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[檔案] 多倫多人

where can i find becky's place


Hey, finally I can get back into here!  Let's spread the good news!


回復 298# 的帖子

thx Big Snake bro for the file and notice of Timway back to normal here.


Happy OX Year

Happy OX year
Off Topic: Here is a link to Maria Ozawa uncensored, just found it


Mod: Please delete if not proper

Happy New Year, FF

相關搜索目錄: Video


I got the file from Big Snake bro too!  But alot of them not in service..


原帖由 plasticfish 於 2009-1-28 10:48 發表
I got the file from Big Snake bro too!  But alot of them not in service..
Green colour are the current months ads


最近去了STEVEN那里, 靓女明显没从前多, 选了叫julia, 样貌不错。洗浴按摩都还好, 但后来被PUSH, 严重不爽。。。不推荐此女。
  • rtsang88 體力 +10 give us more detail please 2009-1-31 02:20
  • rtsang88 威望 +10 give us more detail please 2009-1-31 02:20


原帖由 foxdong 於 2009-1-30 19:17 發表
最近去了STEVEN那里, 靓女明显没从前多, 选了叫julia, 样貌不错。洗浴按摩都还好, 但后来被PUSH, È ...
Where is Steven's place?  More detail or pm phone please.


Sammi - Becky's Garage

Went to Becky's today, 4 girls, was hoping to see Melody but she is still off  Josie, Mui Mui, Sammi and Suki.  Remember some good reviews here for Sammi...so here we go:

茶名: Sammi - from Ching Dao
年份: 22
茶樣: 7.5/10,
茶杯: 8/10 large B, 真材實料 - firm and nice shape
茶高: 5'3”
服務: 7/10 CBJ, - I asked for BBBJ but no  no kissing but service was not bad and she was into it
回沖率: 65% - higher if she allows kissing and BBBJ

College student and very easy to talk to,  a very joyous type of girl.   Nice smooth skin and the firm natural boobs were soooo nice  BJ action was not bad.....'come fxxk me look' and eye contact was something.    She was enjoying it after a few of my combination strokes and was getting more and more vocal......that is always a good sign.....I could be better though and did not last as long....well, not a bad session overall but I really need some DFK!!!  Looking forward to seeing Crissy next week!!



Now 報紙 Adult Classify
Beautiful Sexy Asian Girls(19+)   
$80/30 mins!  Warden/Steeles
Call Peter to Book Your Appointment
$80-30 Mins   
Don Mills & Sheppard Call Peter to schedule your appointment:

Call Peter, 兩間Café, 125 Bamburgh 及100 Parkway, 佢每間都有三四條女, 又話 Eva 皮膚好正好滑, ok, 就去Parkway睇吓.
去到有女keeper, 只有Eva,  沖緊涼, 另一個未返, 超, 又話三四條女,  但門虛掩, 問女keeper  Eva後唔後生, 佢話同佢差唔多啦, 心諗唔係掛, 妳成個C9, 中女, 心已打咗個突, 猛咁望住沖涼房, 佢重話八十蚊啫, 入房等啦,  我就死人都唔旭, 企係度等Eva 出離, 嘩, 好心佢包住頭髮先行出離, 成隻鬼咁, 同時我又帶埋  printout 對佢個樣及身材, 睇極都差一節,鬥快行去大門, 自已開門走人.
心諗都係呃鬼佬, 笫二間 Café 都唔洗去.

裡面, 有两個亞差討論一輪, 跟住同我講lee座柏文昨日有人上門打刼, 大約12點至一點, 周圍按人門鐘, 係黑鬼, 已打刼幾家, 跟住有人入,又係咁講, 叫我小心門户.

各位兄弟小心小心, 留意周圍環境, 唔好帶咁多 CASH 及信用咭上囡囡房. 銀包越薄越好

[ 本帖最後由 rtsang88 於 2009-1-31 21:55 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 報紙


Now 報紙 Adult Classify
Our location: Warden Ave. and Steeles Ave.
We are available starting from 10:00am-1:00am
Please contact us: 647-832-8585
*Single: $100/30 min
Joy, I am 22 years old come from Asian. My gorgeous measurements 36C-25-35,156cm
Angel is 21 years old long black hair 34B-24-34 158cm.
Vicky is 24 year old and she is amazing measurements of 36C-26-35,175cm

新到哈爾濱桂林三姐妹,皮膚白淨,柔情似水的貼身服務包你舒服 士刁/窩頓

茶名: Angel
年份: 21 (maybe several years ago )
茶樣: 5.5/10,
茶杯: 6/10 A to B, 真材實料 -
茶高: 5'2”
服務: 7/10 CBJ,
回沖率: 10% 出面大把好嘢食

Vicky 做緊嘢, Joy 去咗North York office做, 只有Angel,  樣以 Alton Tower的 Kelly (亞燕的replacement), 心已想走人, 惦知佢用好正的廣東話問我佢唔靚咩, 又好嗲攬吓你, 我又ling 張 printout出離對吓, 唔似21歲喎, 問佢惦解哈爾濱人識白話, 佢話去咗深圳八年, 問佢識唔識 dup骨, 佢話ok,
OK, 拿拿林冲涼爬上牀, dup得都ok, 又話我好多骨火, 似乎識喎, 同時又幾好傾,  dup咗廿分鐘
FS都係差d, 因食慣d 靚妹仔, 所以冇咁好 feel.

P.S. dup緊時聽到鬼佬聲, 應該做埋鬼佬生意.

相關搜索目錄: 報紙


原帖由 rtsang88 於 2009-2-1 10:04 發表
各位兄弟小心小心, 留意周圍環境, 唔好帶咁多 CASH 及信用咭上囡囡房. 銀包越薄越好
Thanks for the reminder!  But I am also afraid of leaving them in the car too...  I rather avoid places around that area.


原帖由 rtsang88 於 2009-2-1 02:37 發表
Now 報紙 Adult Classify
Our location: Warden Ave. and Steeles Ave.
We are available starting from 10:00am-1:00am
Please contact us: 647-832-8585
*Single: $100/30 min
Joy, I am 22 years old come  ...
Appreciate your TOFTT (Take one for the team).  There are a lot of Asian ads in Now, Redzone and CL lately.  Many just looked too good to be true....pics of girls are hot and worth may be $140-150 and yet asked for $80-100....High chance of B&S!!  So be careful brothers! I have seen in Terb that there is some program that can check for fake pictures by comparing to other pictures in other websites.  I can't find the link now.

相關搜索目錄: 報紙


回復 313# 的帖子

Hi bros i am new here, can anyone send me the most update file?



hey is anybody else having problems getting into the 新多.倫.多人 thread? It gave me the error message about having a ranking of 60 or more, but I already have a ranking of 67? I don't understand...


有殳有 c-hing tired any of the ads on craigslist?  Some of the pics from their ads look 都非常正 (i mean asian ones) .  Any insights or experiences?


原帖由 gms 於 2009-2-5 16:21 發表
Hi bros i am new here, can anyone send me the most update file?

I'm also new, can somebody send me the latest file too? please PM me.


原帖由 blahsdf 於 2009-2-7 10:24 發表
hey is anybody else having problems getting into the 新多.倫.多人 thread? It gave me the error message about having a ranking of 60 or more, but I already have a ranking of 67? I don't understand...
your 閱讀權限 is 30
You need 60 to get in
write some reports la . . . .


私家按摩 - 清潔舒適,後生靚女,推油踩背, 預約請電 xx漆-發發壹- 壹生狗陸
125 BAMBURGH, 十七樓
由温哥華來, 原藉新加坡妹 , 流利白話,  中女,穿着黑色Lingerie 應門, 又低胸, 十分sexy,  屋內燈光尤暗, 心己諗会有嘢攪.
入到房, 冇骨牀, 便問究竟識唔識dup ?佢話剛到步, 未買, 跟HK師傳學過, $30半小時, $50一小時. 自已沖凉.
推油, 踩背, 幾dup得,  有板有眼,  健談, 十三點, 人很爽朗, r完pp後, 問要唔要 extra
埋單$80包出火, 全套就百二.  又話自己皮膚滑滑, 波波好靚.  (睇落幾靚)
除BRA後, 波係好大, 但乳葷重大, 成個 silver dollar咁, 暗紅色,   (not my preference), CBJ, 女上男下, 心諗, 你未沖涼喎, 快快手男上女下, 放出子孫, 派彩走人.  
骨妹比較, 如在同一BUILDING #發樓壹易室 的甜甜/Ruby, 或 Alton Tower的 SaSa, Warden/Finch的Jenny等都有骨牀, 而十七樓lee個係好樣d, 如果有埋骨牀就正, 全套就無謂喇, 百二蚊揾 Melody 好過.

[ 本帖最後由 rtsang88 於 2009-2-7 23:01 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 清潔


原帖由 rtsang88 於 2009-2-8 10:48 發表

your 閱讀權限 is 30
You need 60 to get in
write some reports la . . . .
I thought I have 閱讀權限 of 67? where do I see what my 閱讀權限 is?

And also, I used to be able to get into that thread...so why the sudden change?


原帖由 blahsdf 於 2009-2-8 01:26 發表

I thought I have 閱讀權限 of 67? where do I see what my 閱讀權限 is?

And also, I used to be able to get into that thread...so why the sudden change?
check your E-mail


原帖由 uncleray 於 2009-1-22 04:41 發表
Hey, finally I can get back into here!  Let's spread the good news!
DoDo is back
I went to Don mill and sheppard to check out DoDo today and i find out they have 2 new girls.
The first girl is a 20 years busty 36D girl also good looking.
the second new girl is ever more busty she is 38D slim build good looking but she is older then the 36D girl and dodo.
Their phone # there is $!^%@$(@!*
  • rtsang88 體力 +30 please wirte report in more detail next 2009-2-15 10:12
  • rtsang88 威望 +30 please wirte report in more detail next 2009-2-15 10:12


is there any nice girl at 125 BAMBURGH! let me know


Nothing good at 125 Bamaburgh Circle



where is that girl do do place located ?
and what is the phone number




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