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[疑難] need help again

Just add one Monitor in the front 5", or even can connect to your GPS monitor(if you have input) then just place the cam at the back ...

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


I just found one 後波cam in kowloon city, 5"mon+cam(with distance show)+install around 950

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


搵 人 裝 啦 自 己 攪 奶 野 就 唔 好 啦


now I am planning to get a new car audio with monitor...then go to install the cam..but fear the car audio with monitor cannot pass the gov. check

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-7-31 12:06 發表
now I am planning to get a new car audio with monitor...then go to install the cam..but fear the car audio with monitor cannot pass the gov. check
唔 會 架 喎 邊 個 同 你 講 話 唔 得???


bcz with DVD some said that it will be fail it is not offical equipment

I like to use with monitor bcz also good for rear cam.

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 Jeff9394 於 2010-7-12 06:32 發表
楂 出 來 俾 jkjkelvin 同 fishman1123 老 強 返 轉 就 咩 問 題 佢 地 都 答 到 你 架 啦
幫得就幫.....唔一定答到....其實6缸通常都係皮帶PULLY水箱同VANOS SENSER依幾個問題, 其次OIL FILTER 座, 內龍D膠, 嘩佬膠邊

我部330CI 同M3 就通常依D問題
330CI 我揸左3年幾, 每年萬幾整車啦, 唔計換油(你可能一星期先用兩日), 其實都係$1.5左右1 KM.........


True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


Thank you guys here firstly, i am not pro in automobiles, so, I will drive out to let you guys see....for sure~
this is the pic of my E46 320i, it is so nice mainly drive by my wife, coz she hates my M.Benz, I can say that BMW is also very good especially 3 series, you guys are right 320 is more better than 318, the car is so nice and smooth, however, used once max 2 times it sudden off when waiting for red light, i just hold the brake but then when i leave it and go it sudden off engine...is it the protection of E46 or mainly something wrong/damage or battery problem????  basically, when I turn on the car, just in first click(engine not started only power) the dashboard shows on top a battery logo is it normal???

thank you^^

BTW, my wife is a new driver (1yr) ~

[ 本帖最後由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 16:36 編輯 ]
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美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦



any advice?? does it fit any water(distilled)??

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 15:42 發表
any advice?? does it fit any water(distilled)??
用 原 廠 野 加 蒸 餾 水 啦


that means buy offical one then mix water....rartio is ??:??

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 16:37 發表
that means buy offical one then mix water....rartio is ??:??
樽 上 邊 有 寫 跟 返 個 spec 好


thank you jeff ching^^

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-2 16:37 發表
that means buy offical one then mix water....rartio is ??:??
water 一定要蒸餾水
True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


Kelvin 兄,我要換和尚頭,正常幾$到? 邊度換?和尚頭有事係咪會導致死火? 因今日係佐敦着車行了廿米就死火,撻過后行三號仔回家無事......另外請問kelvin 兄是否谷友?

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-3 01:50 發表
Kelvin 兄,我要換和尚頭,正常幾$到? 邊度換?和尚頭有事係咪會導致死火? 因今日係佐敦着車行了廿米就死火,撻過后行三號仔回家無事......另外請問kelvin 兄是否谷友?
和尚頭發訊號彈俾行車電腦叫架車罷工? 應該不會吧.

相關搜索目錄: 電腦
this is a public forum. not your own dog house, don't wowo anywhere.


Before the car checked by BMWHK, they said that need to change 和尚頭 and ABS cable (ZONE) ??? dust cover broken...need to change...these 3 question will it coz the engine off...however when it off the brake still work(good luck)  ...i can restart then go...

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


to Jeff and Kelvin when you have time to see my car ar...???

I don't know more about cars and parts don't laugh me ar...

美國海軍第七艦隊 (太平洋艦隊)
導彈防禦系統&宙斯盾戰鬥系統(Aegis combat system)神盾導彈驅逐艦及巡洋艦


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-3 14:04 發表
Before the car checked by BMWHK, they said that need to change 和尚頭 and ABS cable (ZONE) ??? dust cover broken...need to change...these 3 question will it coz the engine off...however when it off th ...
ABS 有sensor 我理解, 但係和尚頭同dust cover 就................R爆頭
this is a public forum. not your own dog house, don't wowo anywhere.


原帖由 james1616 於 2010-8-3 14:04 發表
Before the car checked by BMWHK, they said that need to change 和尚頭 and ABS cable (ZONE) ??? dust cover broken...need to change...these 3 question will it coz the engine off...however when it off th ...
佢 有 冇 講 要 整 幾 銀???
大 問 題 果 個 應 該 係 ABS Cable 其 他  野 問 題 不 大
我 呢 個 星 期 好 忙 下 星 期 睇 下 得 唔 得 啦
再 唔 係 呢 個 星 期 日 我 睇 下 我 港 島 用 開 間 車 房 有 冇 開 有 同 你 過 去 望 下


ABS Cable 好少問題, 副廠料3,4百搞掂,
重要係ABS 腦冇死就得, ABS 腦要成$8000一個...
不過就算死咗都可以唔整, 只係冇咗ABS 同traction control, 一樣行得走得~!!

和尚頭有問題只會搞到行車時有響聲同軚盤會震, 唔會令架車死火..

dust cover更加唔關事, 佢只係保護d parts 好d!


話時話, 冇ABS同traction control過唔過到驗車?
True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


行車死火, 會唔會係air flow sensor?
True power always take my breath away, just like true beauty~~!!


原帖由 jkjkelvin 於 2010-8-3 15:31 發表
ABS Cable 好少問題, 副廠料3,4百搞掂,
重要係ABS 腦冇死就得, ABS 腦要成$8000一個...
不過就算死咗都可以唔整, 只係冇咗ABS 同traction control, 一樣行得走得~!!

和尚頭有問題只會搞到行車時有響 ...
過 到 唔 會 有 問 題 不 過 落 雨 就 對 楂 開 新 車 既 人 就 有 D 危


$8000 abs腦,唔係好貴者
this is a public forum. not your own dog house, don't wowo anywhere.




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