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我的初次海联 3P 經驗

so good!!!!


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原帖由 0912 於 2007-10-18 20:15 發表

狗仔意圖將之室入吾江門, 吾憤力抗之~ 唔鐘意比人拮!
狗仔都有逐隻手指用口含熱水 同我洗乾淨

一王兩后~ 承惠 900圓正

狗仔都有用震蛋 同我按摩左一陣
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-18 22:20 發表

Thanks for additional info. Good to know service level!
小弟甚少評論但hl須然好玩,我都去過幾次,但身為版主將條題日日係咁推,E D 唔係交流再唔收歛,遲早睇吓邊個兄弟唔好彩


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原帖由 an_uu 於 2007-10-20 23:23 發表

小弟甚少評論但hl須然好玩,我都去過幾次,但身為版主將條題日日係咁推,E D 唔係交流再唔收歛,遲早睇吓邊個兄弟唔好彩


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-16 08:58 發表

I may go tomorrow 17/10 too.
Tried doggie at about 14:00 on Oct 17.

She is not so pretty as I expected, but her service was super, just like all your guys which mentioned here.


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原帖由 Ash_Tray 於 2007-10-22 15:24 發表

Tried doggie at about 14:00 on Oct 17.

She is not so pretty as I expected, but her service was super, just like all your guys which mentioned here.
Welcome to oru cum brother team, bro. Ash-tray.......


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原帖由 an_uu 於 2007-10-20 23:23 發表
小弟甚少評論但hl須然好玩,我都去過幾次,但身為版主將條題日日係咁推,E D 唔係交流再唔收歛,遲早睇吓邊個兄弟唔好彩
We will not report any more but just PM!
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-22 16:35 發表

Welcome to oru cum brother team, bro. Ash-tray.......
It's my pleasure~


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-22 19:06 發表

We will not report any more but just PM!
Please ignore what he said and keep posting here, I've been in this forum for over 5 years and I'm sure that everyone know what you are doing here.......


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 Ash_Tray 於 2007-10-22 15:24 發表

Tried doggie at about 14:00 on Oct 17.

She is not so pretty as I expected, but her service was super, just like all your guys which mentioned here.
Please tell usmore about her "super service" given to you last time, OK? Sharing of good experuience is the most important over here.


每日5分鐘,英文Level Up秘技大公開! - 登記全新每日英語,內容豐富又實用

回復 #585 icheng609 的帖子

YCOT or MYCOT? Different strokes for different folks...

FYI. The photos of doggie has been updated  in xxx161.


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回復 #585 icheng609 的帖子

YCOT or MCOT? Different strokes for different folks...

FYI. The photos of doggie has been updated  in xxx161.


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原帖由 gelato 於 2007-10-23 09:29 發表
YCOT or MCOT? Different strokes for different folks...

FYI. The photos of doggie has been updated  in xxx161.
Right......... and this set of photo is far more better than the last one. Thanks for your update.


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Agreed.  The pics of doggie look more like the real person.  But, just wonder if there are 2 %* as the pic and the real person that I met look like different to each other.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 def_lo 於 2007-10-23 11:48 發表
Agreed.  The pics of doggie look more like the real person.  But, just wonder if there are 2 %* as the pic and the real person that I met look like different to each other.
@* looks much more atractive in the photo...........

It will be nice to have 3P with Doggie and @* if we don't mind spending 900 bucks.


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原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-23 03:54 發表

@* looks much more atractive in the photo...........

It will be nice to have 3P with Doggie and @* if we don't mind spending 900 bucks.
@* is too professional and too busy now!!!!
However, she is one of  the "must try list" for our new brother.
But not me now unless no alternative!!!!


立即免費訂閱每周10分鐘英文小貼士 - 一個 Email 輕 鬆學識工作英語、旅遊英語及日常英語!
原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-23 12:12 發表

@* is too professional and too busy now!!!!
However, she is one of  the "must try list" for our new brother.
But not me now unless no alternative!!!!
jj, I want to ask for your opinion. For the next time, should I:

1. get duckie or doggie,
2. try the model again, or
3. get newbie as introduced?
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-23 06:03 發表

jj, I want to ask for your opinion. For the next time, should I:

1. get duckie or doggie,
2. try the model again, or
3. get newbie as introduced?
It is difficult to answer as it depends on your mood ,condition and your personal preference.
For guarantee of service, you should take the one you have tried.
For exposure or excitment, why not try the newbie.


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very good sharing


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原帖由 Ash_Tray 於 2007-10-22 21:25 發表
Please ignore what he said and keep posting here, I've been in this forum for over 5 years and I'm sure that everyone know what you are doing here.......
I went with icheng today but will let him report. For me, it was very good!


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原帖由 peninsula 於 2007-10-24 20:25 發表

I went with icheng today but will let him report. For me, it was very good!


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原帖由 ericwong4362 於 2007-10-25 02:39 發表
Cannot post as have been warned!


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原帖由 ericwong4362 於 2007-10-25 02:39 發表

Dear Eric,

I hope my brief report will be just in time for you.......

On Wednesday, I went with Bro. Pen for another venture to HL.........

Before going there, we had lunch woth Sung to get the fresh information on the status of girls' availability. It seemed not too many good stuff were available.

To play safe, I chose my little Doggie and he trusted my last report and got the little duckie.

The feeling with Doggie was just wonderful. I had my body scratched with blood line at the end. You guys can imagine how "vigorous" the battle was! It lasted for totally 100 minutes.

When I met Pen in the waiting lounge, he just kept on smiling, showing he was heartily contented with the performance of Duckie. But he commented that Duckie was superb "technically" and a bit inferior to Doggie's service with "heart"...............


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。
原帖由 icheng609 於 2007-10-26 00:59 發表

Dear Eric,

I hope my brief report will be just in time for you.......

On Wednesday, I went with Bro. Pen for another venture to HL.........

Before going there, we had lunch woth Sung t ...
What a wonderful trip you have taken recently!!!!


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原帖由 jjchan218 於 2007-10-26 10:46 發表

What a wonderful trip you have taken recently!!!!

I do hope that we three can have the party over there next time.


上網買餸菜包 - 15分鐘完成3餸1湯。不同的健康無味棈餸包,無需洗,切及調味。為你省卻2-3小時煮飯前期的準備功夫。下午3點前落單,最快明天送貨。


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