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師兄請問tips 1舊定2舊呀?


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原帖由 carmanlam8888 於 2012-1-26 08:20 發表 Try YY last weekpersonally, not good at allnot pretty, service ok, not that appealing.......will try other like Tung Tung
try Tung Tung? I remember in your original identity as carmanlamlam last year you said you had tried Tung Tung.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2012-1-26 08:54 編輯 ]
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


YY is best of the best, 1 ching above said she is a legend and i totally agree with him


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請問師兄 稅係咪100呀?


原帖由 SCWT 於 2012-1-26 14:48 發表 YY is best of the best, 1 ching above said she is a legend and i totally agree with him


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回復 334# 的帖子

QQ?? new girl??


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回復 336# 的帖子

very disappointing, no new blood


just went up today to give laisee, finally got to see fei fei and YY. I have to say I need to try them both very soon. feifei, if I am correct about her name, looks very mixed...


回復 338# 的帖子

feifei service is ok, at least she is not as quite as she looks


Tried the "Legend" mentioned above last week. I originally reserved 90min session. However, for some reason I can't make it but still I tried my very best not to cancel the appointment and changed to 60min session instead. Dup skill so so. May be I'm new to this place. I was urged to finish part 2 after 40min. Since i was in a rush (needda rush back office for meeting) i finished part 2 in another 3-4 min. Afterwards I was instructed to take a shower by her politely. I was also served with tea when I got back the room. As if before, I paid tips to her at the rate 1:1, that is $100 for this 45min service. She was surprised and told me that: "我唔係開咁多架喎,我唔論你做90分鐘定60鐘,我都係收2百個喎!", then I told her this is market price and she insisted,"我係收開2百,你唔信你問下雪兒" I replied "ok ok新年流流無謂為咗錢傷和氣!" then I handed her another $100 note.
Chings, what is tips? If there is a fixed rate, it is not tips, it is surcharge, right? I can pay according to my satisfaction isn't it? I hope my experience is just exceptional case there. In fact, her act stops me to go there anymore.


不用另開新題  因你寫的內容完全一樣
God's mill grinds slow but sure.


Ok thank you.


回復 340# 的帖子

sorry for ching bad experience...when i was still an amateur couple yrs back then, i was confused with the definition of tip. i used to think why they have to pre-set the amount tip. as time gone by, i realized the tip is actually part of their fixed income. anyway, i understand how ching feel, but just let it goes, just continue to enjoy rpp with other bg.


Thank you for ching's encouragement. I understand the tips is part of their income. Just too innocent to believe that $100/hr. I dup at other place (ada's place) today. 1hr again and the BG asked for $200. I paid without any bad feeling. It was the way she expressed her request which made me feel more comfortable. Anyway, will not dup 1hr session anymore. Just too rush to relax.


原帖由 nc8986 於 2012-2-8 18:13 發表 Thank you for ching's encouragement. I understand the tips is part of their income. Just too innocent to believe that $100/hr. I dup at other place (ada's place) today. 1hr again and the BG asked for  ...
It is so true that tips is part of their income.
They derserve more tips for good services.
By the way, who did you try at Ada's place?


原帖由 nc8986 於 2012-2-8 10:13 發表
Thank you for ching's encouragement. I understand the tips is part of their income. Just too innocent to believe that $100/hr. I dup at other place (ada's place) today. 1hr again and the BG asked for  ...
C Hing, if you have done some homework here by watching some threads, you may find that the further south you go, the more you pay for the tips. indicating you pay more in TST than some shops in Prince Edward, By the same token, you may pay more in Central than those ones in TST.....


回復 346# 的帖子

Ching is truly a smart consumer


anyone been up there since cny? I am very itchy to try our feifei and YY. they dont look like they are better in dup skills than tung tung and bo yee and body wise is hard to beat them as well. but they are more balance and taller. at the end, it's about the dup skills though


原帖由 aero169169 於 2012-2-8 18:36 發表 It is so true that tips is part of their income.They derserve more tips for good services.By the way, who did you try at Ada's place?
Aero Ching, I tried Fei Fei. New BG there. She just arrived Ada's after CNY. Good dup skill and 順德人 (Of course I'm not talking about her home town). Worthwhile a try.


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