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原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-20 06:17 AM 發表

Mountain 兄,

所有打工仔甚至打工皇帝, 都係要做ge啦 ! 或者有時人地做ge嘢你睇唔見啫.

現在的環境, 有份工比冇工做好好多. 當然, 有得選擇就更加好. 如果現職是accounting又希望自我提升, 可以讀讀書 ...
雖然而家D人做audit 朝九晚十,冇哂私人時間,但往好處想,你地而家學緊野喎,而家你可以用三年時間學到五年既野,係咪都有得益呢。

不過我都唔明D firm要攪到D staff 咁。我地個簡單audit佢都收我十幾萬,又無deadline, 派兩個靚落黎要一個禮拜搞掂。我D staff 十一點走佢地都唔肯走,想我地留低大門匙俾佢地,俾我第二日媽义佢。我話錢你地收足,我又唔趕,點觧你要幫我做個 rush job?


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-8-20 07:01 AM 發表

雖然而家D人做audit 朝九晚十,冇哂私人時間,但往好處想,你地而家學緊野喎,而家你可以用三年時間學到五年既野,係咪都有得益呢。

不過我都唔明D firm要攪到D staff 咁。我地個簡單audit佢都收我十幾萬, ...
我都有同感 . 過去幾年舊公司都係用PWC, 佢班友真係好搏, 晚睌八九點都唔願走.  

PWC的partners就正哂 la, 有D咁搏的伙記. 不過有時又可能係D staff 搏表現 .


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-20 07:17 AM 發表

我都有同感 . 過去幾年舊公司都係用PWC, 佢班友真係好搏, 晚睌八九點都唔願走.  

PWC的partners就正哂 la, 有D咁搏的伙記. 不過有時又可能係D staff 搏表現 .

我地俾完十幾皮都冇service,重有兩星期tax deadline 佢老味 D partner 上星期重make 緊comment, 重propose緊audit adjustment, 份F/S重做到錯X哂,我通常唔理份statutory accounts, 以我咁隨便既人都隨手揾到錯野,而家都八月啦,咁點解你要D staff 喺五月趕乜先?


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-8-20 07:40 AM 發表

我地俾完十幾皮都冇service,重有兩星期tax deadline 佢老味 D partner 上星期重make 緊comment, 重propose緊audit adjustment, 份F/S重做到錯X哂,我通常唔理份statutory accounts, 以我咁隨便既人都隨手 ...
Dejavu 兄,

有時表面看到的事, 可能後面又有另外一個故事. 我提議你跟上司說說, 然後再採取適當的行動.點都只是公事, 就按公司規矩去辦事,無謂太personal.  


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-20 08:48 AM 發表

Dejavu 兄,

有時表面看到的事, 可能後面又有另外一個故事. 我提議你跟上司說說, 然後再採取適當的行動.點都只是公事, 就按公司規矩去辦事,無謂太personal.  

我巳經對美國講咗我一定會換Auditor,除非listing rule有問題(不過佢地巳經話無),否則一切由我决定。

我唔理佢後面乜野事,我係client,我有expectation, and You have been warned.  You can't give me the same treatment year after year even I said I didn't like it.  你咪以為係 ultimate holding company 欽點我就唔可以轉你先得架。可能佢當我地香港係細client,所以唔care。


i am an accountant too, haha
currently cpa member


原帖由 njdragon 於 2006-8-20 09:23 AM 發表
i am an accountant too, haha
currently cpa member

Based in Nanjing???


原帖由 njdragon 於 2006-8-20 09:23 AM 發表
i am an accountant too, haha
currently cpa member
有冇用過佢個 lounge.  好似好靚咁喎。


原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-8-20 09:12 AM 發表

我巳經對美國講咗我一定會換Auditor,除非listing rule有問題(不過佢地巳經話無),否則一切由我决定。

我唔理佢後面乜野事,我係client,我有expectation, and You have been warned.  You can ...
It seems they haven't offered a reasonable services and overcharged your company  


Dear all,

There are so many firms all around the world. There should be some staff to handle accounting works or bookkeeping. So, it is sure there are many job oppournities in accounting field. Right?

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 winforum 於 2006-8-20 11:31 AM 發表
Dear all,

There are so many firms all around the world. There should be some staff to handle accounting works or bookkeeping. So, it is sure there are many job oppournities in accounting field.  ...
Using the same logic, the same can be said about Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, Administration, ......

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 Tummy 於 2006-8-20 10:18 AM 發表

It seems they haven't offered a reasonable services and overcharged your company  
They might think we have deep pockets.  

The service really sucks.


原帖由 howard171792 於 2006-8-18 05:33 PM 發表
哈哈...因為我地有特別的技能及知識ma.......e.g.首先我地識幫間公司隱藏d盈利...唔駛交咁多稅...賺1億...可以隱藏3-4千萬...當然啦...如果老細話要盤數做靚d... 因為要股價好d...我地都可以有技巧地增加自己公司 ...

至叻嗰啲會連牌都唔要, 洗定八月十五, 咁幫老細食大茶飯Cap水走佬



原帖由 dejavu2003 於 2006-8-20 08:39 PM 發表

Using the same logic, the same can be said about Sales, Marketing, Purchasing, Administration, ......


原帖由 CHANGMAO 於 2006-8-21 03:08 AM 發表



唉........ 唉........ 唉........  



原帖由 CHANGMAO 於 2006-8-21 11:08 發表


至叻嗰啲會連牌都唔要, 洗定八月十五, 咁幫老細食大茶飯Cap水走佬

你真有見地. 替客戶慳稅, 全世界的public accounting firms or their affiliates都會做. 但唔係隱藏d盈利, 而係按每個國家的稅務法律, 在操作上適當地安排, 令到該公司的利潤, 稅局都唔能夠按法律去抽稅.

舉例, 有家在香港註冊的公司, 佢的產品是一些防衰老的精華素, 防曬濟等等. 所有交易在網上進行. 而網上操作的hub在星加坡.

香港的公司只有註冊地址, 冇寫字樓,冇職員, 所有該公司在香港的操作, 由一家小型的會計師樓承辦.

該公司在星加坡成立一家子公司全權負責該產品的銷售, 推廣和IT管理的工作並按月向香港母公司收管理費.營業地域真係可以說是全世界.

由於所有的銷售收入在香港入賬, 銷售的合約在星加坡完成, 所以其中所產生的盈利, 屬於海外營業, 按本港法律, 並不需要向特區政府納稅.

有時見到生意人跟稅局鬥法的案例, 真係拍案叫絕, 好嘢 ...

相關搜索目錄: 會計 Accounting 會計師
I'm a pipe-smoker ...


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-22 05:17 AM 發表


你真有見地. 替客戶慳稅, 全世界的public accounting firms or their affiliates都會做. 但唔係隱藏d盈利, 而係按每個國家的稅務法律, 在操作上適當地安排, 令到該公司的利潤, 稅局都唔能夠按法律 ...

But do they need to pay tax to Singapore? I mean profits tax

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


You won't regret


原帖由 Tummy 於 2006-8-22 18:49 發表

But do they need to pay tax to Singapore? I mean profits tax
Hi brother Tummy,

You asked a good question. Yes, the subsidiary in Singapore will have to pay tax according to its assessable profits which come from its management-fee income and commission income on sales in its territory (Singapore) ...
I'm a pipe-smoker ...


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-22 10:43 PM 發表

Hi brother Tummy,

You asked a good question. Yes, the subsidiary in Singapore will have to pay tax according to its assessable profits which come from its management-fee income and commissio ...
Brother Taurus, u a too humble
Ask a question is much more easier than give answer or solution
BTW, tks for your answer


原帖由 Tummy 於 2006-8-23 20:26 發表

Brother Taurus, u a too humble
Ask a question is much more easier than give answer or solution
BTW, tks for your answer
Hi Brother Tummy,

Thank you for your compliment !

I started off working as a clerk in Inland Revenue Department, then as an audit trainee in a chartered accounting firm which was later affiliated with and changed its name as PricewaterhouseCoopers.

After about 3 years of audit training, I started my career in accounting field. Most of my experience which I regarded as valuable came from working with two international companies both of them were listed in New York Stock Exchange and engaged in chemical field. At the same time, my last employer was a state-owned company in Europe.

Therefore, I am pleased to share my experience with all brothers and sisters and exchange ideas / opinion with them. In fact, I may be benefitted during the course of these exchanges.

Please keep up our communication at your convenience.  

相關搜索目錄: Accounting
I'm a pipe-smoker ...


原帖由 taurus 於 2006-8-24 12:57 AM 發表

Hi Brother Tummy,

Thank you for your compliment !

I started off working as a clerk in Inland Revenue Department, then as an audit trainee in a chartered accounting firm which was later a ...
Hello Mr. Taurus,

I'm new here but I'd be grateful if experts like you can give me advice.

I've been a sales co-ordinator in a Japanese company for 5 years. During
these 5 years I've also got a Advanced Diploma in Accounting from HKU SPACE

My original plan is to find an auditor junior post after I passed the ACCA core papers,
but unforunately, in the June 2006 exam, I had only passed Paper 3.6 (I want to
re-take Paper 3.5 and 3.7 in the coming December).

I'm now 28 years old and I'm worried that if I don't get into the audit / accounting
field a.s.a.p., I'd have no chance later on. So I intend to find audit job now and
take the ACCA exams at the same time.

What do you think of my situation and my plan?

Thank you and looking forward to your advice.

I'd also like to have the advice from everybody else in this forum. Thank you!

相關搜索目錄: Accounting


原帖由 wander 於 2006-8-24 20:48 發表

Hello Mr. Taurus,

I'm new here but I'd be grateful if experts like you can give me advice.

I've been a sales co-ordinator in a Japanese company for 5 years. During
these 5 years I've a ...
Hi brother wander,

Again, thank you for your compliment and cngratulation to you for having obtained an Advanced Diploma in Accounting from HKU SPACE after 5 years of hard work. I understand how hard it really is to attend evening classes after work.

Your advanced diploma should at least equate you as an undergraduate, if not a graduate. As I understand that audit and accounting field is now short of new comers, you may first try those reputable audit firms first because their labels can really give you credit when you want to join the commercial sector after you have worked for them for a few years.

If you are not lucky with them, you may turn to the second tier of these audit firms. But the starting salary may not be desirable by most of you, about $6,000 per month.

Please let us all know after you have gone through above and best wishes to your search for a desirable position in this field. Welcome aboard, wander ...

相關搜索目錄: Accounting
I'm a pipe-smoker ...


原帖由 wander 於 2006-8-24 12:48 PM 發表

Hello Mr. Taurus,

I'm new here but I'd be grateful if experts like you can give me advice.

I've been a sales co-ordinator in a Japanese company for 5 years. During
these 5 years I've a ...
I have been out of the touch with the system - Paper 3.X, does that mean you are closing in on qualifying??  If so, I think despite at the age of 28, you might still have a chance to join the Chartered Accountants firm.  I might make an inquiry at EY to see what their position is.  Just curious, why would anyone take ACCA instead of the ICPA these days?  They have been treated like dirts by ICPA lately.

You did write impeccable English, succintly and well organized.  I hope you speak just as good.  It would work to your advantage as I believe few of their new intakes could write anywhere near as good.

Don't know about the salary level, but the $6,000 brother Taurus mentioned above kinda surprised me.   I thought the big-4 now pays well over $10,000 and the 2nd tier shouldn't be that far behind.  But my advice is, as long as you can survive at the low wage, you should invest in your future by joining the audit firm.  It will pay off soon.




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