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原帖由 Challenger 於 2008-4-23 18:05 發表

I am going there tomorrow and see whether I have luck or not...
good luck brother and please report.


just call yuanyuan and waiting for the bg now


回復 #402 KOTO 的帖子

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seems so much information here, is it possible to consolidate and provide the latest summary ? It will be good for new comer (shanghai) as a reference. Do these girls go to Service Apartment ?


原帖由 LouisPierre 於 2008-4-22 02:26 發表
Good........... 推﹗
To Shanghai one week,Yesterday had to  one girl let me be very satisfied,晴晴,so Beautiful ,I like type,too much .I must with everybody share.vshe in xuhui,15921345627晴晴,feeling


原帖由 zaranisk 於 2008-4-24 11:04 發表

To Shanghai one week,Yesterday had to  one girl let me be very satisfied,晴晴,so Beautiful ,I like type,too much .I must with everybody share.vshe in xuhui,15921345627晴晴,feeling
Is she providing massage, or simply out-call service for full package ??  Can you describe her a bit more ??


service was fully satisfied though not allowed to touch boobs/ body.
massage was ok - push oil - really relaxed after that, and HJ was wonderful and skillful - particularly no rush at all. gal is young, good looking but not pretty, like next door girl. rmb260 normal charge with transport. and I offered tips too, not too much, total rmb350


原帖由 zaranisk 於 2008-4-24 11:04 發表

To Shanghai one week,Yesterday had to  one girl let me be very satisfied,晴晴,so Beautiful ,I like type,too much .I must with everybody share.vshe in xuhui,15921345627晴晴,feeling
My brother, may be if you write in Chinese, it is easier for us to understand.





門鐘一響,見到8號,咦! 網上明明話165cm,點解好似矮我好多? 不過個樣都OK。佢話佢叫麗麗。

基本上佢按摩技術只是一般,不過全程感覺良好,腎療手法也不錯, 我同佢講我要一面聽住女仔叫聲,一面搞先搞得出。於是叫佢訓係我身邊。一邊幫我出火,我一面錫佢條粉頸同耳仔,又隔住條褲攻擊佢妹妹,搞到佢典下典下,叫得都唔錯,最後終於成功解決,整體我俾80分。

完事後,哈! 佢竟然話過了鐘,佢話RMB260係90分鐘,結果我地搞了130分鐘,要補錢,我諗又點我,不過見頭先佢都幾合作,我都幾滿意,所以就算數,連車錢一共俾了RMB450,希望各位兄弟唔好鬧我做壞規矩。


wow, wanna try try..


多謝解說阿 如果有相更好




原帖由 老江湖 於 2008-4-23 03:11 發表

同7號仔梗係溝通得好啦, 只要有DD誠懇加埋嘴頭, 一般都可以去得盡D; 之前仲有幾次FOC過添, 不過係熟D既技師.
我話確有其人, 係CS俾我响webcam度睇過, 8仔實在點樣, ching你自己撞彩囉~
Tried this agency over the last weekend, this is my brief account of the experiences :

First day, called No. 5 of this agency via the contact advised by 老江湖 as I liked the picture on their site.  I asked the agent if No. 5 on their website is the acutal No. 5, she said yes.  But when she knocked at my door, Oh My God, at least 8-10 years older.  No. 5 told me she was that one on the web picture and that all the photos were taken by pofessional photographers and some "artisitic" elements have been added.  I guess their technology is very advanced !  I did not even try to suggest a full-package service.

Second day, tried No.7 as highly appraised by 老江湖 Bro.  She is Ok on the looks, though not really a beauty. But extremely gentle when talked to, very nice attitude.  Good bone skill as well.  However she insisted that no full package service is to be offered.  Maybe 老江湖 is much too handsome !

Last day, tried Li Li (丽丽) from 贝贝.  Now she is a looker !, very cute and loverly to talked to.  But she is adamant that she will not go any further !  Kind of implied that she wanted to remain loyal to her boyfriend, which I respected.  Anyway, a bit disappointed through out the three days , though the quallity did improve over day by day !!


Information here very good ar thanks for sharing!


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回復 #362 老江湖 的帖子

Hi Lao Jing Hu, got confused here. Is Yuanyuan= ANAN? if not, what is Yuanyuan's mobile please?  and what is this beauty's name please? I searched the thread, but could not find YuanYuan's mobile. thanks

RMB400 for that pretty girl, without ml, seems a bit high. but i believe there's a reason. the agent said she's even prettier than many movie stars. this is what the agent described: forum 論壇 討論區4e*v0e+H(lk-}n`
169cm淨高 forum.timway.com!zc2m1{+E
K至少在按摩行業裡她絕對是最漂亮的Xocat II Forumm8t3u/\(B}|4u
)~?ue,vQ        Fc'H白裡透紅
d7_H9k%_簡直魔鬼身材,珠圓玉潤的 Xocat II Forum        u {3{        ^wX
L'gH(K0wbqXocat II Forum不瘦但是絕對不胖,
@8V0C+b香港討論區每天客人都加鐘, $j2l_
d`-u*T U9N

[ 本帖最後由 27741644 於 2008-5-5 22:04 編輯 ]


原帖由 27741644 於 2008-5-5 22:01 發表
Hi Lao Jing Hu, got confused here. Is Yuanyuan= ANAN? if not, what is Yuanyuan's mobile please?  and what is this beauty's name please? I searched the thread, but could not find YuanYuan's mobile.  ...
hohoho, yuan yuan & anan are different agents. yuan yuan's mobile: 1%800%%3331
and too bad that u come too late, that beauty 小燕 is taking a leave for a surgery. might report to work soon or never. yuan yuan told me she has several new bgs now and are as good as 小燕. find it out ursellf~


I went Shanghai last Sunday and just return tonight, having fun there for the 3 days stay. I would like to thanks brother Doer, 老江湖 and Shguy, the information they provided this thread bring me such wonderful experience. Will try to write some more details tomorrow when I have time.


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good please post more
thanks for sharing


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-7 17:20 發表
I went Shanghai last Sunday and just return tonight, having fun there for the 3 days stay. I would like to thanks brother Doer, 老江湖 and Shguy, the information they provided this thread bring me  ...
Sorry brothers, it was a busy day and I have to stay office till 11:45pm. But don’t want to make you guys disappointed, so just try my best…...

I will omit not related stuff to cut it short, the following are the experience for the day 1 in SH.

Due to the flight delay, when the time I checked-in hotel room almost 12:00am midnight, so straightaway pick up the phone to call An-An, she answers my call politely and asked my basic information such as surname, hotel phone number and room number. She called me back a minute after I hook up the phone, then she explains to me the basic charges, also declare I have to bear the taxi fees for the girl, and then ask me what kind of girl I’m expecting, so I told her that as long as the girl aged around 20 to 25 with good figure and average looking will do, I don’t mind if the girl is a little bit fat, but most important thing is she must “open” enough, An-An says understand what I need, she has a girl call Yan-Yan should be fulfills my requirement, I asked her how long I have to wait, and she replies the girl should be arrive within half an hour.

I quickly take a shower and then wait for the girl coming, not long ago, the doorbell rang, when I open the door, a mid aged girl walks in, quite a good looking, although she is wearing a thin jacket, but still can fell her figure is not bad, so when she asking me whether she can stay, I said okay without any delay, she then make a call to An-An to confirm the deal.

I asked her whether need to take a shower for herself first, she says just taken at home, so she picked up the towel from bathroom and lay it on the bed, then ask me come to the bed, so I undress my bath cloth quickly and naked in front of her, she sounds surprised asking me: “Have you been here before for the service?”
“No, this is my first time call for service” I replied.
“Then how you know you have to undress all cloths?” She asked further.
“You probably know there is one thing call Internet, I checked procedures from Net before I came.” I said.
“Internet got such information?” She still questioning.
“Of course, you can find anything from the internet.” I said.
“OK, let’s massage your back first, please face done.” She instructed me.                     

Then she starts massage for my back, if I remember correctly, she was wearing the bra and panties at that time, since she sitting on my waist to massage my neck, I can feel her panties and inside part of her leg rubbing against to my waist, so I chat with her and came to know she is from a city in Jiangsu, after while – I think less than 5 minutes, I rubbed her leg when I still face down, she then bend down with her breasts against to my back and hugging on my shoulder, you guys may know I’m not looking for pure massage but something else …. I pushed her down the bed and turned my face up, then hug her in my chest with my left arm, at the same time, my right palm slipped inside her bra, “What kind of service you could provide besides massage?” I asked her straightaway.
She replies straightaway too: “You can pay me $500 more for ML.”
“OK, deal.” I agreed immediately, although it seems a bit expensive, but I think it is fair price in SH, some more, she is my cup of tea … the following was quite standard, so I don’t need to descript the rest.

Generally, I would like to rate her body figure 8 points out of 10, her pair of breasts around 34-35C although her bra marked 90cm, but I don’t think she got 36”, they are the real one with nice tips.

Total costs: $260+$500+$50 (two way taxi fees). That’s all for my first day activities in SH.

[ 本帖最後由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-9 07:17 編輯 ]


原帖由 Lamborghini 於 2008-5-9 03:06 發表

Sorry brothers, it was a busy day and I have to stay office till 11:45pm. But don’t want to make you guys disappointed, so just try my best…...

I will omit not related stuff to cut it sh ...
expecting your part 2, pal~


so detail & clearly; eagle to see further; quicly guy;


Very Goor recommendation, thanks for your sharing.CHing


Very Goor recommendation, thanks for your sharing.CHing




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