走多兩步去新快樂芬蘭浴穩陣D.(Good chicks cost more 係千古不變鴭w律)
靚女經理(i really mean it, 佢肯下海就好啦,比03年任職龍X閣鶗顜饈薛騝Q同佢開鑊):褸L未.
石黑一雄: N年前.
靚女經理: 希望以後會多D. ... ... (skip the irrelevant content...)...We have three different types of massages.(then showed me a price list with description)
(1) ordinary massage(正骨, you won't go there to do this type of massage) $398
(2) 香薰massage - use some xyz oil to blah blah blah...(i still have no idea of what that is) $588(or $598?)
(3) 最全面 massage, - while i asked the 靚女經理何謂最全面, 她接著帶我遊了一輪花園, & still didn't answer my question. At last, my friend asked her (係咪即係包扑? 我永遠都不能原諒我個fan, 佢竟然對住個靚女經理ask such kind of rude question,丟盡我的臉,我發誓以後吾會帶佢出薊)
還是靚女經理有文化,佢咁講: You know what? it's not in my place to tell you that. i'm just a ....(then who can? i wanted to ask but kept my mouth shut instead.)
so, 吹水一輪, if you're new in this kind of things, you still don't know how to choose. But i got experience, i 將平時 ABC餐對號入座,好在佢得三種款式,吾係都吾知點玩配套.
& i guess it right.(Oh, of course i chose type 3,$888)
That night, 'ive seen 5 "partII-girls" (includes the room next door & 彈) Part one 那些不俗, i mean massage, not their faces(not much to tell)
And Part 2, i 彈了兩個(not because they're bad , i just want to check out the average quality ) i got an impression that 陀地比北妹老,但質數較好- provided the small sample, 難免以偏蓋全)the one i shag is nice, & considerate (use her own 0.22 超薄condom, i like it , too expensive - i wore that the first time) 任勞任怨,花式任轉,美中不足係吹要帶con. 躺下時亦懂得配我的節奏典H典席,如狼似虎,-- 我正盤算應如何換位操得她痛痛快快時卻歡愉過度, 一洩如注, 我頂
P.S. because of new opening, next time i will got $100 off (eveyone got one chance only & they don't check ID, how the hell would they know i'm a new customer or not ?)
Also, after 10:00 p.m. - $100 off also, that's strange- Discount at prime time?)
相關搜索目錄: 香薰