原帖由 scott299 於 2011-4-27 19:41 發表
做飲食, 要做得好唔容易, 但要做得衰就非常容易,
做呢行求求其其, 唔識扮識既大有人在(包括老細同伙計)............
做飲食, 要做得好唔容易 x 2 ...
you're right and what I did now is recover all problems by the last kitchen team , of course my boss and me .....fry them all already
, 但要做得衰就非常容易, x 2
you're right again . Just like the last kitchen team 成班井底蛙阿叔 , 講就兇狠, 做就碌銀 .....they can cook somethings really bad taste and bad presentation like 大家樂 , 哩班阿叔係土生土長香港人 , 英文中文不懂 , 居然有人請佢地做 chef , cook French food , 但係佢地其實係 cook food like 快餐
even their look ........really look like 大牌檔 d 師傅
做呢行求求其其, 唔識扮識既大有人在(包括老細同伙計)............
you're right again .......
ha ha ..........................信佢地一成,雙目失明 ......................
Now .......my boss & me work so hard for better food and better business ........is only recover their fault in this 5 yrs ......
( 佢地 d Food .....................like shit but need the guest to pay ., Fuck ! 趕客佢地專長)
but one good thing , we fry them early ..................thank god !
anyways ..........................work hard and earn a bit better business ...................OK la ....
we can hold this prize is already not bad ......( I think )
my boss & me work hard for one year ......but they made shit for 5 yrs .....................ha ha .....
guy , understand what I want to say ......