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To Xocat: Concrete Suggestion to Resolve This Matter

原帖由 xocatII 於 2007-8-18 13:55 發表
loksiu tend to break many many minor rules so that it is not clear.  But the whole picture and the accumulation is very troublesome to our forum... do you think I ban loksiu's decision is within 10 ...
Of course I know what you think of loksiu all along.
Many minor offences are already enough to convict an offender.

However, last time when you banned loksiu for the first time, I don't remember you explicitly listing his minor offences. I would have loved to read it. I remember people pressing you for it. Then you let loksiu off without ever specifying his guilt other than as making trouble.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 18:53 編輯 ]


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 14:12 發表

Of course I know how you think of loksiu all along.
Many minor offences are already enough to convict an offender.

However, last time when you banned loksiu for the first time, I don't re ...
talked already.
no need to mention again and again for his wrong doings... many already.  by me...
You can see it in his signature... what he want to do:

He has made it very clear that he wants our forum to die... that's all.


原帖由 xocatII 於 2007-8-18 14:10 發表
I'm very troubled during that time I don't know who is my friend and who is 無間道.  Have you seen that movie?  I'm the one who is so afraid.  So frightened that I have to ban many of them...
I am not sure if you had to race against time to stop the police probing into what was going on. I am not sure if time permitted you to first consult the moderators as to which ones in the group actually sided with loksiu/crazybb in their 'stirring up'. I am not sure if you did it on impulse.

Frightened? I remember that in a communication with you in the past, you commented if you were frightened, you should have started to be frightened seven years ago.
Seven (or six?) years ago...when batman emerged.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 18:56 編輯 ]


原帖由 xocatII 於 2007-8-18 14:21 發表

talked already.
no need to mention again and again for his wrong doings... many already.  by me...
You can see it in his signature... what he want to do:
http://forum.timway.com/f/profile-ui ...
No matter how not well-meaning enough loksiu was in the past, I don't think to make the forum die has always been his intention.
Rather, I think this arises from his current grudge against you coupled with his dissatisfaction with your handling of the previous crises in the past few months. Note: my speculation.

Note that last time after you unbanned him and gave him grace, he seemed to retreat to the private 'Cannon' and became less outspoken on the surface. Less critical. He did not speak as much as the others over the 'lagan' issue on the 141 board.

It takes time for members to grow on the forum. Unfortunately, there are from time to time sources of 'stimulation', just like 流料 this time. Some people are particularly reactive to stimuli. It seems also necessary to get rid of stimuli that take negative effect on not only a few people but very little positive effect on others.

Personally, I found 流料's report offensive upon reading it, though I did not bother to react or respond. But I understand why others reacted (strongly).

That's why if the current crisis had not arisen, while I tended to ignore 流料's report, I would also have continued to ignore loksiu's query (or 'subtle implication' in your words). But if loksiu was to be suppressed, it is only fair to suppress 流料 as well.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 16:33 編輯 ]


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 14:57 發表

No matter how not well-meaning enough loksiu was in the past, I don't think to make the forum die has always been his intention.
Rather, I think this arises from his current grudge against you ...
流料 has grown up.  He has learned the lesson alraedy... though I repeat, he didn't break the law.
Don't specify on any specific person, we judge based on what he did... and not your description... e.g. offensive... that's not a charge... that's a description...

If you find any one not behave properly, let me know and I will do him/her.

Again, don't focus on people, focus on the stuff he did and what he write/wrote.  That's clear evidence.  And concrete evidence... don't just write some short articles and explain your feelings... explain your feelings with concrete evidence...


原帖由 xocatII 於 2007-8-18 15:02 發表

流料 has grown up.  He has learned the lesson alraedy... though I repeat, he didn't break the law.
Don't specify on any specific person, we judge based on what he did... and not your descripti ...
loksiu didn't grow up, however... all these years, I've given him a chance all these years.

But someone is so ridiculous, if I found a shit on the floor, and don't like it, I will just pass by and neglect that shit... and go on with my life... but he is so loyal and stay on that shit... and then keep stepping on it for so long...  I think his past life was a fly.


Of course, you have the right to tell us how to make this shit better ... or at least cleaner and more tasteful ... but not stepping on it... but they are just like flies and stay together on that shit and actually, no one should really help him stay...  this is just a shit...

Another choice for you is to help us make this shit better.  I repeat... not stepping on it...


原帖由 xocatII 於 2007-8-18 15:02 發表

don't focus on people, focus on the stuff he did and what he write/wrote.
While I may have to name people, I do not focus on them but rather on things said/written. Do you remember I helped you incorporated this principle into the moderators' rules in March/April?

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 17:08 編輯 ]


Well, I think our exchange here on this thread is substantial enough.

Thank you for the time anyway.


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 15:07 發表

While I may have to name people, I do not focus on them but rather on things said/written. Do you remember I helped you incorporated this into the moderators' rules in March/April?
I see.  And thanks.
Pls write an article with
1. your thinking.
2. your reasons.  
3. your concrete evidence.

If you understand it, you should write such articles and not just describe someone as offensive without proof, I admit that I cannot see ABC's post completely.  You may see it much better than me.  So, if he breaks the law of being offensive, you have to let me know and let me see see what he has written instead of just some short sentences of being offensive...  if I see the evidence, I will ban ABC or someone completely...

Also, I appreciate your help.  Most people are not so rational and thus pls don't disturb the peace here... most people don't dare to read every one of my article and just keep blaming my banning... they don't see my ratioinale... if they see it, they should discuss with me POINT BY POINT.  I have good language ability that I can present things 有條理地.  Not Just Tiu Lei...     But you all have to read it carefully.


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 15:07 發表

While I may have to name people, I do not focus on them but rather on things said/written. Do you remember I helped you incorporated this into the moderators' rules in March/April?
Then you should focus on things said/written.  Thanks.


To find something offensive or take offence is to do so personally.
A may take offence at something while B does not.
By its very nature taking offence is subjective.
'It just makes me sick.'
And taking offence is not accusation in itself.
Not everything offensive is automatically against forum rules.
This explains why though quite some people mocked 流料, very few if any asked you to remove his report.

You seem to have an obsession with evidence.
But please also distinguish between different notions.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 16:36 編輯 ]


原帖由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 15:12 發表
Well, I think our exchange here on this thread is substantial enough.

Thank you for the time anyway.
Maybe over onto this thread, where I question you as to how you handled 小潔's case:


I would appreciate your continued patience to me.

[ 本帖最後由 白貓兒 於 2007-8-18 18:57 編輯 ]


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