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[原創] “精”盟會 – Operation Lexus 淩志行動: 聯手炮轟 GDI (Mini MP)

回復 50# 的帖子

Come on man, it's already 09:00.  Time to continue your report please!!

I must revenge, I must go there and to be the Ga Tan Ying very very soon!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-4 09:00 發表
Come on man, it's already 09:00.  Time to continue your report please!!

I must revenge, I must go there and to be the Ga Tan Ying very very soon!!
Yes, it is 9ish but I need to work to get some poor $ to fund my trip to be the actor or otherwise, I could only watch movie at home, hj myself..


OK, I'll keep my eyes open for your report.

Ga Tan Ying, Ga Tan Ying, I wish I were Ga Tan Ying!  I need to practice more on 閃電磨打插女手!!


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-4 00:43 發表

I now understand how great you two did in selecting these 2 nice girls.  YOu discovered the pearl behind the wheat..

Some addition to my report
I used the same room as Jes+Def did...  same cho ...

, 戲 Den !

精英盟會頂瓜瓜, 目標明確無偏差, 兄弟同心齊齊揸,女女猛話跨啦啦!


原帖由 麥迪文 於 2008-8-4 10:22 發表

淫亂有野昅, 雙鳳戲 Den 叔 !



原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-4 09:48 發表
OK, I'll keep my eyes open for your report.

Ga Tan Ying, Ga Tan Ying, I wish I were Ga Tan Ying!  I need to practice more on 閃電磨打插女手!!
-后傳 "   
I was ready.. 淫淫 told me to lie on the bed.
I said to her, yes Madam. 淫淫 then gave a kiss to me on the face, moving down slowly and licking my body..
Then, she reached my didi, which was hard like a rod already.
荡荡 did not wait for long and she moved to sit next to me and licked my ball ball.
For a few min, they worked hard on my body and I also reached out to the girls with my “Ga Tang Ying” fingers to荡荡 (淫淫 is too far away from me).
Da da da da, 淫淫 stopped suddenly and she smiled to 荡荡 and hmm, they started to leave me out and they da-cannoned to each other, and licked each other mimis..
A very erotic scene and I watched it from a bottom-up angle in between them since I was still lying on the bed and they were on their knees.
After 2-3 min, they stopped.
淫淫 then pulled out the long pipe with 2 heads and with both of them now sitting down on the bed next to me, they started to put the “heads” slowly, inch by inch, into their own parts.
By now, the 5.1 Movie surround sound was on…ar ar oh oh…

It was not long (I mean the time, not the pipe) and they started to go for the 2nd pipe, which had the strap on.
淫淫 then teased me with whipping the whip on the bed, pretending to beat me.
It was a small act but it was fun since 淫淫 also said something erotic.

Now it was the time for the final act, it was 荡荡 that took the “man” role.
It was my first time to see a girl wearing this..
I was again the sufferer, still lying on the bed, 淫淫 moved to the top of me with her butts facing out..
荡荡 then, moved slowly and put the pipe into 淫淫 from the back (not a. hole, I think, since I could not see it).
It was a human sandwich and I should have asked if they were open to double penetration..
It was a good 15 min of act and I was pleased to be actor, although I thought I’d be better to be the audience..
  • 麥迪文 體力 +52 Yes! Better to be the audience! 2008-8-4 12:14


You guys are in heaven ! I am so pleased that I am a man ! not a woman in China.




淫淫、蕩蕩,I'll be back!!



相關搜索目錄: 裝修


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-4 12:32 發表
I think the pork chops also provide excellent service, may be even better.. Do you want to try? You have eaten too much shark's fin..  A piece of pork chop may unexpectedly trigger your desire and you may get the most wonderful experience from her  

相關搜索目錄: 裝修


原帖由 7-siu 於 2008-8-4 12:25 發表
You guys are in heaven ! I am so pleased that I am a man ! not a woman in China.
Yes. I had this flash of thought while watching them doing the 2F1M.   However, on 2nd thought, rather than sympathizing them, if they are hardworking and committing to make us happy, I/we would rather compliment with tips.  Praising them is a good move as well if they are worth.  In fact, we said some sweet words to them and they were happier.


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-4 13:04 發表

I think the pork chops also provide excellent service, may be even better.. Do you want to try? You have eaten too much shark's fin..  A piece of pork chop may unexpectedly trigger your desir ...
Well, that may be considered if you are going to provide me with a blind as well !!!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-4 14:03 發表

Well, that may be considered if you are going to provide me with a blind as well !!!!
No problem.. Count on me. Just buy a pair of eye shade for $5..  

When you take action, imagine that she is Tanya while in fact, you are eating the pork chop.  

Wa, I think i will bring my own eye shade to play next time.  1st round with my eyes covered and 2nd round with her eyes covered.  Aiya, want to go now again!!


回復 63# 的帖子

Why do you always appear to be so readily available to go at any time you want!!

Ga Tan Ying ..............!! GDI ...........................!! I'll be back ..........!! VERY SOON!!!!!!!!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-4 14:57 發表
Why do you always appear to be so readily available to go at any time you want!!

Ga Tan Ying ..............!! GDI ...........................!! I'll be back ..........!! ...
I am just dreaming...  I would not be able to go there this week but I never know..    

You'd better reserve the Panda pair..  Without one of them, you could not be the Ga Tan Ying...


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-4 15:03 發表

I am just dreaming...  I would not be able to go there this week but I never know..    

You'd better reserve the Panda pair..  Without one of them, you could not be the Ga Tan Ying...
Of course, I would prefer to go there together with another brother (only 1 as it is quite difficult to pick the 3rd girl according to my standard), and reserve this pair of panda to play again

If not, I would go there alone for either one of them.  I won't definitely go for other pork chop even if you are so generous to buy me an eye-shade!!!!!!!


Denny ~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Bravo !!!!!! what a excellent report !!

you know... i can't connect to the forum during office hours in the office...
(due to the network connection problem...)
I am so hurry to know what happened to you... and I ask def_lo to copy and paste in msn ... what you have written ....

wah......... unbelievable experience !!!!!!!!!
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-4 21:59 發表
Denny ~~~~~~~~~!!!!

Bravo !!!!!! what a excellent report !!

you know... i can't connect to the forum during office hours in the office...
(due to the network connection problem...)
I am so hur ...
You could do it as well. It is just 1.5 hrs away and $500 penalty..  and a partner..


maybe next time...i will do it by myself....
me only....
no spectator...
hahahahahaa !!!
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-4 22:12 發表
maybe next time...i will do it by myself....
me only....
no spectator...
hahahahahaa !!!
Or be Edison to film it..  To be honest, I think it is better to be a spectator during the 2F1M game..


You two naughty guys dared to try the MP game without Froggie! When shall we have the same fun together........?
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


回復 71# 的帖子

大哥,你話呢......!!??  哈哈!!


喂....真係 wor...  幾時得閒先...
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-11 21:02 發表
喂....真係 wor...  幾時得閒先...
you have eaten twins, little secretary already..  time for a change??


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-11 23:53 發表
you have eaten twins, little secretary already..  time for a change??
In fact, being a movie star is always on our priority list.  Last week, the manager replied via SMS that the room fee is waived!




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