HK


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