原帖由 hongkonger 於 2008-6-12 14:22 發表
你未沉過, 你就唔明白o個種感覺
明知無結果, 明知自己唔應該, 患得患失地一級級、一步步沉落去
打個比喻, 如果你未吃過辣, 又點知辣是什麼味道呢?
就算你好理智同自己講: 吃是為了營養
你是對的! 但人生 ...
After 10-20 years of time, you wil lstill remember in the good old days, you were so in love of someone so madly. (although she did not deserve your love, whether she was only on $, she betrayed you) I would rather sacrifice a bit of $ and time, plus a little risk, to get some love feel. Of course, everyone will hope that he will not sink to the bottom or to a life-threatening depth. As long as our feet could still hit the ground of the pool/sea, it is fine.