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 41 12


¦^´_ 20# ªº©«¤l

Hi, any chance to pm the name and address of the place?

Thanks in advance


Went Shanghai last week, seems everything there as usual .....


¾¤ºò³£­n¥h¤W®ü, ¦³«§¦n¤¶²Ð


Not sure if chings know China Prime Minister will be coming to shanghai in May with over 50 countries leader for some conference. I heard already closed down some sauna and ktv. Make sure you check before you go and be disappointed. Also just be careful in this month....


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2014-1-21 11:15 µoªí

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­ì©«¥Ñ simonkok ©ó 2014-5-14 14:22 µoªí

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¦^´_ 32# ªº©«¤l



­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2014-5-15 11:59 µoªí


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Recently went to 2 friends' birthday event at 2 different KTV. One is now my favorite, the Japanese KTV which I mentioned earlier and another 2 days ago at Hong qiao which most of us have been, ª÷¦â阳¥ú. I was most disappointed with the latter one, of course we know the place is ancient and I try to compare in price/performance ? My friend told me 4th floor is much better but we went to 3rd floor which another friend booked. Room is big but the sound system is really bad. Then they moved us to the VVIP on 1st floor, yes, it was BIG but decorations are really old and of course sound system is no good. We ordered VSOP and only drank 3 bottles (buy 2 get 1 free), there were 8 men + 8 girls, but we all got sick next day with stomach ache. We doubt the liquor is any real, and we all drank fake stuff. . Girls are not really good and service level is low except mama who drank the most and try to create a fun atmosphere, other girls just sat there and play with their phone. At the end our party ended at 1am since we all need to work next day and no girls taken out. The damage was 500 per girl, 500 each for mama and DJ, average 1500/head since one of our friend birthday.  Bad experience and doubt will go back again with now so may choices here.


´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


To: Shanghaiexpat

I hv just received your PM. Unfortunately, with the strange internet here, I am unable to reply by PM. Will do it a week later.


thank ching shareing


HI shanghaiexpat,

As I will stay in SH for one week in September, could you pm the detail address & contact person for the
Japanese KTV to turn  my eyes 180 degree with reasonable price.

Thanks !


This week, suddenly want to try something different. I decided to go to #2 after have not been there a long time. For those who are not familiar, #2 is a sauna with coplay room include teacher/student, doctor/patient, bus ticket collector, sm, office.... etc. Just to fill in your imagination and something special rather than standard Wet or Dry Massage which they also provide. From the tank, I choose a girl, a bit chubby and young, 20yo. pink nipples.... The door is shut and she asked me whether I want to be teacher or student which I chose latter just like most AV film. The lesson began with an indepth discussion on reproductive parts which you get to check hers and she on you. It was fun .... Anyway, the whole process finished around 1hr. which you can do on desks, on floor, chair.. Damage is 798. But one of the problem is this place hardware is pretty shit but software ok.


 41 12


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