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精” 盟會 - 蜘蛛俠 廣華遇高手 ! 慘敗於 “降龍十八掌: 左右神龍” 之下 !!!

原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 09:58 發表

幸好有蜘蛛仔做 cum 兄弟, 共同分享双生兒的樂趣!
佢地 level 好高...

沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 10:14 發表
Please let me have her details. He ate my TWINs and I'll take her little secretary as a revenge!
Hey Hey Hey ~~~!!

我好好地對 twins 架...

沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-12 14:25 發表
Twins in am then OL in pm?  definitely not recommend... or you better keep some of our china phone number for reference, and let us know when you arrive in Kwong Wah... coz we might need to draft a pl ...
It is almost impossible.......assumed my top performance is that i can do 5 times in 5 hours.......
(2 hours action... rest for 1 hour.... then 2 hours action again...)

you will definitely squeezed by either the little secretary or the twins at the first round.....
and you won't have any forces for the 2nd round........
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-12 16:34 發表
I know there are still a lot of romms for improvement in using the secret weapon --- I am still learning it!

What about Spiderman's secret weapon? Even more powerful?
about the secret weapon...
please email me for further discussion...
I have pm my email to u....
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-12 21:30 發表

It is almost impossible.......assumed my top performance is that i can do 5 times in 5 hours.......
(2 hours action... rest for 1 hour.... then 2 hours action again...)

you will definitely s ...

I have a low target for myself as I do not want to call 112.  I am targetting a modest 2 shots for 1st round and 1 shot for 2nd round.   I think it is possible, but may not worth it. I may save the 2nd round for next time and do something else, may be a quickie at FL or a good dinner.

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 08:38 編輯 ]


回復 55# 的帖子

Can't agree any more.  At our age, we are aiming at quality rather than quantity!


原帖由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-12 21:26 發表

Hey Hey Hey ~~~!!

我好好地對 twins 架...

ok...........呢次我就放生你個小秘書, 但己落入蛙蛙行动名冊裡面, 走唔甩架!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


High turnover in hospital... if you miss it... then you might not be able to cheuk her again... just like the best I have tried...she is being privatised after 1 weeks of my first visit...


原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-13 08:49 發表
High turnover in hospital... if you miss it... then you might not be able to cheuk her again... just like the best I have tried...she is being privatised after 1 weeks of my first visit...
Do you think I'll be away from the Hospital for a long time...........?
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-13 08:51 發表
Do you think I'll be away from the Hospital for a long time...........?
Of course not, especially after you have been fully squeezed and extracted by YY and DD!!


today in GDI, sometime next week 去了解英軍... i am wonder you still have energy to go to hospital... haha


TWIN 雙飛,



原帖由 Retav 於 2008-8-13 10:30 發表
today in GDI, sometime next week 去了解英軍... i am wonder you still have energy to go to hospital... haha
Why not.............?

But TIME is really a constraint to me. I have to do quite some works after my 2 weeks' leave in my office.
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


I tried!!  but I have to admit that I had ruined the recoomendation of brothers and more importantly, the image of HK men..  I only delivered 1.5 times...  I have to retire.... I will retire for a while..  

The girls
I arrived hospital on time, in fact, 5 min before manager returned from dinner..  I did not waste the 5 min. as I inspected the quality of girls.. Quite good wor.. average quality better than many CA snas.  I loved the OL girls as most of them looked good and slim..     However, since I came all the way for twins, I chit-chated with them while they wree waiting for inspection by other customers.  haha not bad.  

The hosptial
However, it is still a hospital and patients were everywhere and some guys (including me) had to wait for rooms.  Waiters/waitresses screaming here and there..  I almost thought I was at a busy restaurant, and the girls were patrolling with dim sum..  Siu Mai, Ha Kou, Cha Siu Bao, .

The twins
Wa, I have never seen a twins look so alike, let alone a twins working in the service industry!  My saliva was dropping as both of them had good spec, slim, 1.6m, long hair, good figures...  After spending a lot of times distinguishing them (I liked playing the game to find 5 differences between 2 look-alike pictures), I think that I know the tricks.  One of them, I called 麻麻, the skin is a bit rough, but softer in character.. The other is called   辣辣,the skin is smoother, tighter (more muscular) and   辣 in character.   

The process
I reviewed the write-up Jes did on the 1st page of this report, it was written in a Nobel prize standard that I felt I had nothing to add.   There were some funny and good moments..   

when I slept on the water mattress, the 2 girls bent my legs  like a "V" but rotating 90 degree.  Then  麻麻 bj me and 辣辣 licked my ball ball. It was not the 1st time for a 3P game like this but when I looked into their face (they were inches away), it was quite funny..

when I slept on the bed,  麻麻 was being toe-fxxxx by me and  辣辣 was riding me like a wild horse (or the reverse).  I saw  麻麻 going up and  辣辣 going down, like the pistons inside the car engine.  The worse thing wa that they looked so alike and with them separating 1 feet away, I could saw 2 images going up and down on me, and some scary movie like Basic Instinct, Scary Movies, etc came to my mind. I was imagining they were carrying a knife going to snap me..   Why did I have that kind of scary movie feel? I will explain later and it was related to my 1.5 times.


回復 64# 的帖子


You are great...........!

Welcome to become cum brothers again, and I am eager to know your 1.5 times story. Hurry up, man.
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


回復 64# 的帖子

Why did I have that kind of scary movie feel? I will explain later and it was related to my 1.5 times.
Right after my 1st unloading, before I strolled to the shower room, I noticed that I missed a call...  Oh shit, it was my tiger!   How come she called me since she was supposed to be busy with her friends until 10-11pm? She left a message saying:" where are you? I want to join you... :"   How coudl I decline her offer since I could not ask her to join my 3p with twins, I was already very busy with them already.  Her sound also sounded weird.  shit, did she send someone to follow me or I had been spotted?  Suddenly, the phone rang again.. To my relief, her meeting with friends was cancelled and she asked if I could have dinner with her.  I calmly said "my dear, I could not since I was still busy with work and then I had to have dinner with colleagues. She said OK and talked to you later".  

I was relieved but my mood was affected. I was still worried "is it a trap?" That;s why I had the ghost feeling when I saw the twins in my 2nd round..  Luckily, when I answered the phone, the twins did not scream and said " Honey, we are waiting for you..."..  haha


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:27 發表
Why did I have that kind of scary movie feel? I will explain later and it was related to my 1.5 times.
Right after my 1st unloading, before I strolled to the shower room, I noticed tha ...
應該有 "死過番生" 既感覺, 更應全力以赴, 做到盡、 做到好!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


原帖由 icheng609 於 2008-8-14 14:31 發表

應該有 "死過番生" 既感覺, 更應全力以赴, 做到盡、 做到好!
not so serious as 死過番生 but my playing mood was affected. Compared to my last 2+1 at venetian, this mission 性价比 is relatively lower..

How come you sound like Donald Tsang?  Are you one of his highly paid recent hires?

I will also  explore new girls, new playground and new way of playing to express my gratitude to the recommendations given by all brothers here ( and also "食头围" )

I owe you all a big thank

[ 本帖最後由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:40 編輯 ]


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:37 發表

not so serious as 死過番生 but my playing mood was affected. Compared to my last 2+1 at venetian, this mission 性价比 is relatively lower..

How come you sound like Donald Tsang?  Are you one of ...
Not exactly.............. but we are of the similar age group (of course, he is much older la!) and that's why we sound alike.
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


回復 66# 的帖子

Relax, man, the girls there are very pro! They know when to stop screaming and even know when to turn off the TV too!!


原帖由 def_lo 於 2008-8-14 14:43 發表
Relax, man, the girls there are very pro! They know when to stop screaming and even know when to turn off the TV too!!
you are right.. I am more worried about the service boy knocking on the door and screamed "here come your ice lemon tea" in Mandarin. Then, I am "

May be I coudl still say "How come HK now is invaded with mainland people!!"


Have to be off for the appointment with a beautiful dietian now. Ciao, guys!
精英盟會頂瓜瓜,目標明確無偏差,啜到 D 女变奶媽,囡囡猛話跨啦啦!


原帖由 denny2000 於 2008-8-14 14:45 發表
you are right.. I am more worried about the service boy knocking on the door and screamed "here come your ice lemon tea" in Mandarin. Then, I am "

May be I coudl still say "How c ...
You can also be rest assured in this aspect too.  You know, last time I ordered a dish of fried rice.  They didn't knock the door until my girl called and asked.  


Wonderful Denny !!!!!!!
It is definitely a grade A research level paper, and you can raise a lot of funds to support your further research in this topic.

I totally agree what you said: "hospital feel"
They look like working in emergency service... and always screaming:
"who this client belong to ? which room no. ?"
"officer chan !!! officer chan !!! your client arrived !!!"
"who this guy is ? coming out from which room ??"

This is their weakness ......
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !


Well... very sorry to hear that your tiger phoned to you during your action...

It was happened the same to me... (not during the action... but on my way returning to HK. nearly arrived to the border.....) def lo hear that also...

I was so scared... and not dare to answer the phone !
But def lo was very calm... and doing sign to ask me to answer the phone...
and he will be ready to provide cover for me by saying: where we go for tea ?

But I was so scared... i didn't noticed his sign...
not dare to answer....
and need to wait to pass the border and give her back a call....

same feeling... i totally understand...

[ 本帖最後由 jetspermman 於 2008-8-14 23:45 編輯 ]
沒有一種活動像 Fxxk those hot chicks 般, 讓我感覺這樣激動, 思想如此起伏. 亦余心之所善兮雖九死其猶未悔.

This is Anfield ! 這裡便是晏菲路 ! You'll Never Fxxk Alone !




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