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[桑拿浴室] 康水療SPA ON 9TH - 24號正式開張

today finally visit there in the afternoon, but the entrance is very difficult to find, take me half an hour to search.

place is nice & clean, I forgot to bring my swimming pant, the swimming pool is really good, only two westerners there, the swimming pool has a good view (at 9th floor).  The lady captain told me that I can swim there free of charge and go to massage afterwards.

bathroom is clean & tidy, and surprisingly they have three Japanese style bath small chairs, I think the Japanese tourist will definitely try them..

food is good, especially the soup , also I try their winton noddle

the staff are friendly & young, especially the two receptist..

I try many ching recommended Purple, she is young, friendly and smiling most of the time, service is good and I let her step on my back, it has been very long time not trying this, again she is good at that as well ..  it bring me back my good memory at Zanadoo, I would agree that this is now one of the best sauna in HK, the other one is Windsor, but Windsor got too many customers, I would prefer quiet place to relax and enjoy true massage.

I will definitely revisit it again & again, not to mention the lady captain show me how to go to the mall the fasiest way after I finish. Thanks a lot..

I spend three hours there and seem not willing to left it, although it is a bit expensive, but I think it worth that


原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-21 09:16 PM 發表 today finally visit there in the afternoon, but the entrance is very difficult to find, take me half an hour to search.place is nice & clean, I forgot to bring my swimming pant, the swimmin ...
Happy to know that u got good memory and experience there. And u really tried my favourites: purple & won ton noodles.  Both of them are good, right?


原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-21 21:16 發表 today finally visit there in the afternoon, but the entrance is very difficult to find, take me half an hour to search.place is nice & clean, I forgot to bring my swimming pant, the swimmin ...


原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-21 21:16 發表
today finally visit there in the afternoon, but the entrance is very difficult to find, take me half an hour to search.

place is nice & clean, I forgot to bring my swimming pant, the swimmin ...
Nice sharing

Agreed that Windsor is a good place & proximity to all chings, but really crowded & noisy over there.....be true, not a good place for total relaxation (mentally & physically).

After reviewing Chings' report & recommendation, which one should I try for my first visit to this hotel?  My favorite is young (ard twenty early), smooth skin and pretty look.  Would I get my dream girl in this nice place?

Thanks all Chings

[ 本帖最後由 LTF_123 於 2011-7-22 08:40 編輯 ]


原帖由 LTF_123 於 2011-7-22 08:39 AM 發表 Nice sharing Agreed that Windsor is a good place & proximity to all chings, but really crowded & noisy over there.....be true, not a good place for total relaxation (mentally & physi ...
Twenty early....a bit difficult to find. Probably 紫 or 妙would be your best choices.




請問獵人前輩,若做SPA三小時,是否按摩按足3小時? 或浸浴時間會計算在內?

相關搜索目錄: SPA 會計


回復 252# 的帖子

thanks 獵人前輩 recommendation, both are really good.  that is why I like this formum, cause we can share the good ones & avoid those bad ones.


回復 254# 的帖子


I think if you dont mind north, then there should be quite a lot of young BG there I belief.

But for local not much choice, but would recommend you to book it first with what you want, pls share your experience afterwards.


Dear all ching,

One thing I would like to share as well, as I heard from the staff there that their lady boss will personnally prepare the daily soup in the sauna's kitchen.  I can't belief HK sauna still have that kind of boss that really treat their business seriously, it is really "home made" soup !!

Personally I like to be served by young & pretty girls, if over 30+ then will not be MCOT.

As almost all HK sauna are now dominated by north, so it is really rare to find local girls to work as BG, cause it is really tough work, I think they will get very tired after a day work, so for me I would give them tips at the high end.

I respect all BG, cause without them we cannot have good & pure sauna !!


回復 260# 的帖子

This place has changed from pure originally to not so pure any more.


原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-22 10:31 PM 發表 Dear all ching,One thing I would like to share as well, as I heard from the staff there that their lady boss will personnally prepare the daily soup in the sauna's kitchen.  I can't bel ...


回復 261# 的帖子

Ching我咁熟去咁多次都無,呢個場pure到無朋友,咪亂比期望比其他師兄.   Anyway,正骨才是王道.  I belief this place!


原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-22 22:31 發表
Dear all ching,

One thing I would like to share as well, as I heard from the staff there that their lady boss will personnally prepare the daily soup in the sauna's kitchen.  I can't bel ...
Just to add, one of the directors of Windsor Spa did cook fish in the kitchen once or twice before and
an ex-director, who is a lady and a practicioner in the catering industry as well, did prepare/see to the preparation of some salads.

相關搜索目錄: SPA


回復 261# 的帖子

based on what I have talked to the staff and what I see personnally, I dont belief this is not a pure sauna, I think all ching can enjoy really relaxing & pure massage !!




原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-22 22:17 發表

I think if you dont mind north, then there should be quite a lot of young BG there I belief.

But for local not much choice, but would recommend you to book it first with what you want, pl ...
Thanks ching's recommendation.  Report must follow after my first trial

believed that 99% "North" has service guarantee in HK  (smooth skin, white, & easy going), and "Local" doesn't.  They are similar to "港女" style


原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-21 13:16 發表
today finally visit there in the afternoon, but the entrance is very difficult to find, take me half an hour to search.

place is nice & clean, I forgot to bring my swimming pant, the swimmin ...
how much is the damage for 3 hours? Do they only accept cash settlement? thankyou


回復 268# 的帖子


I stayed there for three hours, actually the exact time should be around 90 mins, total cost $1,450, included all tips to counter & bathroom guy, pls BG tips.

They accept credit card, Enjoy & share with us your experience !!

相關搜索目錄: Credit card


回復 267# 的帖子

the local BG there was quite different from "港女", for this sauna the local BG should be quite ok, not so "inch", quite friendly & young, similar to Zanardoo if you have visited it before.  But Zanardoo BG asked for tips at least $500 many years ago wor.  Enjoy a good & pure massage, and dont forget to bring swimming pant if you would like to swim !!


原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-26 21:41 發表 hi,I stayed there for three hours, actually the exact time should be around 90 mins, total cost $1,450, included all tips to counter & bathroom guy, pls BG tips.They accept credit card, Enjoy  ...

相關搜索目錄: Credit card




原帖由 dannyboy 於 2011-7-23 10:01 發表 based on what I have talked to the staff and what I see personnally, I dont belief this is not a pure sauna, I think all ching can enjoy really relaxing & pure massage !!
it would be quite interesting if you could elaborate a bit more , thanks!


原帖由 paloalto 於 2011-7-27 07:31 發表 這塲的湯水越來越好,昨天試了青邊鮑煲雞湯••••••一流!


原帖由 邪骨小霸王 於 2011-7-28 11:48 AM 發表





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