Why don't these ass holes fight for the preservation of those old resettlement houses?
They should have a lot of 集體回憶 over there too. I guess most of those ass holes or
their parents came from those places,they shared a small cubicle with a big family ,
shared bathroom and toilets with hundreds of people where their mother or sister might
have been peeped by those wolves around. These should be un-earasable 集體回憶 for them all.
Why they don't want to preserve those memories too instead of asking to live in modern estates
and much better with nice sea views but only have to pay a small amount of rent...
at the expenses of most of the tax payers of Hong Kong ! Preservation ,protect the 古蹟 of H.K.? Bull shit ,
they just don't have the calibre to talk about the subject, they are in fact really 食飽飯冇屎 al l,攪對抗 !