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­ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2008-6-11 21:56 µoªí


¦U¦³«e¦]²ö¸r¤H, 内¥~¤@¤Á¦³爲ªk¡A±x¬Ò¨Ì¦]¦Ó産¥Í


¦^´_ #51 colorbhk ªº©«¤l

´£¥Ü: §@ªÌ³Q¸T¤î©Î§R°£ ¤º®e¦Û°Ê«Ì½ª


Very good report, thank you!




Every C-hing,
This is the most touching report I ever read at here.  Totally are stories in stories..every day stories in China.  I am very happy to be friends..if we have chance..We are talking in same language.  Glad to be member at here.^^


­ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2008-6-11 21:56 µoªí


The most ideal mindset will be

1) ¥æ¬y时¡G¦P±¡¦o¡A爱护¥¦¡C

But I could seldom follow this rule..


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2008-6-11 18:23 µoªí

§Ú²Ä¤@饭²°¸ò¤F§Ú¤»¦~¦Z¡C¡C§Ú给¤F¦o¤Q来ÉE¦^®a¸ò¤H¦X§@开饭©±¡C¡C§ä¤F¨kªB¤Í结±B¡C¡C¦ý§Ú没¥h³Ü³ß°s¡C¡C§Ú¥hªº话¡C¡C¬y²´泪 ...
I salute you, ¤j®ü­ô............... ªG¯u "¤j®üµL¶q"!


­ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2008-6-11 21:56 µoªí


¥@¨ÆµLµ´¹ï¹ï¿ù ---- µL½× "­¦¤ß¦p鉄" ©Î¬O "¼¦­»±¤¥É"¡A ¦b¤£¦Pªº«ÈÆ[±ø¥ó¤U¡A ³£¦³¨ä¥i¨ú©Ê¡I ¤Ú¥´­Ì¡A ÀH½t§a¡I


­ì©«¥Ñ glucerna ©ó 2008-6-11 21:56 µoªí


The most ideal mindset will be

1) ¥æ¬y时¡G¦P±¡¦o¡A爱护¥¦¡C

But I could seldom follow this rule..






­ì©«¥Ñ eric36 ©ó 2008-6-12 11:07 µoªí
so your rod never gets hard or you die everytime??


­ì©«¥Ñ KMY89 ©ó 2008-6-9 02:39 µoªí

Kmy ¥u¬Ý¦è¤ù©M¥~°ê¼@¶°¡A¤W¦¸¦b±`¥­¥ÃùÚ¶Rªº¤@®M Charles Wilson's war ¨S¦³¤¤¤å¦r¹õ¡A­Ó¤k¦ñ¤T¤ÀÄÁ«á´N°V¨ì¬y¤f¤ô ... Kmy ´¿¹Á¸Õ¤F¸Ñ¥L­Ìªº¤å¤Æ¡A¦ý¯uªº«ÜÃø¡A¥L ...
I suppose we cannot really generalise in this way, as there are some professional ladies who know and read a lot.  Try the other thread in this forum, for example the 141 topic under this Guide ©]¹C­·¤ë , you will find some brothers here reallly appreciate some girls in the 141 or USB business who have the breath of taste and knowledge a lot of HK girls cannot even comprehend.  For that Univ. prof. it could well be the case.  But then, if you look at HK, anything is possible, right ?  a 28-year old kid who happens to know the right person in the government /political party will now earn in a month more than a cleaner can make in a year !  Nothing is going to surprise us anymore !!


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-6-12 10:08 µoªí

I salute you, ¤j®ü­ô............... ªG¯u "¤j®üµL¶q"!
But I think I own her a lot...

Her Mother always urged her to go home and get married...usual for people in the countryside...and she just refused and kept staying with me..not for money...I did not give her much money....

And of course she had to go home finally..at 24...a little money for her cannot compensate a small fraction of her priceless youth whenever I think of her..I feel...


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2008-6-13 02:49 µoªí

But I think I own her a lot...

Her Mother always urged her to go home and get married...usual for people in the countryside...and she just refused and kept staying with me..not for money...I ...
Do you still have contact with her as good friends...? I think there is no problem and it will be good to keep up the good relationship though the affair is terminated.


¦^´_ #65 icheng609 ªº©«¤l

But I think it is no good to both the girl and our friend if still keep the contact.


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-6-13 10:07 µoªí
But I think it is no good to both the girl and our friend if still keep the contact.
ÉA³s§A³£­ø¦P·N "¦A¨£¥ç¬OªB¤Í" ³o¥y¸Ü«§¡H¡H


¦^´_ #67 icheng609 ªº©«¤l

My No: 2 is a good example, she married and keep contact with me., which is 1 of the reasons she divorced.


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-6-13 10:16 µoªí

ÉA³s§A³£­ø¦P·N "¦A¨£¥ç¬OªB¤Í" ³o¥y¸Ü«§¡H¡H
­ø¦n­ÚÉÆÉÆı±o¦³¾÷·|ªðÂàÀY, §_«hÊ\¥i¯àÉNËݺò±i¬q±B«Ã.

§Ú²°¶ºÂ÷¶}²`¦`, ¥h¸ò¿Ë±­°µ©Ð¦a²£, §Ú³£keep¦í­Ú­ÓmessageÊ\, ¥sÊ\­Ú
¤ß¾÷°µ, ­ø¦nªL¦í°µ­ø¦n´Nªð²`¦`.

¤H´N«YËÝ°I, ­ø¨ìµ´¸ô­ø·|·Q¿ìªk¸Ñ¨M°ÝÃD

¬ÛÃö·j¯Á¥Ø¿ý: ©Ð¦a²£


­ì©«¥Ñ 7-siu ©ó 2008-6-13 10:19 µoªí
My No: 2 is a good example, she married and keep contact with me., which is 1 of the reasons she divorced.
1. ÃÒ©ú¦oªº ex ¨S¦³¥]®e¤§¤ß¡A quality ¬Æ§C¡I

2. ¦oªº©R运¥O¨ì¦o³Ì¦Z¸ò随§A¡A §A¤~¬O¦oªº³ì¤ì¡I


¦^´_ #69 colorbhk ªº©«¤l

¤£¹L§Ú©l²×¬Û«H发®i©M«O«ù¤Í±¡¬O¥i¯àªº............. ÁöµM§A©M¦oªº¥t¤@¥b会·P¨ìÃø¥H±µ¨ü¡I


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-6-13 09:15 µoªí
Do you still have contact with her as good friends...? I think there is no problem and it will be good to keep up the good relationship though the affair is terminated.
Yes, for the first half year or so and then one time when we were talking on the phone a man's voice was heard..and I could feel something wrongfrom the Mm's voice...
I did not call for a while and later MM changed her phone number...

It is good for me not to interfere with her anymore...and wish her good luck..and hope not to hear from her again...becos if she called again..something bad must have happeded...


­ì©«¥Ñ Haidada ©ó 2008-6-13 11:57 µoªí

Yes, for the first half year or so and then one time when we were talking on the phone a man's voice was heard..and I could feel something wrongfrom the Mm's voice...
I did not call for a whil ...
°ò©ó¦¨长©M­I´º¤£¦P¡A ¥[¤W¤å¤Æ®t²§¡A ³o¤]«ÜÃø©Ç.....!

­ü¡I ­YªG¥i¥HÁŹF¤@ D¡A ²´¥ú©ñ»·¤@ D ©M¤ß¯ÝÂX¤j¤@ D¡A ¥@¬É°Z¤£§ó¬ü¦n¡H¡H¡H¡I¡I¡I


­ì©«¥Ñ icheng609 ©ó 2008-6-13 06:07 µoªí

°ò©ó¦¨长©M­I´º¤£¦P¡A ¥«ÜÃø©?....!

­ü¡I ­YªG¥i¥HÁŹF¤@ D¡A ²´¥ú©ñ»·¤@ D ©M¤ß¯ÝÂX¤j¤@ D¡A ¥@¬É°Z¤£§ó¬ü¦n¡H¡H¡H¡I¡I¡I


­ì©«¥Ñ jjchan218 ©ó 2008-6-13 14:26 µoªí

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