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深麗 sauna

原帖由 少游 於 2007-2-5 21:21 發表
What about 半套 service, still provide ?
I don;t know whether they provide this service or not, but I think they havn't changed the scope of service, as they are now under the period of"试业", they are paying atention to the renovation work which is still in progress.
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-5 16:18 發表
a hj sauna with foot massage service provided...unfortunately the price is marked up to 188 for 2 hours (168 in the past)
I guess $20 extra is OK. They need to recover the decoration fee!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-6 11:46 發表

I guess $20 extra is OK. They need to recover the decoration fee!
Peninsula 師兄, 大部份正骨場, 都是技師津貼裝修費架啦! 好似 "皇室" 骨囡要比 4500-7000 入場費才可以當技師, 而且唔是熟練嘅骨囡, 重要交培訓費添 !

相關搜索目錄: 裝修
鍾意嘜都得, 千祈唔好鍾意我! 我有老婆仔女, 又妻妾成籮, 唔好煩我!


原帖由 SMUmbrella 於 2007-2-9 01:44 發表
Peninsula 師兄, 大部份正骨場, 都是技師津貼裝修費架啦! 好似 "皇室" 骨囡要比 4500-7000 入場費才可以當技師, 而且唔是熟練嘅骨囡, 重要交培訓費添 !
If hardware is better, $20 extra is OK la.

相關搜索目錄: 裝修


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-9 14:17 發表

If hardware is better, $20 extra is OK la.
The hardware of the massage room has been improved much, but that of the bath room is not quite good, especially the shower head and the temperature of water: water jet and temperature not steay
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


各位師兄, 請問地址响边呀?


原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-9 15:09 發表
The hardware of the massage room has been improved much, but that of the bath room is not quite good, especially the shower head and the temperature of water: water jet and temperature not steay
Maybe I will try and report later.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-13 12:38 發表

Maybe I will try and report later.
Some guys are spreading rumours pointing to the 部长阿华. 阿华 asked me fearfully if I heard about this(some one said that 阿华 brought the KO to the sauna to catch a BG last year...) when I visited the sauna on 1 Feb 2007 on its open day. I answered: "no, I haven't heard about this."

I eventually saw this post in the Macau Sauna Board yesterday...As an outsider but also a frequent customer of this sauna, I dare say it's a rumour indeed.

[ 本帖最後由 求其 於 2007-2-13 15:38 編輯 ]
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-13 15:08 發表
Some guys are spreading rumours whcih are pointing the 部长阿华. 阿华 asked me if I heard about this(some one said that 阿华 brought the KO to the sauna to catch a BG la ...
Thanks for clarification. When I went to SZ on weekend (not this sauna), things seem normal and quiet.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-13 15:31 發表

Thanks for clarification. When I went to SZ on weekend (not this sauna), things seem normal and quiet.
1.  It's easy to 得罪人 in the business in which the customer and commodity are human beings too;

2. The competition among SZ sauna business has gone white-hot

The above points may explain why rumours are spreading some times!

[ 本帖最後由 求其 於 2007-2-13 16:26 編輯 ]
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-13 16:14 發表
YES, and on top, there are so many ADs pretending to be reports!


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-13 23:38 發表

YES, and on top, there are so many ADs pretending to be reports!
It's not serious in our "Mainland China 國內救國及澳門風月版". All but the most brothers here are real players who share with us heartedly and unselfishly!

[ 本帖最後由 求其 於 2007-2-15 20:49 編輯 ]
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-15 20:48 發表
It's not serious in our "Mainland China 國內救國及澳門風月版". All but the most brothers here are real players who share with us heartedly and unselfishly!
I agree but there are still some "jokers" etc. Rely on you to "police" this forum la.


原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-2-15 22:00 發表

I agree but there are still some "jokers" etc. Rely on you to "police" this forum la.
Thank you! Our effort is limited, it could not be achieved without members' support and understanding!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-2-16 17:47 發表
Thank you! Our effort is limited, it could not be achieved without members' support and understanding!
Thanks again for so much info!


Visited the sauna again, they have installed a computer with internet connection. The hardware has improved so much (especially the bath room and the shower facility). TV could now be viewed inside the room (couldn't view just after the re-opening).

They offered promotion to customers holding coupon form a certain website, but didn't grant it (or at the same discount rate) to their familiar customers incl. me

[ 本帖最後由 求其 於 2007-3-9 21:15 編輯 ]
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 求其 於 2007-3-9 21:11 發表
Visited the sauna again, they have installed a computer with internet connection. The hardware has improved so much (especially the bath room and the shower facility). TV could now be viewed inside ...
Even if I have the coupon in hand (easilly print out from this web), I never use it because the bg has to pay 50% of the shortfall.


原帖由 bigdick 於 2007-3-9 22:38 發表

Even if I have the coupon in hand (easilly print out from this web), I never use it because the bg has to pay 50% of the shortfall.
Oh, I see!

I've never been enjoying their discount since 2004 also. At that time they provided to their customers a tag on which they would stamp for each visit. After accumulating a certain number of visits they would grant him a discount (since I didn't use it therefore I couldn't write down the details).

The reason why I didn't take the discount tag was: I didn't want the lunch boxes of mine find it accidentally!
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


I tried  !* before, thin but good looking BG. Room is better than before, at least other customer can't hear your voice & BG's screaming.  

地址: 深圳市嘉賓路深華商業大厦(凱利賓館對面)


Where it is?


I know. Thanks.


原帖由 TP 於 2007-3-10 01:56 發表
I tried  !* before, thin but good looking BG. Room is better than before, at least other customer can't hear your voice & BG's screaming.  

地址: 深圳市嘉賓路深華商業大厦(凱利賓館對面)
This beautiful lady entered the business at Aug 2005 but one could still hardly perceive any smell of wind and dust from her.

[ 本帖最後由 求其 於 2007-3-10 09:22 編輯 ]
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!


原帖由 TP 於 2007-3-10 01:56 發表
Room is better than before, at least other customer can't hear your voice & BG's screaming.
Screaming? Can only HJ wor!


<<<What about 半套 service, still provide ? >>>

今日去試左^@號, 問我玩唔玩冰火,我沒玩, 但玩左BM都係收$300....

條女樣普通, 平胸, 大蓮, 但皮膚白滑, 稱來自哈爾濱... 不過玩得好放, 除哂所有衫褲, 除左擺入0的窿到, 其他0的野都可以做均....

<<<Screaming? Can only HJ wor>>>

期間佢叫得都幾大聲.....而且, 手骨唔錯..屬泰式個隻...另外, 佢暗示過可以出外面開房...我沒理....如果, 有師兄有興趣, 我有佢個CALL 鐘電話.....

間野新裝修後, 我今日第一次去, 係新淨左, 但沖涼間同個更衣室未免太近了吧..而且得幾格, 我走時都爆哂, 再黎多個要等沖涼.... 最抵讚係個干蒸室, 終於似番0的樣, 但好似沒乜人用....

我叫部長俾間最靜局既房我, 當時唔知可以玩到甘激... 房門都有個一呎左右既玻璃窗, 但比以前好好多啦...起碼唔使SHARE 部 冷氣先....

總括而言, 都改得幾好...俾多20文都抵既.....

希望各位師兄介紹0的類似^@甘玩得(可以除哂衫任抄), 而又有波, 唔使大, 吸手都好...樣又唔差既BG....

以前係舊版, 好多REPORT有NO.推介, 好似金碧12, 77, 益康堂138...等等... 而家好似沒人甘做既, 係新規矩唔俾POST, 定只不過沒人俾???

如果可以, 希望大家多0的交流...

相關搜索目錄: 裝修


原帖由 暗黑騎士 於 2007-3-20 23:31 發表
<<<What about 半套 service, still provide ? >>>

今日去試左^@號, 問我玩唔玩冰火,我沒玩, 但玩左BM都係收$300....

條女樣普通, 平胸, 大蓮, 但皮膚白滑, 稱來自哈爾濱... 不過玩得好放 ...
我個筆名叫求其, 只想在現實生活以外的空間裡, 輕輕鬆鬆, 求求其其咁過, 以解來自日常生活的壓力!




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