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[疑難] 金帝苑 #22

OK, thanks very much, 106 is the first priority and 29 is the second


金帝苑 has a price cut from 390 to 370


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-14 09:08 發表
106 has very nice hugeeee boobs. her face is ok for a 40 year old. 3 tastes only. i think she is the most popular in 金帝苑. sucking skill is good but according to her, 108's sucking skill is best of  ...
Is 106 real boobs?


原帖由 ap_2020 於 2009-7-20 08:39 發表

Is 106 real boobs?
yeah real juicy big fat boobs. ideal for sucking!


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-20 12:21 發表

yeah real juicy big fat boobs. ideal for sucking!
juicy?? milk


回復 30# 的帖子

hso, have you ever tried Autumn Spring, the women there are quite good, but majority 3 tastes only and you like 5/6 tastes


原帖由 Schnauzer 於 2009-7-20 17:13 發表
hso, have you ever tried Autumn Spring, the women there are quite good, but majority 3 tastes only and you like 5/6 tastes
Autumn Spring and Three Rivers, the girls are younger but  experience tell us that young girls especially Hong Kong girls are dead fish on bed, no this no that, my little brother just cannot get up when encounter these girls so I will not go


your logo is too small, can you send me a bigger one, she doesn't look like those village peasant woman but rather a sexy city modern c9


回復 32# 的帖子

Have you ever tried Hoi Kee at Spring Autumn, otherwise go and try her, you won't regret, good performance in bed, most important is, she allows big wet kiss, she is the queen of wet kiss

[ 本帖最後由 Schnauzer 於 2009-7-20 20:32 編輯 ]


回復 33# 的帖子

How to send to you ?


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-20 12:21 發表

yeah real juicy big fat boobs. ideal for sucking!
Have interest to try her, but it might be quite difficult to mark her.  


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-7-20 17:47 發表

Have interest to try her, but it might be quite difficult to mark her.  
yeah one time i visited her in the afternoon. she said there had only been 8 customers that day. 4 of them asked for her...


is the last one in the ad on 169? says 34 but looks like 36, also like I said different person may get different treatment, thanks for your recommendation, will go some day and try my charm on her. Is there such a function as member to member personal message??


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-20 17:54 發表

yeah one time i visited her in the afternoon. she said there had only been 8 customers that day. 4 of them asked for her...
Really?  4 customers out of 8 visited her.  Unbelievable!   


even more unbelievable, only 8 guys for the whole day


原帖由 hso 於 2009-7-20 18:41 發表
even more unbelievable, only 8 guys for the whole day
How come there were only a few customers?  

You know the reason?


原帖由 boot_boot 於 2009-7-20 19:08 發表

How come there were only a few customers?  

You know the reason?

on well it was 11-2008 around 4pm in the afternoon. economy was bad


回復 38# 的帖子

I don't know what do you mean by 34 and 36, do you mean the boobs ? Check out the AD of 春秋指壓 in 169, you can find the photo of  海琪, she has a pair of big real boobs, good service, we start wet kiss during the shower every time, you won't regret, she used to report to work after 3.30 pm. I visited her many times already, but you know all men are same, don't want to fuck one woman only, need a change from time to time,


原帖由 pimpster 於 2009-7-14 09:08 發表
106 has very nice hugeeee boobs. her face is ok for a 40 year old. 3 tastes only. i think she is the most popular in 金帝苑. sucking skill is good but according to her, 108's sucking skill is best of  ...
How's the face of #108? OK ma?


回復 38# 的帖子

Correct, the last one in AD 169


Schnauzer can u post a proper pic of the girl of your icon in here? we want to see her!!!!



any C HING did her?? is she KDG #19??


回復 46# 的帖子

I don't know how to post picture, sorry


回復 47# 的帖子

yes. she is KDG 19.. read my report in the KDG link...
asked 126 at KDG and confirmed #19 is slightly retarded


原帖由 Schnauzer 於 2009-7-21 08:48 發表
I don't know how to post picture, sorry
hey, you say you don't know how to post and here is another one

do you know is there a function for member to member private message?




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