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原帖由 verjai 於 2008-4-15 10:38 發表
除左政府, 比千令蚊去搵DR驗。 包驗血驗尿。 好似係叫做性病化驗定係咁上下。乜都驗晒,好似除左庖陳。
其實好多病係慘痛過花。不果大部份都有得醫。花/庖陳/愛之 冇得斷尾,以HPV又比一般人相像中普遍,所以 ...
會生花個的唔會引起癌症  - wrong concept
唔會生花個的就會變成癌。 - wrong concept

而女人因HPV以生子宮頸癌既幾會就大過男人生陰莖癌或肛門癌, - because warts for male are visible and can have treatment immediately

所以女人會驗,而發現自己染左HPV而又無花。男人就唔會驗呢的無花HPV. There is NO test for men

[ 本帖最後由 AAV-2 於 2008-4-15 14:34 編輯 ]


原帖由 verjai 於 2008-4-15 10:38 發表
除左政府, 比千令蚊去搵DR驗。 包驗血驗尿。 好似係叫做性病化驗定係咁上下。乜都驗晒,好似除左庖陳。
其實好多病係慘痛過花。不果大部份都有得醫。花/庖陳/愛之 冇得斷尾,以HPV又比一般人相像中普遍,所以 ...
我想問,,,比千令蚊去搵DR驗,,,邊個Doctor 千令蚊可以驗晒架

有無相關資料可以 PM 我,,謝謝.

唔知Doctor Ho. 驗晒又要幾多錢呢 .


原帖由 superykk 於 2008-4-15 11:01 發表


你真係好好想下在任何情況下都唔好去玩, 不停花費見醫生, 不要比藉口自己話有冇玩唔關事, 早D訓, 迫自己11點前. 香港好大陸好,完全好返一年再識翻條女, 以前日子已過去

我不是道德審判官,冇權冇資格說什麼, 但看見你折磨兩年,真係希望你好翻

think about 疱疹, aids....    watch AV算


AAV-2 大哥, 小弟晌 US CDC 睇既資料, 請指點:

"HPV types are often referred to as “low-risk” (wart-causing) or “high-risk” (cancer-causing), based on whether they put a person at risk for cancer. In 90% of cases, the body’s immune system clears the HPV infection naturally within two years. This is true of both high-risk and low-risk types."

"Most people with HPV do not develop symptoms or health problems. But sometimes, certain types of HPV can cause genital warts in men and women. Other HPV types can cause cervical cancer and other less common cancers, such as cancers of the vulva, vagina, anus, and penis. The types of HPV that can cause genital warts are not the same as the types that can cause cancer. " http://www.cdc.gov/std/HPV/STDFact-HPV.htm
1) HPV 分高危, 會生癌(cancer) 及低危,會生花(wart)
2) 90%人既免疫力會係兩年內清除HPV
3) HPV 有可能生花, 但係好多人會冇任可病徵
4) 有的HPV會引起花(wart), 有的HPV會引起癌(cancer)
5) 引起花既HPV係同引起癌既HPV係唔同type既


小弟就係去DR HO比左千令蚊驗晒。 係一個性病化驗套餐, 全包


原帖由 z888888 於 2008-4-15 12:16 發表

我想問,,,比千令蚊去搵DR驗,,,邊個Doctor 千令蚊可以驗晒架

有無相關資料可以 PM 我,,謝謝.

唔知Doctor Ho. 驗晒又要幾多錢呢 .
they charge almost the same, but MUST do the test from a doctor, don't go to a Lab without doctor's referal. Dr told me he heard a case from a lab company make the fake report 10 years ago.


原帖由 verjai 於 2008-4-15 12:34 發表
小弟就係去DR HO比左千令蚊驗晒。 係一個性病化驗套餐, 全包
Hello verjai

可唔可以話我知 Dr.Ho 到 千令蚊驗晒,,,係千零頭 or 千零尾,,,可唔可以俾個實際金額數字我

另外想問性病化驗套餐,,全包,,,即係包晒邊d ...

如唔介意希望你 PM 我知呀

msn 都可以

Thank you


原帖由 verjai 於 2008-4-15 12:32 發表
AAV-2 大哥, 小弟晌 US CDC 睇既資料, 請指點:

"HPV types are often referred to as “low-risk” (wart-causing) or “high-risk” (cancer-causing), based on whether they put a person at risk fo ...
Ok, I read it too, but I trusted more what my Doctors told me.

That is what learned from the internet for the pass six months
About 80% - 90% of gential warts caused by Type 6 & Type 11 which classed as lower risk type. Lower risk type dosn't mean it can't cause cancer, but relatively Lower chance.  Dr. Mak told me.  

I ask Dr Ho that my type is 尖疣 not 扁平one, so some information from internet said Type 16, Type 45 is usually 扁平 type, so I shouldn't  have the risk to get the high type. and He said NO, different types of HPV can grow in different shapes. It depends on the location. The fact is 扁平疣 , 高度增生型, 花型尖锐湿疣 is easier to recur.

Again, don't worry too much, talk to your doctor.  Those women who have cancer because they never do Pap smear for years. Even when they reach CIN1, CIN2 and CIN3, it is a way for them to prevent cancer.

[ 本帖最後由 AAV-2 於 2008-4-15 13:03 編輯 ]


My preference is to lean toward trusting info on CDC given that different doc gave different opinion and I can never find out the fact.  I prefer looking at info on CDC as more of a fact.  Again, this is just my preference.  I am having my gf to check and test evey quarter just to be on the safe side.  

I guess over time, we all become expert on HPV.
Good luck


If I remember it correctly, it was around 1500.....  I can't remember exactly as money is not the most important part during that time.


1) HPV 分高危, 會生癌(cancer) 及低危,會生花(wart)

高危低危都會生癌,  所以叫高危低危, 但低危真的非常低
高危低危都會生花, 高危低危可冇病徵

2) 90%人既免疫力會係兩年內清除HPV


3) HPV 有可能生花, 但係好多人會冇任可病徵

4) 有的HPV會引起花(wart), 有的HPV會引起癌(cancer)

5) 引起花既HPV係同引起癌既HPV係唔同type既


[ 本帖最後由 AAV-2 於 2008-4-15 13:39 編輯 ]



大家都有好大機會有高危既 HPV 係身wor



原帖由 verjai 於 2008-4-15 13:29 發表
My preference is to lean toward trusting info on CDC given that different doc gave different opinion and I can never find out the fact.  I prefer looking at info on CDC as more of a fact.  Again, t ...
Of course what CDC said is right, that's why we should have a positive mind to live with hpv.  Once your body learned to fight the virus, we are just as normal as before.  But go out and play again is another thing. I don't want to collect different types of STD and different type of HPV.  

Good, my gf do the same check every quarter, so be good to her and hope you cherish her and take care of her. Wish you enjoy your life. We are very luckly to have GF's forgiveness.


原帖由 z888888 於 2008-4-15 13:44 發表

大家都有好大機會有高危既 HPV 係身wor

No No, most of hpv we infected are low risk type, don't worry too much, even high risk type is treatable and can suppressed by our immuse system within 2 years. Only a few percentage of people will develop to cancer, and it takes more than 10 years to develop. So if you have a girl friend or wife, she needs both the vaccine and annual Pap smear test or HPV DNA test.

In more than 90%of cases, the infections are harmless.  But saying high risk type CAN"T casue Warts is totally wrong.


Because men can't do any test, that's why doctor can't prove is there any infection without any sympton
but we can do test on women's cervix and found out the existence of HPV but no symptons.  That's why women need to have test.  

Even when doctor found HPV (no symptons) on the cervix of a women when they developed to CIN1, they usually do nothing; watch and wait to see if the immune system can clear the virus. if not, their cells turns to CIN2 and CIN3,  doctor will do an operation called LEEP to kill infected cell.  Anita Mui was found in the Cancer stage(stage after CIN3) and died in cervical cancer. The time to develop from CIN1 to Cancer stage is more than ten years. She hasn't been tested and treated it lately.

Think about it, women suffers more than men while having HPV. They can't check by themselves like men.  The chance having cancer are higher, therefore i believe that I 'll never go to play again, and it is not that hard to do (even I have or haven't got a girlfriend). I don't want to pass HPV to any one even to a sexual worker. Be good to women. Follows doctor's comment to have sex. If you still having warts and think you are recovered and in fact you may passed it to someone like the new brother here.

Anyway, don't worry too much about cancer, it is not often for men. Just keep in mind don't play again to collect different types of HPV. Be good.

P.S. Sorry, It's too difficult for me to tpe chinese

[ 本帖最後由 AAV-2 於 2008-4-15 14:30 編輯 ]


咁講法 ,, 我地男人如果中左hpv

又唔病發 ,真係唔知自己有無HPV bor ,  咁即係唔駛結婚生仔囉

因為一但生仔,,咪會將d hpv 傳俾老婆囉

將來老婆就會因為咁而感染 HPV ????

相關搜索目錄: 結婚


I guess that's why HPV is very common among sexually active people.


原帖由 z888888 於 2008-4-15 14:39 發表
咁講法 ,, 我地男人如果中左hpv

又唔病發 ,真係唔知自己有無HPV bor ,  咁即係唔駛結婚生仔囉

因為一但生仔,,咪會將d hpv 傳俾老婆囉

將來老婆就會因為咁而感染 HPV ????
If no visible wart, no need to worry that much, Dr Leung told me

Thats why some brother says 25% sexual active women in taiwan have hpv.  Our immune system can clear the virus within 2 years.  The reason we develop warts becasue our immune system is week while we encoutered HPV. Gential warts represents high amount of HPV.  If you found no warts after three to eight months (I take 3 months personally) you shouldn't worry that much.   

Have a look www.hpvfaq.com
Can I spread the virus to my partner even if no warts are present.  

different people have different opinions, but the fact is we can or should back a normal life when we don't develop warts after a certain period.  

No visble wart, no need to worry. Don't panic. For example, some Food casued cancer, are we going to stop eating? So we need a healty dieat and stop giving posion food to our little brother.   

將來老婆就會因為咁而感染 HPV

Yes, she may or may not, (studies say most people are ok) no one can gurantee that even doctors, I bet ten million dollars, no doctor leven Dr. Ho, Dr Lau, .... can gurantee you that.  Is that mean you can't have sex? No, but for the good sake to your future wife, use a condom, until you have no warts for months or years, ask a doctor is that safe to have sex without the condoms after a certain period.  For instance, if you haven't got any warts for 2 years. Most doctor (all) will say you can have babies. We are not monsters, but if we having HPV, wait for 3 months (at least) to have protected sex. That is good for your future partner. I don't want the Ping Pong effects or cross infection because I want to have sex without a condom. (Warts on Penis tip really sucks) After a long period (i take 2 years), doctor found you and your parnter have no visible warts AND your parnter's pap smear is normal. Enjoy the freedom of Sex.  That is what I'm going to do.  

Please talk to your doctor for his professional advice. Again that is just what I been told and safe enough to protect the one I love.

[ 本帖最後由 AAV-2 於 2008-4-15 15:37 編輯 ]

相關搜索目錄: 結婚


原帖由 verjai 於 2008-4-15 15:05 發表
I guess that's why HPV is very common among sexually active people.
HPV 的普遍程度可能超乎閣下的想像。世界衛生組織估計,2001年全球大約有6億3千萬人(9%-13%)受到HPV感染。


We are 1/10


think about the sexual worker, how easy to get HPV from them, we developed HPV becasue our immune system was weak during the contact.  



另外還有一個檢測 (HPV DNA測試) 可以檢查某些能導致子宮頸癌的HPV類型。此檢查的結果可能幫助醫護專業人員決定是否需要進行進一步的身體檢查或治療。

相關搜索目錄: 身體檢查


剛下班, 首先多謝各位師兄意見!不知你們說的Dr.何診金多少? 另打干擾素要幾多錢呢?


原帖由 AAV-2 於 2008-4-15 12:30 發表

你真係好好想下在任何情況下都唔好去玩, 不停花費見醫生, 不要比藉口自己話有冇玩唔關事, 早D訓, 迫自己11點前. 香港好大陸好,完全好返一年再識翻條女, 以前日子已過去

我不是道德審判官,冇權冇資格說什 ...


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原帖由 superykk 於 2008-4-15 11:01 發表




原帖由 verjai 於 2008-4-15 10:38 發表
除左政府, 比千令蚊去搵DR驗。 包驗血驗尿。 好似係叫做性病化驗定係咁上下。乜都驗晒,好似除左庖陳。
其實好多病係慘痛過花。不果大部份都有得醫。花/庖陳/愛之 冇得斷尾,以HPV又比一般人相像中普遍,所以 ...
例如癬、水痘 (到60-70歲時會有機會變成生蛇,是超痛架)
如果你sad mood是不能自控,應該找你既心理醫生改藥


原帖由 z888888 於 2008-4-15 14:39 發表
咁講法 ,, 我地男人如果中左hpv

又唔病發 ,真係唔知自己有無HPV bor ,  咁即係唔駛結婚生仔囉

因為一但生仔,,咪會將d hpv 傳俾老婆囉

將來老婆就會因為咁而感染 HPV ????

相關搜索目錄: 結婚


年初發現幾粒疣, 有d成米粒咁大.
係深水步青山道某藥房買左3m, 搽一個月沒有好轉.
後來呢度見到Dr. HO既資料, 睇症後知係尖疣, Dr. HO問係做冷凍或搽藥.
我話試下搽, 咁佢比左水楊酸(英文名唔記得, 呢度有人提過), 同埋幾小包3M我搽.
初初比隻水楊酸"拿"到患處好痛, 尤其踩完單車之後一兩日...
不過跟住病情戲劇性轉好, 一個月之後已經好返晒.

前幾日覆診左, Dr. Ho 仔細檢察左話沒發現.
希望大家早日康復, 也希望自己不再受HPV困擾.




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