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haven't been to Becky's for months - found their girls a bit old and inconsistent.
close by there's SG but limited (2-3) choices
MWT also has fine selections


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講明先:  依個係一個好主觀既報告

電話: 647-發生生-(^^*
囡質 : 都幾君真... 120, 140 半個鍾 ...  120 後生4川妹及港女; 140 日韓妹之類

服務 : 唔錯, 好似tom/ becky 咁任坐任吹 招呼好;

           囡唔忙可選美;  有beer, coke, water, 煙 同 水果食tim  


今日食左個 140  大板妹

芳名 : Tiffany
芳齡 : 4.5/5 ; 18,20左右
身材 :  天然均等, B級; 愛大波者唔洗考慮
特色 : 戀女友feel; 愛大波者唔洗考慮; 今日我做左佢男友
服務 :  4/5 bbbj, 有求必應冇炸型, 不過英文好weak, 要用唔少 body langauge

過程  : 都係果d; 傾計,吹,做... 佢有少少真反應.... 好滿足

下期目標 : 川菜妹妹 同 港女 Joey

The end  

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2009-12-9 12:28 編輯 ]

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


In you opinion, is Tiffany a real Japanese (as most are fake)?   How is her looks and did you get DFK or any kissing?  Thanks.


回復 604# 的帖子

REAL JAP with NO FAKE BOOBS (唔通b 都 fake 咩 )

仲有佢係日本大板,英文好有限  ;  不過鄰家女孩果種

anyway she's a very popular chick... bro don't say.. simply wanna privitise..

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2009-12-9 12:34 編輯 ]

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


Thanks brother.  I will give her a spin.


回復 606# 的帖子

The follwing is made by my web-fd. But he truly mistaken me as someone else

Many thanks to lich13 C-hing and rstsang88(大蛇) C-hing,
1st Q
Scarborough花園 recommend by大蛇 c-hing
茶   : Vivian (she is from Guangzhou)
年份: 24
茶杯: 5’4”
茶費: $140/30分鐘 (I stay for 40 min)
茶樣: 7/10
茶杯: 33B
茶孔: 8/10 tight
服務: 7/10 BBBJ with dom, DFK, shower together
回沖率: 8
There were couple of places I should go but don’t know which one is good. When I saw 大蛇 c-hing’s review couple months ago, I decide to pay a visit. Vivian really gives me great GFF. I don’t expect her to do much, just good relax cuddle before I went to work.

I will skip the process since they are nothing spectacular. I finished in missionary position. We cuddle a bit before we head to shower, took a photo of her. Give her家用and leave.

2nd Q
This place is recommend by lich13 c-hing
茶   : Joey (she is really HK, she is here until end of December and will go back HK)
年份: 28
茶杯: 5’3” – 5’4”
茶費: $140/30分鐘 (I stay for 1 hour: 30min of work and 30min of chatting)
茶樣: 8.5/10
茶杯: 33B
茶孔: 8.5/10 tight (She use her body to squeezes Little Juwan)
服務: 9/10 BBBJ with dom, shower together, massage
回沖率: 9
Apparently I want to eat Japanese MM. However when I went to her garage, the lady keeper told me she is serving other c-hing. I was then checking other MM at her place. The lady keeper introduces both ladies but Joey stands out the most as she is quite attractive. Besides, she is legit 陀地 who comes here for a short visit.

Before she serves me, she notices I look tired (obviously from Vivian), so she gave me a body massage. Afterward she used her ball ball to massage little Juwan.

I will skip the process since they are nothing spectacular. I finished in doggie style.
We have a long chat, since the keeper didn’t ask me to leave immediately. We basically talk many things.

On the side note: I get a chance to see the Japanese girl, to be honest, Joey looks much better than the Japanese girl. Although that’s my personal opinion but she is better looking amongst all the girls.

There was something quite hilarious. While a c-hing is trying the Jap girl, he shout to the lady keeper in the bathroom do not start the time. Both Joey and I were giggling. (After reading lich13 c-hing’s fresh report, 80% of my guess is 13 c-hing himself .P.S. Not me  )Joey also gave me great GFE. The drawback is no kissing on her lips. She don’t want to “sink boat” on me.

Both Vivian and Joey are great gals. Will I come back for both of them; it’s very obvious I will.

Sorry my photo skills are not as great as other c-hings are. If you don't agree, don't get mad at me.


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醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


原帖由 lich13 於 2009-12-9 04:33 發表
REAL JAP with NO FAKE BOOBS (唔通b 都 fake 咩 )

仲有佢係日本大板,英文好有限  ;  不過鄰家女孩果種

anyway she's a very popular chick... bro don't say.. simply wanna privitise ...
Did you score Tiffany 4.5 for face?  (as the title was age)  Did you get DFK?

Thanks for the review of Joey...LOL...I would remind the keeper too but won't shout from the bathroom.
So is the picture on the right Joey?


回復 608# 的帖子

yes i do;  i think she's pretty .. but it is all depends, i guese?
details 唔多講,might be u have i don't , and/or vice-versa.. 不過bbbj 肯定個個都得
我唯一可以講既係 我出呢玩咁耐 咩囡都俾我dfk, 差在我肯唔肯既姐

講番我網友既reply 先, 今次我真係俾人老屈, 非本人我呢 h:" />
佢就覺得joey 樣正過tiffany, 我覺得2人幾有千秋啦!
不過 joey 下面tight 都幾firm下, 事關已經唔係一個人咁講佢   

係, 弟2張先係joey; 弟1張係andy 當

老實講,joey果當 有咁多囡, 睇下都無妨既-- 我亦唔係次次都食

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2009-12-11 15:31 編輯 ]

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


原帖由 無名無性 於 2009-12-3 04:25 發表
haven't been to Becky's for months - found their girls a bit old and inconsistent.
close by there's SG but limited (2-3) choices
MWT also has fine selections
that's y i stop going to becky for a while

heard korean miko's coming back next month

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花



電話: 647-發生生-(^^*
依當分別有 香港, 大陸 同 日韓等佳麗
有2當, 1當做鬼佬客為主; 主場做中國人為主; 可選美(非busy hours)
主場組合  次次都係 2/3個技術型姐姐 + 2/3 個後生學生妹
副場唔知, 因為冇去過
任座任吹 水酒煙任食
技術型姐姐分別係 香港nc/ 骨場出身, 須然話係姐姐, 不過keep 得幾好既, 樣20中左右
後生囡  有香港/大陸/ 日韓等妹妹; 聽教聽話, 做都ok ,有求必應唔炸型 ,  樣20頭

講番正題先, 上次報完國仇, 今次國難先
芳名 :  gigi
芳齡 : 20中look, 電眼美人, 小鳥依人女友型
身材 :   c級真波, 中等大小乳雲
特色 : 大場出場 有3得, 吹得,傾得,做得;  佢Massage 亦不錯
服務 :  如上; 不過 係Covered 吹, LFK
Roses : 120/0.5 hr (spent an hr with her)
過程 : 待浴後,佢冇即時吹;  佢叫我番轉身 同我做massage, 都唔錯 成身舒服哂
   之後好似女友依偎我旁 同我傾計; 同時佢上下其手
         大家都有少少反應, 叫佢同我吹 ; 跟住就係果d 啦 。。。 細佬舒服哂
5點 弟2Q  川菜
芳名 : 川菜妹妹shirly
芳齡 : 21,22 妹妹仔 , 好cute, 成日伸舌頭
身材 : bowl 型波 ; 不過可能弟2q 關係, 冇咩留意佢對野  
特色 :  少做易有反應, 多水tight     妹妹仔cute好玩; 好鍾意傾計
服務 : 不錯啜功  lfk ..... 差d吹爆 h:" />h:" />h:" />
過程 : 弟一q 太易俾人ko 有少少不甘心; 睇完電影番去就做川菜妹妹
          我有少少急時間, 因此今次都幾急下
       做都係果d, 可能弟2q 難出少少, 要花左唔少時間
       難為了囡囡, 俾番少少tips啦 , 跟手走人
下期目標 : 如無其他當, 依當會係我既主打店
      聽網友講, joey 下面好tight wor;   
                     另外, keeper 話下星期有 韓妹
      上次吹水發現 另一技術型姐姐(唔記得左名) 係 香港骨場番開,愛massage 者試下無妨, 又冇extra charge

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2009-12-11 15:50 編輯 ]
  • Joes 體力 +28 原創內容 2009-12-12 11:08
  • Joes 威望 +30 原創內容 2009-12-12 11:08
  • Joes 金錢 +30 原創內容 2009-12-12 11:08

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


lich13 C-hing, and all brothers!
This is Juwan5, I am new to site. Wish all of you have a great time and always play smart & play safe
  • lich13 體力 +30 hi brother 2009-12-12 03:35
  • lich13 威望 +30 hi brother 2009-12-12 03:35


Went to the place last night.  All you can drink over there.  Pop, beer, water, tea...you want it, they give.  Girls are ok, service is also ok.  They have 5 girls when I was there, Japanese, couple from HK and of cause from China  
The girl that I had is not bad, but BBBJ with Dom.....no good feel...
I will go back and try another next time.

All and all, I will give 75 out of 100.  Hopefully it will be better next time.

[ 本帖最後由 tongtong1031 於 2009-12-11 13:58 編輯 ]


回復 613# 的帖子

u saying the one i was talking abt?

yes, 姐姐組唔俾環保吹 ; 日本妹可以

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


btw, my post if from bro ju;

from those who apprecaite his 2q report, plz do add he some credits

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


回復 610# 的帖子

Korean Miko,  I thought nobody remembers her.   I for one is a fan of her.  In fact she has been working on and off the last little while.  I bumped into her twice........but she would work 1 or 2 weeks and disappear again......So I did not provide any review as it would more disappoint others.  She was at ABP the last time I saw her, we always seem to click and it was quite a GFE session for me.   


回復 616# 的帖子

same here, is there any way i could contact during her work hours?

betty told me miko gonna work back in her store next month, hope it's real

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


When I browse around YorkXXX. I have seen a new ad.
Joey has changed to Scarborough Garden. Her name is Serena.

Like I said, thing I have dosen't mean you will have. Thing you have dosesn't mean it will applies to me either. If you disagree with me. Don't get mad. I am just giving an indication.
  • rtsang88 體力 +50 keep up the good work 2009-12-16 16:11
  • rtsang88 威望 +50 keep up the good work 2009-12-16 16:11
  • rtsang88 金錢 +50 keep up the good work 2009-12-16 16:11


原帖由 Juwan5 於 2009-12-16 01:44 發表
When I browse around YorkXXX. I have seen a new ad.
Joey has changed to Scarborough Garden. Her name is Serena.

Like I said, thing I have dosen't mean you will have. Thing you have dosesn't mea ...

Like I said, thing I have dosen't mean you will have. Thing you have dosesn't mean I will have.


醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


回復 618# 的帖子

yup , yr info is certified and verified

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


我17歲 想搵條靚 又後生GE 女援 破


原帖由 stephen612 於 2009-12-21 06:37 發表
我17歲 想搵條靚 又後生GE 女援 破
師兄, you are in such a tender age. Here's my personal advice to you. When you are planning to 破處, you should give this to your gf. The one with feeling for you, not 女援.

Afterall, these MM are doing it for her job. They don't care how you feel.
As you grow up in the long run, you have plenty of chances to try MM.
Otherwise you missed the beauty of love and dating.

Why do we all here look for GFF?! GFF= Girl friend feel.
It is because we sometimes missed the feeling between the girl friend and ourselves.
We all made out of flesh & blood, we have emotion too.

If you are planning to just fcuk and no love, you will regret this when you look back in your life.

[ 本帖最後由 Juwan5 於 2009-12-23 13:42 編輯 ]


Yumi & Michelle 中港韓大戰

I want to eat some good Kimchi for a long time. Problem is I don’t know many good places. From my past experiences, I end up looking at newspaper ads and went home disappointed. Most of the Kimchi I’ve met are mature. They are almost 35 and pretend to be 25.   

I have asked my friend lich13 c-hing any good recommendation. He gave me the garage.
So I gave a shot, and went there to taste some good kimchi.

Yumi & Michelle 中港韓大戰

This place is recommended by lich13 c-hing
電話: 647-發生生-(^^*
茶   : YUMI (she is 韓國人 Korean)
年份: 22 (base on the look, cannot be more than 25. She looks like a little girl)
茶杯: close to 5’6”
茶費: 140/30分鐘 (Keeper extended 10 minutes for me) + 10 tips
茶樣: 9.1/10
茶杯: 34C technically speaking, 杯 size is at the borderline of B & C
茶孔: 8/10 tight
服務: 10/10 BBBJ, LFK, occasional DFK, shower together, 69, Great GFF
回沖率: 9 <-if I have many ammo

Sorry Yumi don’t want to be recognize and she told me to get her pic from the official site.

I thought it was another place, when I went to the place, the lady keeper recognizes me.   Last time I have a good session with Joey; the HK gal. Since I am her “regulars”, she ensures Yumi to give great service to me; on top of that, she has extended my session to 40 minutes.  For those newbies, normally the session last only 30 minutes and NO DFK.

The process I am not planning to mention. It’s too lengthy.  This Korean MM have trouble speaking English  but I am very good with my body language  . Always make her laugh! We have some LFK and occasional DFK. I have requested many type of positions, she didn’t complaint and willing to accommodates me. We both cuddle afterward while catching our breath and hug in bed for a while before we take shower together.

I gave her家用+ $10 tips and leave. Yumi is really like a little girl and very cute. Make-ups can disguise the age but her behaviours cannot pretend. Afterall, she is a young girl. When I about to leave; the lady keeper introduces me to other girls. I didn’t realized there were many people who were waiting for YUMI.

Last time, the lady keeper told me the Japanese MM in short hair was good. I thought that was Tiffany, apparently I got mixed up.   She told me, if I could come early tomorrow, she will let me be Tiffany’s first customer of the day. From what I remember, 13 c-hing told me Tiffany has long hair.  
So I cannot resist and told the lady keeper I am coming tomorrow just for Tiffany.


Suppose today was a good day for me, me and my date with Tiffany; unfortunately lady keeper told me Tiffany has booked for Outcall.     So I ran to the garage and see anything good to eat. There were at least 5 girls for me to choose.  

There were Yumi, Michelle, Connie from HK, Gigi and Tina are two other girls. They are not my cup of tea. I saw Yumi and she said hi to me.  At first I was planning to re-eat Yumi, she looks tired so I let her go. I have survey Connie a bit, well, she is alright but not in mood to do her. Then there is this very young girl who sat next to Yumi. She looks young and fresh. Her name is Michelle.  
茶   : Michelle (she is from Sichuan, China)
年份: 22 – 23 (she looks and act like her actual age, there is no way she is more than 24)
茶杯: 5’5”
茶費: 120/30分鐘 (Keeper extended 10 minutes for me) + 10 tips
茶樣: 9/10
茶杯: 34 or 35C (legit C杯, Her shoulder frame ain’t small.)
茶孔: 9/10 tight (She use her body to squeezes Little Juwan)
服務: 9.5/10 BBBJ, shower together, DFK with tongue, 69
回沖率: 11 <-  Sorry guys, I have officially sink boat   
The lady keeper knows I am not happy because I have made appointment for Tiffany and unable to try. So she told me to choose between these 5 girls. When I have chosen Michelle, she told Michelle to give great service to me and again extend my minutes.

For new guys, Michelle’s 家用 is 120/ 30 mins. CBJ only and LFK and NO TONGUE.   

Since she said she had great feel from me, therefore she brakes the rules just for me.

The process I won’t mention in here, they are same old process.

Here are some of the highlights from this session...

- Ever since she closed the door, she just come straight to me and hug me and DFK me.  
- While we take showers together, we also have DFK, she had a candy in her mouth and past it to me while DFK  
- She shivers when I licked her and she is not used to being lick, real water coming out
- When I lifted her up and fcuk, I told her to look in the mirror and she blushed, so adorable
- By the time I am “done” she won’t let me go and she used her body to “squeezes” me for awhile before I come out of her

Gave her家用 + $10tips, I took her number and leave, by the time I left the building I realize I forget to take a photo of her. DAMN!  I was really into this session.

These two girls are from the same garage. I have a very good time with both Michelle and Yumi.
Now I can forget about Joey & Vivian.

Like I said, things I have doesn’t mean you will also have. It is clearly stated from the above.
The above are from my hard earned money and hard work in order to achieve this. This is my version.
If you don’t agree with me, you can post your own version.

If you guys like it, please give me some feedback man. If you are planning to write "Thanks for sharing", please don't bother to reply me.

If you think it is a good post, please give me some points too. Afterall, 2Q in Toronto are very expensive!



原帖由 Juwan5 於 2009-12-23 13:49 發表
I want to eat some good Kimchi for a long time. Problem is I don’t know many good places. From my past experiences, I end up looking at newspaper ads and went home disappointed. Most of th ...
Great report, bro. I think I did see you this time, hehe.

Indeed Mich is named Shirley. However, I always mistakenly call her "Mich" (cuz I'm lich, haha)  ... so the keeper calls her Mich. Meanwhile, try not call her "Mich", it seems she is not happy with her new name

As a matter of fact, Mich's real age is less than 22.

Yes she told me she did not dfk everyone. But in the end, how cares? As long as we got DFK, that's it. Like the old sayig, 10 Wgs end up 21 stories. Haha.  What i tryed to illustrate is that we don't have to keep tooo much attention to WGs' words. As long as they make us happy, "this is it" .

Of cuz it's good u did share everything so that an customer could compare their engagements.

Another credit is that this sichuan gal can do frequent Canto, so it's great to coomunicate with each other.  

Wow wow wow, u 69!?

The new kor is a playful and funny gal. She always has so much cute fiscal expression. Too sad I don't know 2 much Korean. Or else I may "chase" her, hehe.

To most bros, don't be mad with us. The reason why we could be so acquainted with (To be precise, "close to", i guess?) these gals is simply becuz we did pay a lot of cash, i.e. the more cash u give, the more friendly they would be. Haha

So.  This is it.

[ 本帖最後由 lich13 於 2009-12-24 02:27 編輯 ]

醉生夢死, 風花雪月

落花有意隨流水  流水無心戀落花


It's young pussy man, couldn't resist to do a nice 69. If any c-hing could speaks Korean, Yumi will treat you nice.

For Yumi & Michelle, NORMALLY, they don't do many crazy things as I have mentioned from above. They just had great feel with me, they broke their rules just for me. If any of you are frustrated & not agree after trying with Yumi or Michelle, ain't my fault. If you want girls to treat you good, you have to treat them good.




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