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这一次去上海和周边出差 1.5 星期,本来只计划了跟大半年前的freelance 女聚旧,估计不到碰到很多的开心和驚喜,最后一天还能和我的小天使南南有了很深入的了解,更奇怪的是。。如题的“驚奇”,我也碰到几个“经期”,才会有故事的发展。。

我会用 中文 + English, 和小天使南南有关的我要用中文来写。。。

第一章: 完美的结合
As said, my only plan was to reunion with my free-lance girl, called her 丹丹, that I met almost a year ago..  

She was a full-time hotel receptionist, my last experience with her was back in Mar, at which time I was shocked with her tightness as I could not even put my finger in at first. The ML experience was super..   We then missed each other 3 times in the last few months, either she was on duty or I was not free..  This was the 4th time..  

Appointment set on tonight. Right at the bfast, I received her SMS saying that her M just arrived early this morning, and she could not see me. She already warned me a few days ago and that's why I put her on the 1st available day but I was not fast enough than her M.  Poor me, after work, pretty lost and I had no mood to attend the customer dinner.  Found a reason to escape and returned to hotel to do some quick research as I was not prepared to eat out.. haha..  

Very difficult to find info. with banned access to many sites. Luckily, I found this place with limited comment.  

A luxurious place called XXX 928。 I had never been to there and the experience of hunting a new place was always enjoyable, like being a boy scouts searching for the destination with a compass and map in the old days.  After making a few turns and discussing with taxi drivers where it could be, I finally decided to get off at an area to find it myself.  

My wolf hunting sense worked as the SN was just 2 min walk from the place I got off (last time, I had to spend 15 min!).  In Shanghai, you had to take off the shoes at the reception and no nice looking lady greeting you.  Ran to the 2/F, quickly changed over to wear the bathrobe only, I was brought to a rest area..  Took a dip on the green tea, I was brought to a place , the selection area.

I was told by this lady that this place practice was 70 min , 1q, for 600/650 (600 before 7pm).  It was 6pm and I thought, while I could rush to finish the service, forgot about the 50 RMB difference and enjoyed.  

The room was dark. 4 girls wearing bikinis to select.. all 4 were ok, not striking beautiful but no pork chops.. I saw one who was a bit shy, but I could not see her clearly.  I walked in front of her and she gave me that innocent look.  Oh, I took her la.  

Brought to the room, no water bed, just an ordinary sn room.  Had a close look on her , oh, she looked more beautiful than I saw (2 min ago).  Very teacher feel.  She is from 江苏, 23 becoming 24 (again, this is the average age for sn girl in shanghai, never got a 16 or 17, 20 will be lucky)..

We hugged each other and she told me it was her 1st day of work (as a sn girl) and therefore, still not very familiar with the process.  Oh, that's great news (I tended to believe what she said) . She was about 1.65m tall, slim, but muscle was tight, 32B/C natural, light color nin..  Her eyes were watery as well..  

After shower, we returned to bed.  In fact, the procedure was quite standard, except that there is oil BM.  Her BM is ok, initially with some eye contact. I was imagining it was choi yi lam (I like her).   I enjoyed watching her body throughout the process then the actual physical contact as her body was so good and if she was taller, that would be a perfect 10..  I love to see girls' 盘骨 coming out slightly and i easily turn on with the view of this bone.  She got it.

We then started what we needed to do..  I then started to service her, with my licking, she responded heavily with mourning and irregular body movements.  I inspected her engine...   Clean and still tight (not pink ,or the light was too dim)...I fingered her, hmm, very watery already and her innocent teacher feel turned me on. I started to do her missonary.  She was holding me tight, seemed enjoying..  her facial expression was good..  I then switched positions, and always enjoyed the doggie on bed, sideways. I really penetrated her deeply.  I held her ball ball from behind, and my body close to her. That was a erotic position i liked.   I did not stop for 5- 10 min and she was sweating a lot..  Finally,  I exploded. I stayed inside for a min to rest.

A perfect encounter in a sense that she got a body that I liked very much and that' why I had to see her again the day after before her M came...   It was the 2nd M that I came across with this trip..  

第二章: 我还能做什么
As mentioned before, the free-lance girl 丹丹, was not available bcos of M.   After a few days wait, her M was over.   However, I had been affected by fever (103C) and cold symptoms.  I felt better today and also did a check on the stiffness level of my didi, sounded ok.. and I set up an appointment with her tonight.    I even finished a full plate of rice to recharge my energy bar since I skipped lunch and dinner the day before..

9pm, she arrived at my door....  She was as cute as before.  We had a big hug and kissed like we had not seen others a long time (in fact, we had not).   Without waiting, we went to shower and she revealed her 34C/D natural mimi.  Seeing running water on the mimis is always an enjoyable scene and helping a girl to shower is a good task to do...

We went to bed and she quickly hugged me like a little bird.   She was not an active person and I had to take the lead.  I started to kiss her and lick her...  She mourned right away and I moved down onto the mimis, and also played them gently.  I  did a little bit of fingering,  oh shit, not much water yet but good news was that her tunnel was still so small and tight that I could hardly put my finger into the tunnel.  Then, I, of course started tart tasting.  1-line abalone..(in the dark) and she responded not very naturally, seemed not into it...  I only did it for 5 min..

i felt I was hard. so pull out domdom. she rode on me.  Tried 5 min. rubbing dick dick vs mui mui but could not get in and I felt that my didi started to get soft.  Oh, shit.  I told her to lie down and we sweet-talked a while.  I then stated the same procedure with me on top.  I started to rub my didi on her mui mui and i got hard, she got wet as i could feel water on my didi (not much). I then inserted in, hmmm, here and there, how come could not enter? she helped guide me in.  At one time i moved vigorously and I felt i hit something soft and warm but it was not in..  possibly the entrance. I got soft again.   

While I was thinking of a way to make me even harder to get in, she then screamed out loud...  "XX, you are hot. I thought she was saying I was hot but what she meant that my body was hot and seemed to be on fever.   Shit, possibly, my inner fever virus had not left and came out again!!   I also realized that I was really hot all over my body.  I told her " why not take a sleep and wake up tmw morning (for the fuck)?  She agreed.    It was 10pm

6am the alarm set but my worm woke me up at 5am.  I started to caress her and i got a bit of feel. my fever was gone ( I took pills last night though) and she woke up. She started to respond ...  The above ISO was repeated but the fact was that I still could not get in!! 我还能做什么

Disappointed. but I had to let her go as she was on day duty, reporting at 8am.  I had a 8am meeting as well.   .

第三章: 浮誇的一夜

一个很久没见的朋友 Henry知道我到了上海,特意邀请我晚上去join 他的party,其实他打电话给我时我在SN 房内,我的身体刚进入了SN妹,是刚进入他便打来。什么也没考虑我便说好,因为脑子里只想挂线,完成我的任务。


我的朋友Henry已到,他和他十多个同事和partners 已经在一家贵宾房, 我看这应是 10000 低消的房间。 房间大概有 2000 sf,有三个sofa 区, 每一区可 sit 10-12 人。。。当然之间还有很多空间。。。

和Henry的各位同事和partners 打过招呼,妈咪便带女女进场了。  我忘记了问Henry小姐收费,我想最多是500 吧。 答案是 600. 我问,那么带出外呢,他说, 不知道喔,因为没带过,很多女孩也不出去 ,要你慢慢付¥¥, 然后才让你。。。 我都是问问而已,2小时之前才激战一场,明天还要早起。


[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2010-8-5 10:58 編輯 ]


原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-8-5 10:53 發表

很喜欢冬天的上海,因为那冷冷的空气能带给我迷糊中的清醒,因为那穿得花枝招展 ...
Thanks, Denny Ching.




相關搜索目錄: 功課
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回復 1# 的帖子

It is so happy that not only Chings are handing in reports, but nice and touching reports. This is the only way to keep this forum alive !


原帖由 robertchan 於 2010-8-5 11:01 發表

Thanks, Denny Ching.
hope it will keep on .


原帖由 Oldman 於 2010-8-5 13:41 發表

hope it will keep on .
妈咪终于带女女进场了,3个。。。 哇,都是1.7m 以上,slim, 很漂亮,都是在网上models 那种。。 其中一个有点傲气,我喜欢。但我是small potato, 认主人家 choose 先啦。  2秒之间,坐在同一区的大老板说三个都坐,  气死我了。 然后俩轮女女大概10个都在10秒钟扫清。 到第二个妈咪带,我第一眼看到一个比较年轻,1.72m,不像上海人的她,我这一次不等,第一时间说 “右边第二个”。  她便徐徐的走过来坐在我的旁边。

同时之间,刚才那个有点傲气,我喜欢的但给大老板叫了的那个展转又坐在我的旁边,原来是大老板帮Henry 叫的,说他会喜欢的style。

说说我挑的女孩。。  1.72m,东北 XX 人, slim,漂亮,皮肤有点粗。 应该20 +岁 吧, 穿了一件白色连身裙,短裙把她的长腿表露无为, 她便是南南了。。那个有点傲气的,1.7m,西南人, slim, 她的腰应该只得22 inch,漂亮但穿了jean 和long sleeve shirt, 她便是东东了。。为什么我也说她,因为henry 叫了一个,又亡于其她女孩也没有理她,她也老是跟着我玩。

KTV ISO9000 又来了,和GD/DG 相像,只是喝酒更多,喝都是贵价洋酒, 不加冰 (我照加)。房间飘浮着强烈的酒精和各种不同的烟草味,雪茄味,2个漂亮的妈咪走进来唱歌敬酒。

南南很多游戏都不懂,要我教她,但她也很聪明,她lose 的时候把身体靠近我,好温暖啊,她说今天是她第三天工作,刚到上海一星期 (是真的吗? 不管啦,反正坐坐而已,而且她们说的信一半也多)


很快,以经是零晨一时了,我也喝了很多,有点醉。我问南南,这里带出去的话要多小?她害羞的说“好像是3000,3500ON“。。。。  然后我们差不多同时说话, 我说 ”我问问而已“ 南南说 ”我不出去的“。  大家都笑了,并交换电话。  

东东这时后啪了我一下,说”给我你的电话“。 喔,好啊。她在我耳边说”明天有空吗,我们到外边玩,我叫我的女朋友出来“。Oh shit,,我说”不成啊,我明天便要去江苏“。 她说 “能晚一点去吗?” 我说“不能了, 三天后我回来,我们才出去玩“。她说 “好啊”。。  

付了500 给南南 (东东的不用我付), 跟她道别,相信不会再跟他见面了,什猜到我还有几会再见到南南,而且。。。。。。




回復 6# 的帖子


[ 本帖最後由 7-siu 於 2010-8-5 18:05 編輯 ]




幾吸引! 等你! awaiting your interesting report!


Thank you, C Hing. Shanghai is always a interesting place although it is a bit expensive




原帖由 KMY89 於 2010-8-5 11:05 發表

對丫 ... 師傅 似乎 激發 左好多人 ... 那你 趕緊推出 你 的 第 II 篇 啊

相關搜索目錄: 功課
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


原帖由 denny2000 於 2010-8-5 10:53 發表
很喜欢冬天的上海,因为那冷冷的空气能带给我迷糊中的清醒,因为那穿得花枝招展 ...
denny 輸兄, 真 浪漫 啊 ... 要慢慢 欣賞
☆~~~~~~ Be careful, but keep going ~~~~~~☆


原帖由 hk_buys 於 2010-8-7 17:47 發表

denny 輸兄, 真 浪漫 啊 ... 要慢慢 欣賞
第四章: 珍贵的重遇

在江苏出差几天,也没有玩,一来已经玩了很多了,而且又病了 (103C, 现在才知道危险,因为没气力去看医生,在酒店睡了一天)。。  但当然和东东和南南SMS 咯,SMS都quite 开心的。

到回上海的前一天,东东还是没有答应去来玩,南南也没有明确的答案 (我邀请她吃晚饭,那代表她要告假)。回到上海了第一天,南南说,“明天不如下班后吃宵夜吧“。我答应了,但也想着都是一半一半几会吧。那一晚也是我埋门不能进入freelance 女的一晚。。  

终于到了第二天了,工作很smooth, 下午已经完成工作。什知道恶梦展开了,南南发SMS 跟我说 “她刚起床,但那个刚到,不舒服,今天可能不上班了“  我想其实是她用个值口推了我,我也徐便说 ”那你多休息,我们下一次才见面吧“。 她之后也没回复, 我也不想她了,还是先喂饱小弟弟。。

shit。。恶梦一个不够,我的俩个SN 目标都关了, 上海的 YD 很励害。 时间浪费了。我的朋友Henry在我 hopeless 时打电话给我,说“ 快来 浦东 的一个便宜场,像你们GD 一样,200 小费 的”。 我又打的赶去了。  

这是一个cheap 场,和DG 的二三线KTV 差不多,我也叫了俩个女孩,和大班朋友玩。。我2个女孩都很好玩,有可以draw water, 不像那些 高价场那样。 我谁然吃了感冒蘃,但都喝了一点酒, 开心嘛,把不开心的事忘记。  

很快又到了12点, 我看南南都是不打电话来了,我突然之间很生气,希望徐便挑一个回家。 Henry 也挑好了,但我的俩个都好像不想出去,我也没再问她。 “上海便是那样了“Henry 说。  

1245am 我先跳进了的士。。  掏出手机,噢,南南电过我, 之后还发SMS 说 “我其实今晚很想见到你,可以和我吃夜宵吗?我今天还是上班,反正在家没事“。。  但那已是30分钟之前的事了。 我一边叫司机停车,一边发sms 给南南,问她”现在过来还成吗?“   她很快便回复说,”她已换衣服预畀离开了,幸好还没走,说会等我“。

15 分钟的车为什么看来那么久的?!!  终与到了,我电南南,我到了,电话传来的是她带醉的昕音,说“我马上出来“。  5分种后,她慢慢地”浮“出来了。  这五分钟是值得,因为很多客人在离开,女女下班,哇,女女真的没话说,80% 都很美。。

我走过去迎南南,看到她醉的样子当然是扶着她,什知她就把身体压过来,拥着我,把她的红唇吻过来,不是da-cannon, 但也已经是很甜蜜,还有这是她店的门口,很多人进出, 她好像什么也不管。。很明显,她喝得七分醉,说话也是迷糊的。。她说要带我去吃hotpot。。 这样,她便依偎着我一步一步的走,天气很冷,但我的心很暖。

来到hotpot 店,我很快苗一苗有没有同事之类,那么晚没有的。她左拐右拐地穿过很多台,幸好没有碰到其他客。  我们坐下来,她趟着闭上眼一点昕音也不出,我便先让她休息。。 过了一会,她醒了,说不好意思,喝了很多。之后的俩个小时,我们谈得很开心,大部分都说她的事。

好像快3时了,她和我都有点倦意,她也说要回家睡觉了。 刚好她有电话入,那边传来一个女声,南南和她说“差不多会来了”。。  我想,也没几会吧,而且她那个也来了,我问都是浪费口水的。。

我说“很不舍得她,不知道什么时候才见”。 她才知道我明天便走,她有点无奈说“ 那下一次你来上海吧, 我也许到香港见你喔“。  结帐之后,我们手托手离开。她跟我说” 我家就在不远” 我说“我陪你走回去我才回酒店吧”.. 她甜甜的点头。。

一路上,她把身体靠得很紧,我也把手大力地拥着她。。一路上也在闲聊。。我突然鼓起勇气问 “南南,不如你跟我回酒店,你那个来了,我们便不ML, 但我们continue 聊天啊,“。她俾我的请求下了一跳,但很快地说 “好的”。  

她比我还快走到taxi,我们跳上去,她把身体100% 挨在我的臂弯,右手紧紧地拖着我的右手。现在手是暖的,心是热的,那话儿是硬的。


她问我明天什么时候走,我说下午3 时吧。 她驚说那么早,她通常睡到4.5点, 那么我们快睡觉了。 我们个别去shower 了, 因为她是脱光了才跳进浴室,我看到她1秒的fully naked body, 很标准啊,长腿,很白的皮肤,32b (小了点,C 更好)。

转眼间,我们都穿了浴袍,转进披窝内。。  她闭上眼睛,好像是在叫“快点过来吧”。我还记得刚才看到的那一秒,不其然开始吻她的脸。她娇悠的发了一声,我更家停不了,continue 吻她的唇,粉颈,她在享受我轻轻的吻。 我慢慢地拉开她的浴袍,ready to 吻她的身体,什知道她不等我的慢动作,快快便把浴衣脱下来,我也用0.03 秒的束度把我的脱下。接下来当然是吻 她身体每一个部分,由小山峰开始,她在震斗,又其是那葡萄,她的反应很大。 正如一般女生,她的knee 反应也很强。  问题来啦,what‘s next?  她M 来,她应该不会給我的。

我又大胆地问 “我们ML 好吗?“  
我肯定的说 “没事的,只要把毛巾放好便成“。。

她没说什么我也不等便把她最后一道防线拿走,我还是乖乖的拿了袋袋 ,把套套上,然后往今晚目的地进发, “黑洞“。。  感觉水是有的但好像不多,可能太晚了,大家有點累。。进去感觉良好,要压逼感但没有之前一晚太紧进不去。  

她雪白的身体,漂亮的脸孔,欲拒还迎的反应,令我很快便很想了。 我拖着拖着,转了几个posture, 最正的是把她那双要42“inch 的长腿提高进入,现在还记得很清楚。。。良久,我终于忍不到射了,一下,俩下,三下,啊。喔。啊。

她第一句话是“射了啊。唉。”好像跟我说不够。。我于是在他没soft 之前使劲continue 出入,满足她的 need。  她也回敬一点收音机,轻轻的。  

搞了伟生之后 (只有小量的淡淡红色),我们又睡到床上。 过了一会,她说还是回家,因为她怕睡不着。 我是不想她走到但想着现在已经是六时了,6小时又要起床,还有如果她要continue 睡觉什办? Struggle 了一论,还是让她走。

她在穿衣服时,我在想 FOC吗?  她从来没提出过¥¥, 这是场外交易,不受她的店管。  Struggle了一会,想着 还是不要FOC。  給多小呢,用什么excuse 呢? 噢, 刚好想到一个很好的excuse 和我们聊天其中一个话题有关的。  我在离开酒店房间前 说把錢給她, 她想了一会,把我的钱收下了。

我陪她下去打的, 车来了,我们深深拥抱,深深一吻,然后我看着她慢慢离去。。  天也亮了,心也疼了,泪差一点滴下来了。




相關搜索目錄: 酒店





原帖由 TenderTrap 於 2010-8-8 00:05 發表

Bro TenderTrap, if you think this issue is GOOD, just join our gathering for details ma !!


What a wonderful report... thanks !


How come I've never had such wonderful and romantic experience~
... 原來我冇簽名檔 ...


原帖由 DrTea 於 2010-8-8 00:08 發表

Bro TenderTrap, if you think this issue is GOOD, just join our gathering for details ma !!
oh, already very detailed la.  any other details you want to know


原帖由 auriga00 於 2010-8-8 14:37 發表
How come I've never had such wonderful and romantic experience~
it was an "accident" as you read the story. sometimes, this type of romantic experience would not repeat....., even with the same girl.  I learnt a good phrase...见好即收。。。


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very good stories and versed language.  enjoy v much reading your advertures, keep it up!


原帖由 shiraz 於 2010-8-9 10:12 發表
Hi Ching, it was a very touching and romantic experience. I had few experiences in DG and Shanghai similar too. Of course, not all will turn into a long term relationship, but at least you received a  ...
opps. thanks for sharing as well.

It is not easy not to get serious when you found someone special, and it is very difficult to find someone special these days.  I may have confused you as well that the free-lance girl is more like a transaction, I quite like her on bed but conversationally and feel, there is not much. It was the girl from luxury KTV feel, that after all these accidents, twist-and-turn, and we finally met and had a wonderful night, that made me having that sweet feel as well.   

As said, I should have kept that romantic feeling "freezed" and not exploring further as the subsequent meetings "feel" went downhill.  May be the song by Sade is true. "never as good as first time"

Good times they come and they go
Never going to know
What fate is going to blow
Your way just hope that it feels right
Sometimes it comes and it goes
You take it ever so slow
and then you lose it, then it flows right to you

So we rely on the past
Special moments that last
Were they as tender as we dare to remember
Such a fine time as this
What could equal the bliss
The thrill of the first kiss
It'll blow right to you

It's never as good as the first time
Never as good as the first time

Good times they come and they go
Never going to know
It's like the weather
One day chicken next day feathers
The rose we remember
The thorns we forget
We'd love and leave
We never spend a minute on regret

It is a possibility
the more we know the less we see
Second time, second time is not quite what it seems
Natural as the way we came to be
Second time won't live up to the dream

It's never as good as the first time
Never as good as the first time

Natural as the way we came to be
Second time won't live up to the dream
Natural as the way we came to be
Second time is not quite what it seemed

It's never
as good as the first time
As the first time (never as good as the first time)
The first time

Natural as the way we came to be
Second time won't live up to the dream
Natural as the way we came to be
Second time is not quite what it seemed

It's never
as good as the first time
As the first time (never as good as the first time)
The first time


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