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[原創] “精” 英同盟會 - 老太監 Old place revisit

“精” 英同盟會 - 老太監 Old place revisit

Date: Of course not today
Place: Old Place in 2nd line SZ
Time: Somehow I could manage before the Zoo close the gate

MM Number: What is the number you called for police
Height: 170

Manage to finish a client early… some worm inside my body told me that they want to have some action;
Check about the time, KY is a bit too rush, Macau is too expensive, HK not much choice, SZ KFC in LWEST or WESTEST… um… not much service… e? service… someplace I didn’t visit for quite some times…

Call manager “superman” to see if he is still work there and if there is anything new,
Good to here that they got some new model arrive, which is tall and good looking… and what a co-incident… today, they will all come back for some refreshment training…

Um… model always mean higher price but taller only… not much interest… but since I really want to have a good service activities… ok… let’s go…

Arrived the place without any problem… meet “Superman” again… he took me to the stone room as usual… unlike other ching which he normally will bring one MM at a time… he asked all the Model and 2 A Label for me to check… almost straight way… I was very interesting to find one MM… she is really a MM as her name is ManMan… but the fact is… she look almost 80-90% alike Wong Yee Man… even with the same hair style…

She is so wild and keep saying she will eat me out alike…

She start with a good dance… BJ a bit then we go to the stone bed… the only downside was the stone bed is so fxxking hot yesterday… but her service really distract me from the heat… and she really turn me on…

After the service on the stone bed… we go to the normal bed with all the standard service… Model has less standard item compare to A or B label… but it is still good…

Then we have a great action…

After that, she still hold me tight and we just keep talking… I really want to stay a while but the Zoo Gate is closing soon…

I have to rush back… but dam… no taxi…

Here is another good thing could mention… the SN actually called the hotel car to take me back… it is a Lexus and cost me $40… um… taxi need about $35 and a Lexus is $40… ok… I could take that…safe and comfortable…

And here I go… arrive on time with a smile…

相關搜索目錄: Dance


回復 #1 Retav 的帖子

Number for calling police? Hong Kong, USA, Australia or China?
And.... who the hell is Wong Yee Man??
Great to know that A Lexus costs only $40.  Do they have any pick up at HG??


Haha... when you are childen, if you are sxx-assult by some old man, apart from saying "唔好", which number your teacher teach you to call

You don't know who is Wong Yee Man? Yue Man Lok's GF, the girl who sing a song with Hacken Lee... ring the bell? hehe...

I know you could call them to pick you up with a transport fee... and they give me a name card as well... BUT.... due to I have to destroy all the evidence... I throw it away... haha... I guess you could call "Superman" to arrange the car to pick u up in HG


回復 #3 Retav 的帖子

我細個鶧}都唔興金魚佬呢家, 鶧}冇呢纗q視廣告, 所以都唔係好知添!! 等我問鴽畯茈J, 睇佢知唔知先??!!

相關搜索目錄: 廣告


Wah... good ar......
should be in DL ...right ?
is it TV SN ?


回復 #5 jetspermman 的帖子

He said that's the second line in SZ already la!! DL is in DG ma!!


Hehe... it is not a secret of my favorite place in SZ... it is not in DG...

You better search icheng's report... as my report previously should be locked already...


回復 #7 Retav 的帖子

One can still search and browse a report that has been locked! The only thing that one cannot do on a locked thread is to add any post to it.


“精” 英同盟會 - 老太監 Old place revisit

原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-23 09:12 發表
Date: Of course not today
Place: Old Place in 2nd line SZ
Time: Somehow I could manage before the Zoo close the gate

MM Number: What is the number you called for police
Height: 170

Detail: ...

Please tell me the details of the SN and the contact of the manager. I would like to try, too. Thanks.

[ 本帖最後由 icheng609 於 2008-4-23 10:36 編輯 ]


回復 #9 icheng609 的帖子

佢都叫人睇你個報告, 即係你都去過啦, 仲要試! 咪係你第一次衝出HL黧ˍo!!


Fxxk... icheng... you still didn't wake up yet... amend your reply quick... you wanna get me kill...


me too me too !!
can you also tell me !!


回復 #11 Retav 的帖子

He's done so la.  Of course, he's still sleeping la, otherwise, how come he'd asked you a place that he's been there before!!


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-23 10:39 發表
Fxxk... icheng... you still didn't wake up yet... amend your reply quick... you wanna get me kill...
Sorry X "n" times.........

I was just out from the meeting room condemning my fewwlow staff on their under-performance..........

I am red hot now and deserve some channel to relieve!


回復 #14 icheng609 的帖子

Then, pack up everything and go for this SN in the second line of SZ.  You can still return to HK by 18:00 if you leave now!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-23 10:47 發表
Then, pack up everything and go for this SN in the second line of SZ.  You can still return to HK by 18:00 if you leave now!!
Good idea........... but I am engaged in two more meeting this afternoon! Poor little "Frog in the Well"!


回復 #16 icheng609 的帖子

Your situation is just like mine on Monday and Tuesday.  I was engaged in meetings for the whole Monday and Tuesday! That's why I replied posts only after 18:00!!!!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-4-23 10:54 發表
Your situation is just like mine on Monday and Tuesday.  I was engaged in meetings for the whole Monday and Tuesday! That's why I replied posts only after 18:00!!!!!
Put I have to delay my action till end this week!


Same here... just escape from a long annoying client yesterday... really want to have a relief...

but the fact is... those WongYeeMan still her job at around 1630... keep in mind if you wanna try...

Still the Con on this place is price tag...

Once a while is still a good enjoyment..


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-23 10:57 發表
Same here... just escape from a long annoying client yesterday... really want to have a relief...

but the fact is... those WongYeeMan still her job at around 1630... keep in mind if you wanna tr ...
Perhaps I should call Superman to arrange Wongyeeman before I go!


Yes.. you could do that... trust me... my brand name support my recommendation...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-23 11:10 發表
Yes.. you could do that... trust me... my brand name support my recommendation...
To me, you are always trust-worthy..........!

Actually, it is quite a good place disregard the price.


Then let's see if you could change plan and take your best shot today


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-4-23 11:24 發表
Then let's see if you could change plan and take your best shot today
no la............. but surely in 4 days' time!


Let me know if WongYeeMan is that good... haha...

And since some brother ask me where it is... you could search icheng's report... it is very clearly mention...

But let me say it first... don't expect to have 30-50 for you to choose... they are not that much MM... their main selling point is service and experience...

And average quality are good level...


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